J4583 : The loughshore, Helen's Bay
taken 11 years ago, near to Helen's Bay, Co Down, Northern Ireland
The loughshore, Helen's Bay
A small rocky bay, fairly standard for this part of the coastal path, between Coastguard Avenue and Grey Point.
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- Grid Square
- J4583, 99 images (more nearby
- Photographer
- Albert Bridge (more nearby)
- Date Taken
- Wednesday, 19 February, 2014 (more nearby)
- Submitted
- Wednesday, 19 February, 2014
- Subject Location
J 453 830 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:40.4696N 5:44.8988W
- Camera Location
J 453 830
- View Direction
North-northeast (about 22 degrees)
Image classification
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