NT2470 : Killer fungus - the sequel
taken 17 years ago, near to Morningside, Edinburgh, Scotland
This is 1 of 2 images, with title starting with Killer in this square

Killer fungus - the sequel
This is the beech tree with fungus that was photographed in September 2006 NT2470 : Killer fungus. It was blown over by strong winds on 29 February 2008. The discolouration of the fungus-infected wood is clearly visible in the cut section. Five years on NT2470 : Fungus on beech stump - 5 years on and the fungus is still making good use of the wood in the stump and roots.
Long lived fungus
A mature beech tree with a large growth of a polypore fungus [Meripilus giganteus] at the base of its trunk was first photographed in autumn 2006. Two years later the tree was blown over and the trunk removed; the sign of the fungal infection could be seen in the wood. The stump has produced fruit bodies regularly over the years - when they are not present the mycelium remains alive in the stump and buried roots, continuing the process of decay and nutrient recycling. The latest photo was taken in 2016.