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Grid reference TQ2623

near to Bolney, West Sussex, England


We have 132 images in grid square TQ2623
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from TQ2623 [1] taken pre 2000 [3]
A sample of 12 photos from 132 for TQ2623 - View this square in the Browser >>>
TQ2623 : Village Chapel, Top Street, Bolney by Kevin Gordon Village Chapel, Top Street, Bolney
This smart new building also serves as a community centre for the "top" end of the village.
TQ2623 : Old Sunken Lane by Simon Carey Old Sunken Lane
The dip in the ground is the major piece of evidence that this was once a road leading to Bolney Common. Marked on the 1813 OS map and as Old Road on Bolney's 1842 tithe map it seems then to have fallen into disuse prior to the... (more)
TQ2623 : A23, Bolney, looking south by Robin Webster A23, Bolney, looking south
Motorists cresting Bolney Hill get their first prolonged view of the South Downs. The A272 junction is ahead.
TQ2623 : Bolney Stage by Peter Shimmon Bolney Stage
TQ2623 : Hillside view across the busy A23 towards the South Downs by Dave Spicer Hillside view across the busy A23 towards the South Downs
TQ2623 : Old Direction Sign - Signpost by London Road, Bolney Parish by Milestone Society Old Direction Sign - Signpost by London Road, Bolney Parish
Black iron cap finial - 1 arm; East Sussex wood by the UC road, in parish of Bolney (Mid Sussex District), London Road, on verge at junction of Rycroft Road with London Road. Surveyed Milestone Society National ID: SX_TQ2623
TQ2623 : Post Box by The Saunterer Post Box
RH17 13 Bolney Common (Haywards Heath) Ryecroft Lane opposite war memorial.
TQ2623 : A Penny Farthing Cycle on the A23 by Peter Jeffery A Penny Farthing Cycle on the A23
Veteran cycles with riders in costume taking part in an event organised by the Southern Veteran Cycle Club.
TQ2623 : Glebelands, Bolney by Paul Gillett Glebelands, Bolney
TQ2623 : The Bolney Stage by Richard Rogerson The Bolney Stage
A Public House but not an old coaching inn. Originally farm buildings, it became first the 'Tudor Tea Rooms', and then in the 1960s it prospered and was renamed the Bolney Stage. The house genuinely dates from c.1500, and the... (more)
TQ2623 : Blossom in donkey field by Dave Spicer Blossom in donkey field
I'm probably wrong but I think this is a Magnolia. To the left where the fallen tree has formed an arch is the donkey, not called Blossom or Magnolia.
TQ2623 : The Bolney Stage public house by Chris Plunkett The Bolney Stage public house
This very famous coaching inn is next to the old A23 London to Brighton road and has recently had unearthed, amongst other things, secret tunnels that lead from the inn to nearby Bolney village, used by smugglers to escape hundreds of years ago.

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