NS2477 : Former Gourock Primary School
taken 11 years ago, near to Gourock, Inverclyde, Scotland
This is 1 of 12 images, with title Former Gourock Primary School in this square

Former Gourock Primary School
There are two historic former school buildings within a few hundred yards of each other on Binnie Street. Both are well preserved, with one still in education-related use, the other is in residential use.
Former Gourock Central School
A Category C Listed building Link
by prolific Scottish Architect John Honeyman in 1876, with additions in 1893. The circular date stone above the main door reads as follows...
"Gourock School Board
Central School
The building was converted to a Children's Centre by Inverclyde Council in 2012, bringing together three early years services in the town; Gourock Pre-5 Centre, Gamble Children's Centre and Gourock Park Pre-School.
Former Gourock Primary School
A Category B Listed building Link
with Glasgow Art Nouveau touches by architect Alexander Cullen in 1908.
The imposing building has been converted to flats, with adjacent slightly sympathetic modern apartment blocks on either side in what were possibly the original school playgrounds.
Historic Scotland notes that "The front facade with its glazed bowed stair towers is a direct quotation of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Scotland Street School in Glasgow (1904-6)."
See other images of Binnie Street former schools
Former Gourock Central School
A Category C Listed building Link

"Gourock School Board
Central School
The building was converted to a Children's Centre by Inverclyde Council in 2012, bringing together three early years services in the town; Gourock Pre-5 Centre, Gamble Children's Centre and Gourock Park Pre-School.
Former Gourock Primary School
A Category B Listed building Link

The imposing building has been converted to flats, with adjacent slightly sympathetic modern apartment blocks on either side in what were possibly the original school playgrounds.
Historic Scotland notes that "The front facade with its glazed bowed stair towers is a direct quotation of Charles Rennie Mackintosh's Scotland Street School in Glasgow (1904-6)."
See other images of Binnie Street former schools