SD8913 : YellowaY Bus Museum, The Butts, Rochdale
taken 13 years ago, near to Rochdale, England

YellowaY Bus Museum, The Butts, Rochdale
NNC855P, a 1976 AEC Reliance coach with Duple Dominant coachwork is parked on The Butts in Rochdale. This coach has been fully restored and converted into the YellowaY Motor Coach Museum (Link
(Archive Link
) ).
During the heyday of coach travel, YellowaY Motor Services, from Rochdale, were synonymous amongst thousands of families with holiday excursions to the seaside, and their iconic yellow and orange livery and rising sun logo were known across the country.
Britain’s only mobile museum (Link
Rochdale on-line) and smallest transport museum, The Yelloway Mobile Coach Museum, features a collection of rare memorabilia and artefacts from the heydays of coach travel (concentrating on YellowaY in particular), all housed in this painstakingly restored original Yelloway coach. Normally housed at the Bury Transport Museum, it is seen here on an outing to Rochdale from where the Yelloway Company first began in 1932 and operated until 1985.

During the heyday of coach travel, YellowaY Motor Services, from Rochdale, were synonymous amongst thousands of families with holiday excursions to the seaside, and their iconic yellow and orange livery and rising sun logo were known across the country.
Britain’s only mobile museum (Link