J5081 : Mural, Bangor
taken 6 years ago, near to Bangor, Co Down, Northern Ireland

A long term derelict site, on the southern side of Queen’s Parade, overlooking the marina. There have been many plans for its development none of which have even remotely looked like coming to fruition. The following is part of a press release issued by the Department for Social Development on 5 December 2012: “Social Development Minister Nelson McCausland has announced his Department’s intention to take direct control of plans to develop Bangor’s Queen’s Parade Area. . . . The move will see the Department for Social Development (DSD) purchase the land portfolio owned by Karl Greenfarm Properties Limited. Site assembly and the task of obtaining planning permission for the Queen’s Parade scheme will now rest with the Department. DSD will work in partnership with North Down Borough Council and will also be engaging directly with local residents, business owners and all those who have shown an interest in the development plans.. . . . Nelson McCausland said: “This is good news for Bangor. I have decided that my Department will step in to take direct control of plans for the development of the Queen’s Parade area of the town as outlined in the Bangor Town Centre Masterplan. Karl Greenfarm Properties Limited has agreed to sell their land portfolio to the Department to allow for the development of this area. This will drive forward the development of Queen’s Parade and in time it will help breathe life back into the town centre and restore Bangor’s image as a destination town with tourist appeal. This is a prime opportunity site which when developed will improve the economic performance of the town centre.””.
The following application for planning permission was advertised at the end of October 2014: “W/2014/0456/F 21/10/2014 Lands bounded by 18-28 66 and 68 Main Street 2-51 King Street 5-18 Southwell Road 5-41 Queens Parade and Marine Gardens car park Bangor BT20 3BJ. Demolition of existing buildings at 9-12 and 39-41 Queens Parade, 20-42 Main Street, 6-34 King Street and 5-17 Southwell Road; retention, conversion and extension of 5-8 Queens Parade for a 40 bedroom hotel; erection of a mixed use development comprising culture and leisure facilities (class D), a 64 bedroom hotel, retails units, restaurants, offices (class b1 (a), 72 apartments and 8 terraced dwelling houses, multi-storey car park comprising 351 spaces, new accessess [sic] at King Street and Southwell Road, creation of a courtyard plaza and public open space on Marine Gardens including: play equipment, landscaping, bandstand, covered walkways, relocation of temporary buildings (Project 24) and covered event spaces as well as other ancillary uses.”