NS6860 : The "Fin Me Oot" Seat
taken 20 years ago, near to Newton, South Lanarkshire, Scotland

The "Fin Me Oot" Seat
The seat is shown in a very poor state of repair; in better days (both before and after this picture was taken), there was another line of writing above the one shown here; the text then read:
The seat drew my attention whenever I passed, although in the state shown here (before renovation) it might be taken for an example of fly-tipping, and for a long time I did nothing with my picture of it (again, I should stress that it has been maintained and renovated over the years; I simply came across it when its physical condition was at a low).
Only later did I learn of its significance: it is intended to commemorate and mark the position of the "lost" mining village of Caldervale, nicknamed Fin Me Oot because of its out-of-the-way location. The village provided housing for workers at Blantyreferme Colliery and (according to the Secret Scotland link given below) the nearby brickworks (for which, see NS6860 : Clyde Walkway enters Brickworks Hill woodland).
The 1910 revision — Link
— of the OS map shows Caldervale, with two rows (end-to-end, with a short space between them) of tenement housing extending SSW from the location of this seat; in other words, the houses extended in a line directly behind the photographer. The 1934 revision — Link
— of the OS map makes the layout of the buildings a little clearer.
At the time of writing (mid-2018), satellite imagery shows the former location of those rows of houses as a clearing that runs SSW—NNE through a small area of woodland.
See Link
(Archive Link
) (at Secret Scotland) for an article about the mining village of Caldervale, with useful comments on what was located beside the houses, and on what remains are (or were) visible here.
The seat drew my attention whenever I passed, although in the state shown here (before renovation) it might be taken for an example of fly-tipping, and for a long time I did nothing with my picture of it (again, I should stress that it has been maintained and renovated over the years; I simply came across it when its physical condition was at a low).
Only later did I learn of its significance: it is intended to commemorate and mark the position of the "lost" mining village of Caldervale, nicknamed Fin Me Oot because of its out-of-the-way location. The village provided housing for workers at Blantyreferme Colliery and (according to the Secret Scotland link given below) the nearby brickworks (for which, see NS6860 : Clyde Walkway enters Brickworks Hill woodland).
The 1910 revision — Link

At the time of writing (mid-2018), satellite imagery shows the former location of those rows of houses as a clearing that runs SSW—NNE through a small area of woodland.
See Link