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Showing latest 50 of 160 images tagged with Men at Work tag.

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SJ9593 : Men at work by Gerald England Men at work by Gerald England
for square SJ9593
The men are working on the retaining wall on Stockport Road SJ9593 : Retaining wall construction. The... (more)
J4080 : 'Men at Work' sign, Holywood by Rossographer 'Men at Work' sign, Holywood by Rossographer
geograph for square J4080
A 'Men at Work' sign on the beach at Seapark, Holywood. It was... (more)
Tags: BeachX   top:CoastalX   type:GeographX   place:HolywoodX   Men at Work   SignX   subject:SignX  
ST3088 : Men at work, Queensway, Newport by Jaggery Men at work, Queensway, Newport by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3088
On April 15th 2023 men wearing orange dayglo are working on the approaches to... (more)
NC8507 : Linesmen at Work in Strath Brora, Sutherland by Andrew Tryon Linesmen at Work in Strath Brora, Sutherland by Andrew Tryon
geograph for square NC8507
Men at work adjusting an overhead power line above the road in Strath Brora in... (more)
ST3189 : Men and machine at work, Albany Street, Crindau, Newport by Jaggery Men and machine at work, Albany Street, Crindau, Newport by Jaggery
for square ST3189
A Noel Fitzgerald Ltd machine is noisily digging into the pavement near the... (more)
SJ8498 : Men (two and a woman) at work by Gerald England Men (two and a woman) at work by Gerald England
for square SJ8498
A brick wall attached to scaffolding at the vacant plot on the corner of Lever... (more)
SJ9593 : Work on Stockport Road retaining wall by Gerald England Work on Stockport Road retaining wall by Gerald England
for square SJ9593
The men are working on the retaining wall on Stockport Road. The wall overlooks... (more)
TA0588 : Men at work by Pauline E Men at work by Pauline E
for square TA0588
Catching up on a few jobs at low tide in East Harbour.
SD3140 : Men at Work by Gerald England Men at Work by Gerald England
for square SD3140
On the Norbreck Castle Hotel SD3140 : Norbreck Castle Hotel and Tramstop.
ST3088 : Workers on the roundabout opposite Queensway, Newport by Jaggery Workers on the roundabout opposite Queensway, Newport by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3088
Men wearing orange and yellow dayglo are at work on May 6th 2021.
NO5603 : Men at work by Richard Sutcliffe Men at work by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NO5603
They appear to be replacing the guttering on the house on Castle Street.
SJ9495 : Men at Work by Gerald England Men at Work by Gerald England
for square SJ9495
Relaying the gas main on Market Street.
SJ8397 : Men at Work by Gerald England Men at Work by Gerald England
for square SJ8397
On the Manchester Town Hall Extension.
NZ2544 : Men at work, Sniperley Farm by Pauline E Men at work, Sniperley Farm by Pauline E
geograph for square NZ2544
Next door to the Park & Ride.
SE7170 : Men at work, Castle Howard by Pauline E Men at work, Castle Howard by Pauline E
geograph for square SE7170
Not sure if it's the stonework or the windows getting some attention here.
SE7170 : Running repairs by Pauline E Running repairs by Pauline E
geograph for square SE7170
Men at work on the south elevation, Castle Howard. View towards Ray Wood.
TQ3425 : Men at Work, Lindfield, Sussex by Peter Trimming Men at Work, Lindfield, Sussex by Peter Trimming
geograph for square TQ3425
After a heavy leaf-fall, council workers are busy clearing the wet leaves from... (more)
SD3128 : Maintaining St Annes' pier by Gerald England Maintaining St Annes' pier by Gerald England
geograph for square SD3128
The workmen maintaining St Annes' pier have cordoned off an area and... (more)
Tags: BeachX   top:CoastalX   type:GeographX   Men at Work   PierX   RefurbishmentX   place:St Annes-on-the-SeaX   VanX  
SJ7796 : Electrician at work by Adrian Taylor Electrician at work by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SJ7796
A director’s chair provides some comfort on a cold, frosty morning for the... (more)
SP9012 : Work on the side of the Wendover Arm of the Grand Union Canal by Chris Reynolds Work on the side of the Wendover Arm of the Grand Union Canal by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9012
See SP9012 : Lining the canal sides on the Wendover Arm for detailed description of the work in progress
SP9012 : Lining the canal sides on the Wendover Arm by Chris Reynolds Lining the canal sides on the Wendover Arm by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9012
The process involves the following stages (1) The side is excavated smoothly... (more)
ST3090 : Roofers at work in Malpas, Newport by Jaggery Roofers at work in Malpas, Newport by Jaggery
geograph for square ST3090
In December 2015, light rainfall does not deter roofers at work on a suburban roof.
SP9113 : Repairing Startops Reservoir (6) Grouting Stonework at the Reservoir Spillway by Chris Reynolds Repairing Startops Reservoir (6) Grouting Stonework at the Reservoir Spillway by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9113
I was interested to see working being done here as the reservoir has never been... (more)
TA0389 : Yorkshire Water at work in Scarborough by Pauline E Yorkshire Water at work in Scarborough by Pauline E
geograph for square TA0389
Between 2011 and 2014 Yorkshire Water will be investing more than £50 million to... (more)
SE7170 : Groundsmen at work by Pauline E Groundsmen at work by Pauline E
geograph for square SE7170
Working on the paths in the Spring sunshine at Castle Howard.
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   Men at Work  
SP2965 : Fallen poplars, Emscote Gardens, Warwick  by Robin Stott Fallen poplars, Emscote Gardens, Warwick by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Several trunks of a group of hybrid poplars on the riverbank blew down in the... (more)
NT5585 : East Lothian Townscape : Looking good, not too shabby! by Richard West East Lothian Townscape : Looking good, not too shabby! by Richard West
geograph for square NT5585
Cerrone (1979)
NT5585 : East Lothian Townscape : Walk This Way by Richard West East Lothian Townscape : Walk This Way by Richard West
for square NT5585
"If I could walk that way, I........"
NT5585 : East Lothian Townscape : "Why?"...."Erm"...."See"...."Eh?" by Richard West East Lothian Townscape : "Why?"...."Erm"...."See"...."Eh?" by Richard West
for square NT5585
Mr Yellow : "Would any of you guys be interested in auditioning for a... (more)
SJ9594 : Chop and drop by Gerald England Chop and drop by Gerald England
for square SJ9594
Tree surgeon at work thinning trees at Swains Valley.
SJ9593 : Man at work by Gerald England Man at work by Gerald England
for square SJ9593
An engineer from British Telecom is at the top of a telegraph pole fitting a new cable.
SJ9593 : Man at work by Gerald England Man at work by Gerald England
for square SJ9593
An engineer from British Telecom is at the top of a telegraph pole fitting a new cable.
SJ9594 : Demolition work on Mount Street by Gerald England Demolition work on Mount Street by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9594
The former Frames Snooker and Pool Hall SJ9594 : Frames Snooker & Pool Hall and associated buildings... (more)
SU5886 : Drain work by Bill Nicholls Drain work by Bill Nicholls
for square SU5886
Emergency work on the drains along station road Cholsey
SP9211 : Pollarding the Churchyard Trees at Tring (2) The Woodman at work by Chris Reynolds Pollarding the Churchyard Trees at Tring (2) The Woodman at work by Chris Reynolds
for square SP9211
When cutting these thin poles he first makes a small nick on one side and then... (more)
Tags: Men at Work   top:Park and Public GardensX   top:People, EventsX   tree:PollardedX   subject:TreeX  
H4572 : Painters at work, Campsie Road, Omagh by Kenneth  Allen Painters at work, Campsie Road, Omagh by Kenneth Allen
geograph for square H4572
I wouldn't like to jump up and down on one of these machines.
SJ8989 : Constructing Stockport Viaduct by Gerald England Constructing Stockport Viaduct by Gerald England
for square SJ8989
A truncated former lamppost SJ8989 : Top of Shield Street supports a piece of lamppost art. It... (more)
SJ9295 : Man at Work by Gerald England Man at Work by Gerald England
for square SJ9295
The man on top of the cherry-picker is doing something to the framework above... (more)
SJ8498 : Corner of Lever Street and Piccadilly by Gerald England Corner of Lever Street and Piccadilly by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8498
A brick wall attached to scaffolding at the vacant plot on the corner of Lever... (more)
SJ9594 : Virgin at work by Gerald England Virgin at work by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9594
On the Virgin Media cabinet on Dowson Road, shrouded in a waterproof tent.
SP9111 : Erecting a new road sign in Miswell Lane, Tring by Chris Reynolds Erecting a new road sign in Miswell Lane, Tring by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9111
A new road sign, naming Goldfield Road, is being installed at the junction of... (more)
SP9111 : Replacing a Street Light Bulb in Buckingham Road, Tring by Chris Reynolds Replacing a Street Light Bulb in Buckingham Road, Tring by Chris Reynolds
geograph for square SP9111
A very routine operation for the person doing it, but one well worth recording... (more)
NX0660 : Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX0660
NX0660 : Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX0660
Stranraer Creamery in the background.
NX0660 : Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX0660
NX0660 : Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie Road Works at Stranraer by Billy McCrorie
geograph for square NX0660
The blue building is Stranraer Creamery.
SP2965 : Fallen poplars, Emscote Gardens, Warwick  by Robin Stott Fallen poplars, Emscote Gardens, Warwick by Robin Stott
geograph for square SP2965
Several trunks of a group of hybrid poplars on the riverbank blew down in the... (more)
TA0488 : Provider enters the harbour by Pauline E Provider enters the harbour by Pauline E
geograph for square TA0488
The fishermen are busy at work sorting the catch as they enter the harbour.... (more)
TA0588 : Keen Geographers? by Pauline E Keen Geographers? by Pauline E
geograph for square TA0588
No, just a couple of workmen who appear to be doing some kind of survey on the... (more)
NT6779 : East Lothian Townscape : Settling In To Another Day At Work by Richard West East Lothian Townscape : Settling In To Another Day At Work by Richard West
geograph for square NT6779
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