NS3477 : SWRI emblem carved on stone seat
taken 16 years ago, near to Cardross, Argyll And Bute, Scotland

SWRI emblem carved on stone seat
This symbol (which is used on the badge of the Scottish Women's Rural Institute), is carved on the back of a stone seat that dates from 1932 (as described at NS3477 : Rural Seat).
The carving is showing signs of weathering; the lettering is becoming illegible. However, the V-shaped band running across the heart contains the text "FOR HOME & COUNTRY", and the crown has four points, containing the initials S,W,R,I.
At the time of writing, the SWRI still uses this symbol on its badge.
The carving is showing signs of weathering; the lettering is becoming illegible. However, the V-shaped band running across the heart contains the text "FOR HOME & COUNTRY", and the crown has four points, containing the initials S,W,R,I.
At the time of writing, the SWRI still uses this symbol on its badge.
Rural Seat
This stone seat, by A N Paterson, bears the emblem of the SWRI (Scottish Women's Rural Institute). The SWRI was nicknamed "the Rural"; hence, "the Rural Seat".