St Andrew's Church, Wissett
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square TM3679
There are 186 churches with round towers in England, of which 41 are in Suffolk,... (more)
Crown Court [1777] and Male Debtors' Prison [1705]
by Christine Johnstone
geograph for square SE6051
The south side of the Eye of York, from the top of Clifford's Tower. Both... (more)
Church of St Michael and All Angels: Roof Angel
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0621
The 16th century roof includes these wonderful roof angels.
The church is a... (more)
Monnow Bridge, Monmouth
by Jaggery
geograph for square SO5012
The medieval bridge and gateway, built in the late 13th century, is a Grade I... (more)
Church of St Michael and All Angels: Carved pew end
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0621
The two frontmost pews in the church have these carved finals. They are not... (more)
Church of St Michael and All Angels: North Wall
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0621
The nave and North Aisle of the church in Edenham includes these 15th century... (more)
Church of St Michael and All Angels: Votive Candles
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0621
Interior Details of the church. The small icon of Christ and the votive candles... (more)
Brighton World Naked Bike Ride 2015
by David Lally
geograph for square TQ2904
On Kingsway passing Brunswick Terrace.
The building on the right (Nos. 7-19)... (more)
Grade I listed Tithe Barn, Lacock
by Jaggery
geograph for square ST9168
The 14th century building on the corner of High Street and East Street
is... (more)
Wistow village church - St John the Baptist
by Richard Humphrey
geograph for square TL2780
The church of St John the Baptist sits on the corner of Church Street and... (more)
Anglo-Saxon Copplestone Cross, Copplestone
by Jaggery
geograph for square SS7702
The structure in the middle of a junction is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and... (more)
St.Winefride's Well Chapel
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SJ1876
Grade I listed and scheduled ancient monument, late Perpendicular well chapel,... (more)
St.Winefride's Well & Chapel
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SJ1876
Grade I listed and scheduled ancient monument, late Perpendicular well and... (more)
Laugharne Castle
by Jaggery
geograph for square SN3010
Located on high ground overlooking the coast, Laugharne Castle is one of the... (more)
Pembridge Castle
by Jaggery
geograph for square SO4819
Viewed from the road from Broad Oak to Welsh Newton. The castle is in... (more)
Newark Castle
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK7954
Newark Castle seen from Riverside Park
Erpingham Gate
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TG2308
Norwich Cathedral Close with Erpingham Gate built in 1420 and a grade I listed... (more)
Preceptory Tower
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF0053
Grade I listed tower and Scheduled Ancient Monument at Temple Farm. All that... (more)
Ferry Bridge
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SE4824
John Carr's grade I listed bridge where the old Great North Road crosses... (more)
Ellesmere: St Mary's Church
by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ4034
Ellesmere: St Mary's Church
by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ4034
Kirkstead Abbey
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF1861
The last remaining masonry above ground of Kirkstead Abbey. Founded in 1139 and... (more)
Church of St Michael and All Angels: Church and tower
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square TF0621
The west end of the church.
The small white notices on posts are part of the... (more)
Holme Bridge, Bakewell (2)
by Peter Barr
geograph for square SK2168
Pack-horse bridge of 1664. with "five segmental arches, two smaller arches,... (more)
Preceptory Tower
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF0053
Recently demolished farm buildings reveal a view of the Preceptory Tower... (more)
by Richard Croft
for square TF0053
A 13th century springer in the upper chamber... (more)
Preceptory Tower interior
by Richard Croft
for square TF0053
The upper chamber of the Preceptory Tower... (more)
Preceptory Tower vaulting
by Richard Croft
for square TF0053
13th century lancet window and vaulting in the lower chamber of the Preceptory... (more)
Piscina & sedile
by Richard Croft
for square TF0053
13th century piscina and sedile in the Preceptory Tower... (more)
Preceptory Tower interior
by Richard Croft
for square TF0053
13th century arcaded stalls and grave slab inside the Preceptory Tower... (more)
Mint Wall
by Richard Croft
for square SK9772
A section of the north wall of the Roman Basilica, built c100
Roman wall
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9772
A section of 2nd or 3rd century wall on East Bight, part of the north wall of... (more)
Ferry Bridge
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SE4824
River Aire and central span of Ferry Bridge... (more)
Graffiti at St.Winefrides Well
by Richard Croft
for square SJ1876
Graffiti by St.Winefride's well Link... ( more)
by Richard Croft
for square SJ1876
Image of St.Winefride at St.Winefride's well Link
St.Winefride's Well
by Richard Croft
for square SJ1876
Well pool at St.Winifrede's well Link
St.Winefride's Well
by Richard Croft
for square SJ1876
Fantastic tierceron vault with pendant boss c1500-1510 over St.Winefride's well pool
Holy Trinity Church and Castle keep
by Richard Croft
geograph for square TF2157
Ralph, Lord Cromwell's Holy Trinity collegiate church (1472-1500) and the... (more)
St.Mary's church
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK8881
St.Mary's has Saxon origins as Bishop Aelfnoth built a church here in 975... (more)
Tower, Bruce Castle grounds
by Jim Osley
geograph for square TQ3390
The London Borough of Haringey is blessed with few Grade I listed buildings - in... (more)
Church of St Michael and All Angels: Roof Angel
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0621
The Angel Roof of the church in Edenham is famous, and rightly so. This is one... (more)
St Peter's Church, Southease
geograph for square TQ4205
Church of St Michael and All Angels: Polythene wrapped nave
by Bob Harvey
for square TF0621
There is extensive repair work going on on the south side of the church of St... (more)
Automobile Palace, Llandrindod Wells
by Jim Osley
geograph for square SO0660
View from Princes Avenue. Built between 1906 and 1911 to the designs of... (more)
Remains of Waytemore Castle, Bishop's Stortford
by Jim Osley
geograph for square TL4821
Ancient monument - Grade I listed: description at this... (more)
Conwy quayside
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SH7877
Conwy quayside and castle from the town walls
Conwy Town Walls
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SH7877
View east towards the Castle on Conwy Town Walls
Conwy Town Walls
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SH7877
Towers 15 and 16 of Conwy Town Walls from the Recreation Ground
Conwy Castle
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SH7877
View from the town walls near tower 6 to Conwy Castle
The Landgate, Rye
by Ian Taylor
geograph for square TQ9220
The Landgate is a Scheduled Ancient Monument and Grade I Listed Building. For a... (more)