HU4640 : Boulder beach at Hellia
taken 7 years ago, near to Sound, Mainland, Shetland Islands, Scotland

Boulder beach at Hellia
The start of a walk round the Ness of Sound took us past a rather rocky beach - with a very well camouflaged seal hauled out at low tide, paying us no attention whatsoever. The boulders are middle Old Red Sandstone (Devonian) reflecting the underlying bedrock in east Mainland, and include quite a bit of conglomerate, which is a very effective backdrop for a somewhat spotted seal who doesn't really want to be seen and is far too lazy to head out in Brei Wick.
In the distance, not that far away, lies the southern part of Lerwick, with the prominent building (with radio mast) on the hilltop to the right of the photo being the all-important coastguard, covering all the area of the northern isles and surrounding seas.
In the distance, not that far away, lies the southern part of Lerwick, with the prominent building (with radio mast) on the hilltop to the right of the photo being the all-important coastguard, covering all the area of the northern isles and surrounding seas.