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Showing latest 50 of 224 images tagged with TfGM tag.

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SD8010 : Bury Interchange by David Dixon Bury Interchange by David Dixon
geograph for square SD8010
Go North West 3353 (VX55 DHO), a Volvo B7TL/Wright Eclipse Gemini, in the yellow... (more)
SJ8990 : Stockport Cycle Hub by Gerald England Stockport Cycle Hub by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8990
The Cycle Hub in Stockport was opened in 2016 by Transport for Greater... (more)
SJ9494 : Bus stop CC by Gerald England Bus stop CC by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ9494
No-one else is waiting here for a bus today. A notice from TfGM just says the... (more)
SD7108 : Bolton Interchange by David Dixon Bolton Interchange by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7108
Bolton’s new bus station opened in September 2017, replacing the town’s former... (more)
SJ9593 : Bus stop on Enfield Street by Gerald England Bus stop on Enfield Street by Gerald England
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This is Enfield Street SJ9593 : Enfield Street. However the new bus stop sign erected by... (more)
SD7807 : Recently Completed Metrolink Park and Ride at Radcliffe Station by David Dixon Recently Completed Metrolink Park and Ride at Radcliffe Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Car Park - July 2014 by David Dixon Radcliffe Metrolink Car Park - July 2014 by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
Construction of the upper tier at Radcliffe Metrolink car park completed a week... (more)
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Construction of New Park and Ride at Radcliffe (May 2014) by David Dixon Construction of New Park and Ride at Radcliffe (May 2014) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Car Park Construction Work, Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon Car Park Construction Work, Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Construction Work, Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon Construction Work, Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Construction Work at Radcliffe Metrolink Car Park by David Dixon Construction Work at Radcliffe Metrolink Car Park by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Car Park Expansion at Radcliffe Metrolink Station by David Dixon Car Park Expansion at Radcliffe Metrolink Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SJ8990 : Shops on Mersey Square by Gerald England Shops on Mersey Square by Gerald England
geograph for square SJ8990
On the left is the Travelshop operated by TfGM where you can find all the... (more)
SD7806 : Radcliffe Bus Station by David Dixon Radcliffe Bus Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7806
TfGM Optare Solo SR EV (YJ60 KCC) waits at Radcliffe Bus Station on Dale Street... (more)
SD7806 : Radcliffe Bus Station by David Dixon Radcliffe Bus Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7806
Optare Versa V970 (YJ60 KCZ) stands at Radcliffe Bus Station on TfGM's... (more)
SJ7687 : Tram waiting at Altrincham Interchange by David Dixon Tram waiting at Altrincham Interchange by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ7687
Metrolink tram number 3017 stands at platform 2, waiting to depart on the... (more)
SJ8398 : Second City Crossing Line at St Peter's Square (December 2015) by David Dixon Second City Crossing Line at St Peter's Square (December 2015) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
Tramline being laid at the corner of Princess Street and Mosley Street ready to... (more)
SJ8398 : New Tramlines at St Peter's Square (December 2015) by David Dixon New Tramlines at St Peter's Square (December 2015) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
SJ8397 : Re-building the Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square by David Dixon Re-building the Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8397
Foundations for the extra platforms to be built as part of the Metrolink... (more)
SJ8397 : Construction of New Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square (June 2015) by David Dixon Construction of New Metrolink Stop at St Peter's Square (June 2015) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8397
Foundations for the extra platforms to be built as part of the Metrolink... (more)
SJ8398 : Construction of Metrolink Stop at Exchange Square (June 2015) by David Dixon Construction of Metrolink Stop at Exchange Square (June 2015) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
Construction site for the new Metrolink stop outside the Arndale Centre in... (more)
SJ8398 : Metrolink Exchange Square Stop Construction (June 2015) by David Dixon Metrolink Exchange Square Stop Construction (June 2015) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
Construction site for the new Metrolink stop outside the Arndale Centre in... (more)
SJ8498 : Metrolink Tram Entering Victoria Station by David Dixon Metrolink Tram Entering Victoria Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
Metrolink tram number 3039 passes through the Long Millgate entrance to... (more)
SJ8498 : Tram Approaching Victoria by David Dixon Tram Approaching Victoria by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
Metrolink tram number 3039 crosses Corporation Street and Long Millgate as it... (more)
SJ8498 : Metrolink Second City Crossing, Construction of Exchange Square Stop by David Dixon Metrolink Second City Crossing, Construction of Exchange Square Stop by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
SJ8397 : Redevelopment at St Peter's Square (March 2015) by David Dixon Redevelopment at St Peter's Square (March 2015) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8397
SJ8397 : Extending the Metrolink Station at St Peter's Square by David Dixon Extending the Metrolink Station at St Peter's Square by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8397
Foundations for the extra platforms to be built as part of the Metrolink... (more)
SJ8498 : Metrolink Track Laying at Victoria Station by David Dixon Metrolink Track Laying at Victoria Station by David Dixon
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As part of the upgrading of Victoria Station... (more)
SJ8498 : Metrolink Construction Outside Victoria by David Dixon Metrolink Construction Outside Victoria by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
SJ8398 : Metrolink Construction Work on Corporation Street (Second City Crossing) by David Dixon Metrolink Construction Work on Corporation Street (Second City Crossing) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
SJ8398 : Metrolink Second City Crossing Corporation Street by David Dixon Metrolink Second City Crossing Corporation Street by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
A view from the Marks & Spencer - Arndale walkway, looking along Corporation... (more)
SJ8398 : Exchange Square Metrolink Stop Construction (2CC) by David Dixon Exchange Square Metrolink Stop Construction (2CC) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
Construction site for the new Metrolink stop outside the Arndale Centre in... (more)
SJ8398 : Second City Crossing Construction, Corporation Street by David Dixon Second City Crossing Construction, Corporation Street by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
A view from the Marks & Spencer - Arndale walkway, looking along Corporation... (more)
SJ8398 : Site For Exchange Square Metrolink Station (2CC) by David Dixon Site For Exchange Square Metrolink Station (2CC) by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8398
Construction site for the new Metrolink stop in Exchange Square which will be... (more)
SJ8498 : Metrolink Second City Crossing Construction - Corporation Street by David Dixon Metrolink Second City Crossing Construction - Corporation Street by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ8498
SJ7687 : Redevelopment of Altrincham Interchange by David Dixon Redevelopment of Altrincham Interchange by David Dixon
geograph for square SJ7687
Altrincham Interchange is a transport hub which consists of a bus station on... (more)
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride Construction (July 2014) by David Dixon Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride Construction (July 2014) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction, Spreading Asphalt by David Dixon Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction, Spreading Asphalt by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction, Tipping Aggregate by David Dixon Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction, Tipping Aggregate by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction by David Dixon Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Park and Ride Construction (May 2014) by David Dixon Park and Ride Construction (May 2014) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Tram Station Park and Ride Construction (May 2014) by David Dixon Radcliffe Tram Station Park and Ride Construction (May 2014) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Metrolink Park and Ride Construction at Radcliffe Station (May 2014) by David Dixon Metrolink Park and Ride Construction at Radcliffe Station (May 2014) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Adding an Upper Deck to Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon Adding an Upper Deck to Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Expansion to Park and Ride Facility at Radcliffe Station by David Dixon Expansion to Park and Ride Facility at Radcliffe Station by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Expansion to Radcliffe's Park and Ride Car Park by David Dixon Expansion to Radcliffe's Park and Ride Car Park by David Dixon
for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride Construction by David Dixon Radcliffe Metrolink Park and Ride Construction by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
SD7807 : Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction - April 2014 by David Dixon Radcliffe Park and Ride Construction - April 2014 by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
The steel framework to support the car park's upper storey has now been erected.
SD7807 : Metrolink Park and Ride Construction (April 2014) by David Dixon Metrolink Park and Ride Construction (April 2014) by David Dixon
geograph for square SD7807
The steel framework for the upper storey of the car park has now been erected.
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