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J3673 : The Knock and Loop Rivers, Belfast

taken 13 years ago, 3 km from Belfast, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland

The Knock and Loop Rivers, Belfast
The Knock and Loop Rivers, Belfast
The confluence of the Knock River J3673 : The Knock River, Belfast (1) (left) and the Loop River J3672 : The Loop Bridge, Belfast, immediately upstream of Con O’Neill’s bridge J3673 : Con O'Neill's bridge, Belfast, to form the Connswater J3674 : The Connswater, Belfast foreground. The wide-angle lens makes them look much broader than reality. To see both of these majestic watercourses look at the satellite photograph – at maximum zoom.
The Knock River, Belfast

A short river in east Belfast. It rises near Stormont and merges with the Loop River, near Con O’Neill’s bridge, to form the Connswater.

The Connswater Greenway, Belfast

A major project involving a neglected river running through east Belfast. Officially described as: “The Connswater Community Greenway is a £32 million investment in East Belfast. The project has been developed by the East Belfast Partnership and is funded by the Big Lottery Fund, Belfast City Council and the Department for Social Development.
The Connswater Community Greenway will create a 9km [5½ miles] linear park through East Belfast, following the course of the Connswater, Knock and Loop Rivers, connecting the open and green spaces and remediating the Connswater River itself. The Greenway will reconnect the communities of East Belfast and restore the rivers as community assets. It will create vibrant, attractive, safe and accessible parkland for leisure, recreation and community events and activities”.

An announcement, on 2 July 2013, included the following “Summer 2013 construction of the first phase of the Connswater Community Greenway Project will begin with work taking place in Orangefield and Victoria Parks. One of the key elements of work in Victoria Park is a new bridge link from Victoria Park to Airport Road”.

An official press release dated 19 August 2014 contains the following: “The final phase of the Connswater Community Greenway will begin later this year and will include; a C.S. Lewis themed public square at Holywood Arches, public art, new play areas, improvements to the rivers, flood defences, lighting, benches, landscaping, planting and 13kms of new paths for walking and cycling.”
This is the link to the official Connswater Greenway website LinkExternal link

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved]   © Copyright Albert Bridge and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
Geographical Context: Rivers, Streams, Drainage Suburb, Urban fringe other tags: Belfast Confluence Knock River (Belfast) Loop River (Belfast) Connswater Rivers Click a tag, to view other nearby images.
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J3673, 309 images   (more nearby 🔍)
Albert Bridge   (more nearby)
Date Taken
Saturday, 31 December, 2011   (more nearby)
Saturday, 31 December, 2011
Subject Location
Irish: geotagged! J 364 735 [100m precision]
WGS84: 54:35.4847N 5:53.3808W
Camera Location
Irish: geotagged! J 364 735
View Direction
East-southeast (about 112 degrees)
Clickable map
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Image classification(about): Geograph
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