TF3244 : Boston: closed British Telecom building with forlorn Norwich City message
taken 12 years ago, near to Boston, Lincolnshire, England
This is 1 of 2 images, with title starting with Boston: closed British Telecom in this square

Boston: closed British Telecom building with forlorn Norwich City message
A Norwich City fan has clearly placed the club's crest carefully so that it can stare out from the empty building.
Early in my career as an archivist I worked at London's County Hall, gathering records together after the Greater London Council was abolished, and went into a lot of offices full of melancholy signs of the last party, which sometimes had been held months previously. Presumably this window in the closed office building hides something similar.
Early in my career as an archivist I worked at London's County Hall, gathering records together after the Greater London Council was abolished, and went into a lot of offices full of melancholy signs of the last party, which sometimes had been held months previously. Presumably this window in the closed office building hides something similar.