NS2573 : Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders memorial well
taken 10 years ago, near to Garvock, Inverclyde, Scotland
This is 1 of 5 images, with title Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders memorial well in this square

Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders memorial well
The well is located on the Waterman's Road which runs between Cornalees Bridge and Overton Housing scheme in Greenock. It was constructed by the 6th A&SH in August 1915, while they were based in the area. At that time, only the rear wall of the well existed, the side walls having been added in 1963 by a local father and son.
The well was showing its age as the centenary year approached and former servicemen of both the Greenock and Paisley Branches of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Regimental Association as well as the Royal Engineers Association from Paisley worked over an 18 month period to restore it. A memorial service was held at the well to celebrate completion of the work.
Two plaques on the wooden bench contain the following inscriptions...
"Lord of all good life, grant now
and at all times thy blessing upon
the Argyll and Sutherland
Highlanders in which we are called
upon to serve under thy servant our
sovereign lady Queen Elizabeth; enable
us, while loving our own country best,
to enter into the fellowship of the
whole human family, and give us now
and enter the gift of courage to seek
after a just and merciful peace
"As you sit here by this well and ponder
And your mind it starts to wander
Maybe to an age that has passed in time
Of Brave men that wore The Thin Red Line
And should you just stop and stay a while
Having walked a winding country mile
As the mist rolls in over the heather and glen
And you hear the far off voices of the Highland men
As you stoop to drink this water sweet
Can you hear the sound of marching feet
One hundred years ago this year
T was Argylls that built this well here
So now of the water you have took your fill
And as you make to leave this lonely hill
Remember those as you onward journey
The Argylls and their famous Glengarry
Jim Coyle 2015".
The well is often confused with "Maggie's Well" Link , which is around a mile to the north west on the same road.
See other images of Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders well
The well was showing its age as the centenary year approached and former servicemen of both the Greenock and Paisley Branches of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders Regimental Association as well as the Royal Engineers Association from Paisley worked over an 18 month period to restore it. A memorial service was held at the well to celebrate completion of the work.
Two plaques on the wooden bench contain the following inscriptions...
"Lord of all good life, grant now
and at all times thy blessing upon
the Argyll and Sutherland
Highlanders in which we are called
upon to serve under thy servant our
sovereign lady Queen Elizabeth; enable
us, while loving our own country best,
to enter into the fellowship of the
whole human family, and give us now
and enter the gift of courage to seek
after a just and merciful peace
"As you sit here by this well and ponder
And your mind it starts to wander
Maybe to an age that has passed in time
Of Brave men that wore The Thin Red Line
And should you just stop and stay a while
Having walked a winding country mile
As the mist rolls in over the heather and glen
And you hear the far off voices of the Highland men
As you stoop to drink this water sweet
Can you hear the sound of marching feet
One hundred years ago this year
T was Argylls that built this well here
So now of the water you have took your fill
And as you make to leave this lonely hill
Remember those as you onward journey
The Argylls and their famous Glengarry
Jim Coyle 2015".
The well is often confused with "Maggie's Well" Link , which is around a mile to the north west on the same road.
See other images of Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders well