TA1028 : Victoria Dock, Kingston upon Hull
taken 6 years ago, near to Kingston Upon Hull, England

The formal opening took place on 3 July 1850, with the dock given the name Victoria Dock, in honour of Queen Victoria. The Dock closed on 1 February 1970 and was infilled. In 1987 the City Council acquired the dock estate from ABP (Associated British Ports). The same year, the Council entered into a partnership with Bellway Homes Ltd to redevelop the estate for new homes, a marina, a park, playing fields, community centre, maritime museum and community school. House-building at Victoria Dock Village commenced in 1988. Remaining are The Outer Basin and Half-Tide Basin to the dock on the Humber Estuary, and the Basin on the river Hull. Further information in Wikipedia: Link
and Victoria Dock Heritage Trail: Link
Victoria Dock opened 3 July 1850 and closed to commercial traffic 1 February 1970. The following year the dock, except for the half-tide basin, was filled in. The No. 2 slipway engine house and the bridge between the dock and the half-tide basin were retained. In 1987 the City Council acquired the dock estate from Associated British Ports (ABP). The same year, the Council entered into a partnership with Bellway Homes Ltd to redevelop the estate for new homes, a marina, a park, playing fields, community centre, maritime museum and community school. House-building commenced 11 May 1988. Further reading: ‘Hull’s Victoria Dock Village’ by Colin McNicol, 106pp, 2002.