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Showing latest 50 of 7,523 images tagged with Hall tag.

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SK4663 : The Ruins of Hardwick Old Hall by David Dixon The Ruins of Hardwick Old Hall by David Dixon
for square SK4663
SK4663 : Hardwick Old Hall by David Dixon Hardwick Old Hall by David Dixon
geograph for square SK4663
SJ8898 : Clayton Hall bell cote by Gerald England Clayton Hall bell cote by Gerald England
for square SJ8898
The bell cote at Clayton Hall.
SJ8898 : The grounds of Clayton Hall by Gerald England The grounds of Clayton Hall by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8898
The hall was open as part of the Heritage Open Weekend.
SJ8898 : Clayton Hall Garden by Gerald England Clayton Hall Garden by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8898
The gardens at Clayton Hall.
SJ8898 : Clayton Hall by Gerald England Clayton Hall by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8898
The Hall was open for the Heritage Open Weekend.
TF4411 : Leverington Hall, Church Road, Leverington by Richard Humphrey Leverington Hall, Church Road, Leverington by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TF4411
Although not a manor house, Leverington Hall, standing in the middle of the... (more)
TF4411 : Leverington Hall on Church Road, Leverington by Richard Humphrey Leverington Hall on Church Road, Leverington by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TF4411
Although not a manor house, Leverington Hall, standing in the middle of the... (more)
SK5339 : Wollaton Hall by Chris Heaton Wollaton Hall by Chris Heaton
geograph for square SK5339
Looks like Downton Abbey Wollaton Hall is a country house standing on a small... (more)
Tags: Country HouseX   Hall   top:Sport, LeisureX  
SE7486 : Grange Hall, Sinnington, now a barn by Pauline E Grange Hall, Sinnington, now a barn by Pauline E
geograph for square SE7486
"The standing and roofed remains of a C12 great hall located 40m NNW of All... (more)
SJ9080 : Adlington Hall by Philip Cornwall Adlington Hall by Philip Cornwall
geograph for square SJ9080
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   type:GeographX   subject:Hall  
NZ0284 : Wallington Hall by Andrew Curtis Wallington Hall by Andrew Curtis
geograph for square NZ0284
Snowdrops on the bank above the ha-ha wall, south-west of Wallington Hall.
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   type:GeographX   subject:Hall   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   top:LowlandsX   top:PathsX  
SD4615 : Angel Figures in the Great Hall by David Dixon Angel Figures in the Great Hall by David Dixon
for square SD4615
All the timber work in the Great Hall is richly moulded and carved or otherwise... (more)
SD4615 : Mediæval Oak Screen, Rufford Old Hall by David Dixon Mediæval Oak Screen, Rufford Old Hall by David Dixon
for square SD4615
The free-standing, carved wooden screen made of bog oak in the Great Hall... (more)
SD4615 : Rufford Old Hall, The Great Hall (roof) by David Dixon Rufford Old Hall, The Great Hall (roof) by David Dixon
for square SD4615
All the timber work in the hall is richly moulded and carved or otherwise... (more)
SD4615 : The Great Hall, Rufford by David Dixon The Great Hall, Rufford by David Dixon
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Only the Great Hall survives from the original structure built for Sir Robert... (more)
SK4663 : Hardwick Hall by Graham Hogg Hardwick Hall by Graham Hogg
geograph for square SK4663
The south face of the Hall viewed from the formal gardens
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   type:GeographX   subject:Hall   place:Hardwick HallX   National TrustX   top:Park and Public GardensX  
SE5158 : Looking towards the house by DS Pugh Looking towards the house by DS Pugh
geograph for square SE5158
The south facade of Beningbrough Hall from the top of the ha-ha.
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   type:GeographX   subject:Hall  
NZ3276 : Fireplace, Seaton Delaval Hall by Andrew Curtis Fireplace, Seaton Delaval Hall by Andrew Curtis
for square NZ3276
The stone fireplaces on the east and west sides of the great hall are supported... (more)
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   subject:Hall   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   type:InsideX   top:LowlandsX  
NZ0284 : Wallington Hall (the classic view) by Andrew Curtis Wallington Hall (the classic view) by Andrew Curtis
for square NZ0284
The four dragons' heads carved in Portland Stone ("grotesque style... (more)
Tags: top:Country EstatesX   type:Cross GridX   subject:Hall   top:Historic Sites and ArtefactsX   top:LowlandsX   top:PathsX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
SD4616 : Rufford Old Hall by David Dixon Rufford Old Hall by David Dixon
geograph for square SD4616
SD4615 : Rufford Old Hall by David Dixon Rufford Old Hall by David Dixon
geograph for square SD4615
A view of Rufford Old Hall from the rear. To the right of the 16th century Great... (more)
TL4201 : Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TL4201
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Kitchen, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Kitchen, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Kitchen, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Kitchen, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4301 : Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Cellar, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Copped Hall during an evening photography session.
TL4201 : Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
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Copped Hall during an evening photography session. The full moon gave an... (more)
SJ8898 : Clayton Hall moat by Gerald England Clayton Hall moat by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8898
Although the moat has been drained it isn't completely drained in parts.
SJ8898 : Clayton Hall fountain by Gerald England Clayton Hall fountain by Gerald England
for square SJ8898
The drinking fountain in the grounds of Clayton Hall was presented by Robert... (more)
SJ8898 : A Victorian Bedroom at Clayton Hall by Gerald England A Victorian Bedroom at Clayton Hall by Gerald England
for square SJ8898
The hall was open as part of the Heritage Open Weekend.
SJ8898 : A Victorian Drawing Room at Clayton Hall by Gerald England A Victorian Drawing Room at Clayton Hall by Gerald England
for square SJ8898
The hall was open as part of the Heritage Open Weekend.
TL4301 : Copped Hall Reflection, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall Reflection, Essex by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TL4301
TL4301 : Copped Hall Reflection, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall Reflection, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
TL4301 : Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TL4301
TL4301 : Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TL4301
SK0879 : Bennetston Hall, Sparrowpit by David Dixon Bennetston Hall, Sparrowpit by David Dixon
geograph for square SK0879
Bennetston Hall is a substantial former Victorian mansion which was built in the... (more)
SK4663 : Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SK4663
The west façade and main entrance of Hardwick Hall. Wikipedia... (more)
SK4663 : Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SK4663
The south façade of Hardwick Hall taken from the garden. Wikipedia... (more)
SK4663 : Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SK4663
Hardwick Hall from the garden Wikipedia LinkExternal link
SK4663 : The Green Velvet Bedroom at Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck The Green Velvet Bedroom at Hardwick Hall by Jeff Buck
for square SK4663
This was the main guest bedroom in the hall. The original bed had blue and red... (more)
SK4663 : Hardwick Hall from the Old Hall by Jeff Buck Hardwick Hall from the Old Hall by Jeff Buck
geograph for square SK4663
Wikipedia LinkExternal link
TL4301 : Stairway, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Stairway, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
Partially restored stairway inside Copped Hall.
TL4301 : Facade, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews Facade, Copped Hall, Essex by Christine Matthews
for square TL4301
TQ3079 : Westminster Hall by Paul Gillett Westminster Hall by Paul Gillett
for square TQ3079
Westminster Hall, the oldest existing part of the Palace of Westminster, was... (more)
SD7109 : Bolton Festival Hall by David Dixon Bolton Festival Hall by David Dixon
for square SD7109
At the centre of the Town Hall, when it was opened in 1873, was the magnificent... (more)
SN8746 : Victoria Hall, Victoria Square, Llanwrtyd Wells by Jaggery Victoria Hall, Victoria Square, Llanwrtyd Wells by Jaggery
geograph for square SN8746
The year stone above the doorway shows VICTORIA HALL 1887. Victoria Hall was... (more)
TQ4488 : Ilford War Memorial Hall by Nigel Cox Ilford War Memorial Hall by Nigel Cox
geograph for square TQ4488
In the way of a description the photographer can do no better than to quote,... (more)
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