J4686 : The 'Chalothorn Naree', Belfast Lough
taken 12 years ago, 4 km SE of Eden, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

The 'Chalothorn Naree', Belfast Lough
The bow of the 'Chalothorn Naree', at anchor in the lough. The ship was launched in 1996.
The 'Chalothorn Naree' in Belfast Lough
A trip out to the 164m Thai registered bulk carrier 'Chalothorn Naree' Link
in Belfast Lough. The ship was carrying maize for Belfast (imported for animal feed) - it left the Russian port of Novorossiysk Link
on the 3rd May 2013 and landed in Belfast just after midnight on the 27th May.
See also the related images at Link .