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J4881 : Bangor West Railway Station by Rossographer Bangor West Railway Station by Rossographer
geograph for square J4881
Translink C3K set 3002 departing Bangor West on the 1455 service from Bangor to Portadown.
J4981 : Railway tracks, Bangor by Rossographer Railway tracks, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J4981
Railway tracks between Bangor and Bangor West stations.
J5082 : HMS 'Bangor' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Bangor' at Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
HMS 'Bangor' Link entering... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Bangor' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Bangor' at Bangor by Rossographer
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HMS 'Bangor' Link entering... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Bangor' at Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Bangor' at Bangor by Rossographer
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HMS 'Bangor' Link entering... (more)
J4981 : Graffiti, Bangor by Rossographer Graffiti, Bangor by Rossographer
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Graffiti alongside railway tracks between Bangor and Bangor West stations. The... (more)
J4881 : Train, Bangor West by Rossographer Train, Bangor West by Rossographer
geograph for square J4881
4002 ending a six carriage C4K Northern Ireland Railways service from Portadown to Bangor.
J5081 : The 'Bangor Bell' sculpture, Bangor by Rossographer The 'Bangor Bell' sculpture, Bangor by Rossographer
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The recently erected sculpture close to Bangor Abbey.
J5081 : Former Barber's Shop, Bangor by Rossographer Former Barber's Shop, Bangor by Rossographer
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The dilapidated buildings along what was 'The Vennel' J5081 : The Vennel, Bangor in... (more)
J5081 : Dilapidated buildings, Bangor by Rossographer Dilapidated buildings, Bangor by Rossographer
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The dilapidated buildings along what was 'The Vennel' J5081 : The Vennel, Bangor in... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
The pods at night. I know that they are very colourful, but a black and white... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
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A green 'pod' at night. Queen's Parade is on the left.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the pink 'pods' at night. Queen's Parade is on the right.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the pink 'pods' at night. Two car parks are immediately behind.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the green 'pods' at night. Queen's Parade is to the left.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Two of the pink 'pods' at night.
J5082 : The 'Ocean Crest' at Bangor by Rossographer The 'Ocean Crest' at Bangor by Rossographer
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The current 'Bangor Boat' LinkExternal link the 'Ocean... (more)
J5082 : The 'Ocean Crest' at Bangor by Rossographer The 'Ocean Crest' at Bangor by Rossographer
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The current 'Bangor Boat' LinkExternal link the 'Ocean... (more)
J5081 : Project 24, Bangor by Rossographer Project 24, Bangor by Rossographer
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Project 24 is now at Project 89 and counting...... Artists have come and gone... (more)
J5081 : Queen's Parade, Bangor by Rossographer Queen's Parade, Bangor by Rossographer
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A totally deserted Queen's Parade in Bangor during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Tags: place:Bangor   Bangor   Bangor (Co Down)X   place:Bangor HarbourX   top:City, Town CentreX   top:CoastalX   type:GeographX   top:Roads, Road TransportX   subject:StreetX  
SH5772 : Bangor University seen from Waterloo Street by Jeff Buck Bangor University seen from Waterloo Street by Jeff Buck
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Now part of the Main Arts Building, the old university building is often... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Most of the site during the 1st birthday celebrations. It was fairly busy, with... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
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Artwork on hoarding at the project.
J5081 : 'Project 24' party, Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24' party, Bangor by Rossographer
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Shortly after J5081 : 'Project 24' party, Bangor, the young lady appeared for the mayor.....
J5081 : 'Project 24' party, Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24' party, Bangor by Rossographer
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The current mayor of North Down, Councillor Andrew Muir, giving a speech at the... (more)
J5082 : Pumping station construction, Bangor by Rossographer Pumping station construction, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
The new pumping station under construction at Bangor Marina. Although taken... (more)
J5082 : Pumping station construction, Bangor by Rossographer Pumping station construction, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
The new pumping station under construction at Bangor Marina. Not much is visible... (more)
J5082 : Lifeboat exercise, Bangor harbour by Rossographer Lifeboat exercise, Bangor harbour by Rossographer
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After rescuing the casualty the lifeboat entertains the crowds watching on at... (more)
J5082 : Lifeboat exercise, Bangor harbour by Rossographer Lifeboat exercise, Bangor harbour by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
After rescuing the casualty the lifeboat entertains the crowds watching on at... (more)
J5082 : Lifeboat exercise, Bangor harbour by Rossographer Lifeboat exercise, Bangor harbour by Rossographer
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After rescuing the casualty the lifeboat entertains the crowds watching on at... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Green and purple pods bathed in evening sunlight. This view includes part of the... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
A green 'pod' in daylight. When the artists are in residence the pods... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
A large sign at 'Project 24'. The area behind, 2 car parks and the... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
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A large sign at 'Project 24'.
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
View of the backs of the yellow, pink and purple 'pods'. Derelict... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
View of the back of a purple 'pod' towards the derelict property on... (more)
J5081 : 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer 'Project 24', Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
View of the back of a green 'pod' towards the derelict property on The... (more)
J5082 : Larne Lifeboat at Bangor by Rossographer Larne Lifeboat at Bangor by Rossographer
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Current Larne Lifeboat Link 'Dr... (more)
J5082 : Larne Lifeboat at Bangor by Rossographer Larne Lifeboat at Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Current Larne Lifeboat Link 'Dr... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Bangor' departing Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Bangor' departing Bangor by Rossographer
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HMS 'Bangor' Link... (more)
J5082 : HMS 'Bangor' departing Bangor by Rossographer HMS 'Bangor' departing Bangor by Rossographer
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HMS 'Bangor' Link... (more)
J5082 : Yachts, Bangor by Rossographer Yachts, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5082
Yachts returning to Bangor Marina after taking part in the Jubilee sail past in... (more)
J5082 : The 'Seaward Spirit' at Bangor by Rossographer The 'Seaward Spirit' at Bangor by Rossographer
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The 'Seaward Spirit'... (more)
J5082 : Yacht and RIB, Bangor by Rossographer Yacht and RIB, Bangor by Rossographer
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A yachts and RIB returning to Bangor Marina after taking part in the Jubilee... (more)
J5082 : Yachts, Bangor by Rossographer Yachts, Bangor by Rossographer
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A variety of yachts returning to Bangor Marina after taking part in the Jubilee... (more)
J5081 : Lane, Bangor by Rossographer Lane, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Lane running from what was The Vennel towards Southwell Road in Bangor. Awaiting... (more)
J5081 : Street Art, Bangor by Rossographer Street Art, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Art by Chris McGuiggan @codoartni LinkExternal link at... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   Bangor   place:Bangor   Bangor (Co Down)X   type:Close LookX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   place:Queens ParadeX   Queens ParadeX   Street ArtX   art:Street ArtX  
J5081 : Street Art, Bangor by Rossographer Street Art, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
"Putin needs a bootin" by Chris McGuiggan @codoartni... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   place:Bangor   Bangor   Bangor (Co Down)X   type:Close LookX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   place:Queens ParadeX   Queens ParadeX   Street ArtX   art:Street ArtX  
J5081 : Queen's Parade, Bangor by Rossographer Queen's Parade, Bangor by Rossographer
geograph for square J5081
Artwork by Sharon Regan LinkExternal link on derelict... (more)
J5081 : Street Art, Bangor by Rossographer Street Art, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
Artwork by Sharon Regan LinkExternal link on derelict... (more)
Tags: subject:ArtX   place:Bangor   Bangor   Bangor (Co Down)X   top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   place:Queens ParadeX   Street ArtX   art:Street ArtX  
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