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Showing latest 50 of 28,259 images tagged with Bench-Mark tag.

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NZ2085 : Benchmark, Morpeth, St. George's Church by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Morpeth, St. George's Church by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2085
Detail of Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark number 2380 on a buttress on... (more)
NZ3956 : Projecting Bracket Benchmark, Sunderland by Rossographer Projecting Bracket Benchmark, Sunderland by Rossographer
for square NZ3956
Projecting bracket benchmark on the former Christ Church, Sunderland (now the... (more)
NY4057 : Benchmark, Brampton Road by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Brampton Road by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4057
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the Newcastle 55 miles / Carlisle... (more)
NY1004 : Flush bracket benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor Flush bracket benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1004
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark number G3100 on the corner... (more)
NY1004 : Benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1004
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the corner of a barn at Hermons... (more)
NZ2464 : Benchmark, Earl Grey's Monument by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Earl Grey's Monument by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ2464
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on the plinth of Earl Grey’s... (more)
J1246 : Bench Mark, Banbridge by Rossographer Bench Mark, Banbridge by Rossographer
for square J1246
Cut bench mark at the bottom of the spire of Seapatrick Parish Church in... (more)
J1246 : Bench Mark, Banbridge by Rossographer Bench Mark, Banbridge by Rossographer
for square J1246
Cut bench mark on the corner of an old building on the Castlewellan Road,... (more)
H7538 : Flush Bracket, Middletown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Middletown by Rossographer
for square H7538
Flush bracket bench mark on the front of the old Middletown Market House... (more)
H7538 : Bench Marks, Middletown by Rossographer Bench Marks, Middletown by Rossographer
for square H7538
Two bench marks on the front of the old Middletown Market House H7538 : Former Market House, Middleton.... (more)
NY4055 : Benchmark, Collier Lane, Carlisle by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Collier Lane, Carlisle by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4055
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on a kerbstone at the northwest... (more)
J5767 : Bench Mark, Greyabbey by Rossographer Bench Mark, Greyabbey by Rossographer
for square J5767
Cut bench mark at the door of Greyabbey Primary School J5767 : Grey Abbey Primary School and... (more)
NY3650 : Benchmark, St. Michaels Church, Dalston by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St. Michaels Church, Dalston by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3650
Detail of the Ordnance Survey Published Abstract Bolt benchmark on the south... (more)
NY9650 : Benchmark, Derwent Bridge, Blanchland by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Derwent Bridge, Blanchland by Adrian Taylor
for square NY9650
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the northeast face of the... (more)
SD9963 : Bow Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor Bow Bridge parapet by Adrian Taylor
for square SD9963
The centre of the northeast parapet of Bow Bridge with Captain Beck below and... (more)
SU3226 : Benchmark, St Andrew’s Church, Mottisfont by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St Andrew’s Church, Mottisfont by Adrian Taylor
for square SU3226
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the buttress on the southeast... (more)
NY4057 : Benchmark, Milestone, Brampton Road by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Milestone, Brampton Road by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4057
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on the top of the 'Carlisle 1... (more)
NX6851 : Benchmark, Station House, Kirkcudbright by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Station House, Kirkcudbright by Adrian Taylor
for square NX6851
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south angle of the projection... (more)
SY6778 : Benchmark, Old Fish Market, Weymouth by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Old Fish Market, Weymouth by Adrian Taylor
for square SY6778
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the corner of the Old Fish... (more)
SD3975 : Benchmark, Kents Bank Station by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Kents Bank Station by Adrian Taylor
for square SD3975
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the northwest face, west angle of... (more)
NY0501 : Benchmark, Panope by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Panope by Adrian Taylor
for square NY0501
Detail of the inverted Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on a gatepost at Panope... (more)
SY6879 : Benchmark, Bond Street Public Convenience by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Bond Street Public Convenience by Adrian Taylor
for square SY6879
Detail of the weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the north corner of... (more)
NZ3181 : Benchmark, Bridge Street by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Bridge Street by Adrian Taylor
for square NZ3181
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on the northwest corner of... (more)
NY1930 : Benchmark, Bassenthwaite Lake Station House by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Bassenthwaite Lake Station House by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1930
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on Bassenthwaite Lake... (more)
NY2623 : Benchmark, Keswick, Post Office by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Keswick, Post Office by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2623
Detail of the Ordnance Survey flush bracket benchmark on the north west corner... (more)
SD2389 : Benchmark, Buttstead Wood by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Buttstead Wood by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2389
Detail of the Ordnance Survey rivet benchmark with cut mark on the horizontal... (more)
NY4055 : Benchmark, Carlisle Market Cross by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Carlisle Market Cross by Adrian Taylor
for square NY4055
Detail of the Ordnance Survey pivot benchmark on the steps on the south west... (more)
NY3955 : Benchmark, Castle Street Wall by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Castle Street Wall by Adrian Taylor
for square NY3955
Detail of an Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the end of a dressed sandstone... (more)
NY2032 : Benchmark, Armathwaite Hall Hotel Gate by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Armathwaite Hall Hotel Gate by Adrian Taylor
for square NY2032
Detail of an Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the pillar of the exit gate of... (more)
SD6572 : Benchmark, Mount View, Burton in Lonsdale by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Mount View, Burton in Lonsdale by Adrian Taylor
for square SD6572
Detail of an Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the plinth of Pye Cottage at the... (more)
NY1204 : Wasdale Fundamental Benchmark by Adrian Taylor Wasdale Fundamental Benchmark by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1204
Detail of the top of the Wasdale Fundamental Benchmark. The height tag is... (more)
NY1808 : Benchmark, Wasdale Head by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Wasdale Head by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1808
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on a former barn (now a shop and... (more)
SD4972 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Warton Crag by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Warton Crag by Adrian Taylor
for square SD4972
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
SD2874 : Flush Bracket Benchmark, Birkrigg Common by Adrian Taylor Flush Bracket Benchmark, Birkrigg Common by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2874
Detail of the flush bracket benchmark on the Ordnance Survey triangulation... (more)
NY1004 : Corner of the barn, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor Corner of the barn, Hermons Hill by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1004
Detail of the corner of the barn at Hermons Hill. There are two Ordnance Survey... (more)
NY1001 : Benchmark, Santon Bridge, Force Bank by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Santon Bridge, Force Bank by Adrian Taylor
for square NY1001
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on a sandstone field gatepost at... (more)
SD5186 : Benchmark, Sedgwick Hall Bridge by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Sedgwick Hall Bridge by Adrian Taylor
for square SD5186
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL Bolt benchmark on the north face of the arch... (more)
NW9954 : Corner of The Harbour House Hotel by Adrian Taylor Corner of The Harbour House Hotel by Adrian Taylor
for square NW9954
Detail of the corner of The Harbour House Hotel on the junction of North... (more)
H5653 : Flush Bracket, Augher by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Augher by Rossographer
for square H5653
Flush bracket bench mark on the north wall of the former Augher Railway Station,... (more)
H5892 : Flush Bracket, Cranagh by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Cranagh by Rossographer
for square H5892
Flush bracket bench mark on the eastern wall of a house at the junction of the... (more)
H6093 : Flush Bracket near Cranagh by Rossographer Flush Bracket near Cranagh by Rossographer
for square H6093
Flush bracket bench mark on the southern wall of an old stone shed beside the... (more)
H7293 : Flush Bracket near Draperstown by Rossographer Flush Bracket near Draperstown by Rossographer
for square H7293
Flush bracket bench mark on the southern wall of some derelict buildings at the... (more)
H7894 : Flush Bracket, Draperstown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Draperstown by Rossographer
for square H7894
Flush bracket bench mark on the eastern wall of St Columba's Church of... (more)
H7894 : Flush Bracket, Draperstown by Rossographer Flush Bracket, Draperstown by Rossographer
for square H7894
Flush bracket bench mark on the front of Draperstown Presbyterian Church... (more)
SD2877 : Benchmark, Ulverston Station by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Ulverston Station by Adrian Taylor
for square SD2877
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south east corner of... (more)
G9859 : Flush Bracket near Belleek by Rossographer Flush Bracket near Belleek by Rossographer
for square G9859
Flush bracket bench mark on the eastern side of the former gate lodge to... (more)
NY9166 : Benchmark, Old Railway Bridge, Warden by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Old Railway Bridge, Warden by Adrian Taylor
for square NY9166
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the west abutment of the old... (more)
NY0336 : Benchmark, Christ Church, Maryport by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Christ Church, Maryport by Adrian Taylor
for square NY0336
Detail of the Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the south east corner of Christ... (more)
NX9718 : Benchmark, St James' Church, Whitehaven by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, St James' Church, Whitehaven by Adrian Taylor
for square NX9718
Detail of the Ordnance Survey 1GL bolt benchmark on a stone quoin at the south... (more)
SO7192 : Benchmark, Castle Hill Walk by Adrian Taylor Benchmark, Castle Hill Walk by Adrian Taylor
for square SO7192
Detail of the weathered Ordnance Survey cut benchmark on the west wall of Castle... (more)
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