Lakeland Barn at Coniston Hall
by Chris Heaton
geograph for square SD3096
Passed by on the Cumbria Way long distance footpath.
Cumbria Way below Anne Riggs
by Chris Heaton
geograph for square SD2892
The long distance footpath heading south west in the shallow valley carved out... (more)
Cumbria Way beside Mere Beck
by Chris Heaton
geograph for square SD2892
The Cumbria Way by Old Hall Wood
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
The public footpath from Old Hall Farm to Bortree Stile climbs beside the north... (more)
Gill Banks, The Cumbria Way Alternative Route
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The public footpath runs from The Gill to Old Hall Road alongside and above Gill... (more)
Woodland Path, Gill Banks
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The public footpath runs from The Gill to Old Hall Road alongside and above Gill... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Gill Banks
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The Cumbria Way, Gill Banks
The Cumbria Way long distance footpath turns left... (more)
Public footpath near Broughton Beck
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2882
The public footpath from Broughton Beck to Knapperthaw crosses this field to the... (more)
Public footpath near Broughton Beck
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2882
The public footpath from Broughton Beck to Knapperthaw goes through the gate and... (more)
Footpath sign near Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2779
This old, leaning sign directs walkers at the junction of the public footpath... (more)
Public footpath near Hollowmire
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2781
The public footpath from Newbiggin follows Gill Banks Beck on the approach to... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Newbiggin
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2780
The public footpath from Newbiggin to Hollowmire crosses the top of the field... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
The public footpath to Higher Lath Farm enters the small wood behind the houses... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
The Cumbria Way long distance footpath from Ulverston to Carlisle passes through... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
This is the public footpath from Old Hall Farm to Bortree Stile. It is the... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
The farmland here is permanent pasture, too steep for ploughing.
The public... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Old Hall Farm
by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2779
The field behind Old Hall Farm is used for grazing dairy cattle; in wet weather... (more)
Gill Banks, The Cumbria Way Alternative Route
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The Cumbria Way Alternative Route from Gill Banks to Old Hall Farm follows this... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Lowmill
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3751
The Cumbria Way long distance path follows the Caldew Cycleway near Lowmill... (more)
Gateway on The Caldew Cycleway
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3751
Near Lowmill, the gate for pedestrians and maintenance vehicles on the Caldew... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Cummersdale Bay
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3952
The Cumbria Way and Caldew Cycleway follow the same path from Dalston to... (more)
The Mill at Holme Head
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3954
The former Ferguson Brothers textile mill at Holme Head, now converted into... (more)
The Cumbria Way above High Stennerley
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2785
At one time surfaced with tar and chippings but now in disrepair, this track... (more)
Gate on The Cumbria Way
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2785
A gate on the former motor road between Gawthwaite and Gawthwaite Land which is... (more)
The Cumbria Way near High Stennerley
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2785
The track to High Stennerley leaves the former motor road between Gawthwaite and... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Netherhouses
by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2781
The Cumbria Way leaves the Ulverston to Netherhouses road by a footpath sign... (more)
Public footpath beside Gill Banks Beck
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2781
The public footpath from Newbiggin to Hollowmire is also The Cumbria Way; it... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Hollowmire
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2781
The public footpath from Newbiggin approache the farm at Hollowmire up a short... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Newbiggin
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2780
The public footpath from Newbiggin to Hollowmire crosses an open field to the... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Briar Rigg
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY2723
The footpath parallel to Brundholme Road runs behind the houses on Calvert Way.... (more)
Footpath Gate, Briar Rigg
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY2623
The footpath parallel to Brundholme Road runs behind the houses on Calvert Way;... (more)
Gateway near Higher Lath Farm
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2780
The public footpath from Newbiggin to Hollowmire follows the farm track through... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
The public footpath from Old Hall Farm to climbs to a small gate in the corner... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Bortree Stile
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2779
The public footpath from Old Hall Farm to Bortree Stile climbs up the field near... (more)
Gill Banks, The Cumbria Way Alternative Route
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2879
The public footpath runs from The Gill to Old Hall Road. It is the alternative... (more)
The Cumbria Way by Gill Banks Beck
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2879
The Cumbria Way follows the bank of Gill Banks Beck for a short distance beside... (more)
Gill Banks, Ulverston
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The public rights of way through the woodland of Gill Banks are popular local... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Old Hall Farm
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2879
The Cumbria Way long distance footpath passes through the busy farm yard of Old... (more)
Gill Banks, The Cumbria Way Alternative Route
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The Cumbria Way Alternative Route from Gill Banks to Old Hall Farm follows this... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Old Hall Farm
by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2879
The Cumbria Way long distance footpath enters Old Hall Farm beside a large... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Stockbridge Lane
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square SD2878
The walled public footpath takes The Cumbria Way long distance footpath from... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Lowmill
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3751
The Cumbria Way follows the Caldew Cycleway approaching the Whitehaven to... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Lowmill
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3851
The Cumbria Way follows the Caldew Cycleway between the River Caldew (hidden... (more)
The Caldew Cycleway near Caldew School
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3750
This path is both the Caldew Cycleway and The Cumbria Way long distance path... (more)
The Cumbria Way near Caldew School
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3750
This path is both the Caldew Cycleway and The Cumbria Way, which follow the same... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Cummersdale Bay
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3952
The old course of the River Caldew previously meandered further to the northwest... (more)
Bridge at Cummersdale Bay
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3952
The bridge carries The Cumbria Way and the Caldew Cycleway across the abandoned... (more)
The Cumbria Way, Cummersdale Station
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3952
The Cumbria Way and Caldew Cycleway on the approach to Cummersdale Viaduct (next... (more)
The Bay, Holme Head
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3954
This is the route of the Caldew Cycleway and The Cumbria Way (next photograph... (more)
The end of Denton Street, The Bay
by Adrian Taylor
geograph for square NY3954
The south end of Denton Street ends in a turning area at The Bay. The River... (more)