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Grid reference TF0627

near to Kirkby Underwood, Lincolnshire, England


We have 55 images in grid square TF0627
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1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright
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Sample images Breakdown list taken pre 2000 [1]
A sample of 12 photos from 55 for TF0627 - View this square in the Browser >>>
TF0627 : The white flag by Bob Harvey The white flag
It's all in my head. After all those "vote leave" posters I photographed, I thought this was someone surrendering. It wasn't. The white flag was for the chap delivering lime, the white pile of which can be seen at the... (more)
TF0627 : Callan's Lane by Alex McGregor Callan's Lane
TF0627 : Across the Fields to Grange Wood by Tony Atkin Across the Fields to Grange Wood
A view from the entrance to Callan's Lane Wood.
TF0627 : Footpath off Callan's Lane by Tim Heaton Footpath off Callan's Lane
The path runs to the village of Hawthorpe. But, in practice, it might be used to gain access to Temple Wood.
TF0627 : Large boulder Callan's Lane Wood car park by Brian Green Large boulder Callan's Lane Wood car park
This knobbly boulder is just to the left of the path as you enter Callan's Lane Wood from the car park.
TF0627 : Farmland north of Callan's Lane  by JThomas Farmland north of Callan's Lane
TF0627 : Waterlogging by Bob Harvey Waterlogging
Field in Callans lane in heavy rain. It has been raining heavily, on and off, since June, and the soil has been waterlogged for months. Today's heavy rain is just running off.
TF0627 : Closed gate at the entrance to Callan's Lane Wood by Jonathan Thacker Closed gate at the entrance to Callan's Lane Wood
TF0627 : Panorama from Temple Wood by Bob Harvey Panorama from Temple Wood
I'm standing here with my back to Temple wood, looking over the little hillside down to Kirkby Underwood. The Panorama was self-stitched in my Google Nexus phone, and is just over 180 degrees wide, with East on the left and West... (more)
TF0627 : Footpath to Hawthorpe by Jonathan Thacker Footpath to Hawthorpe
Passing through a field of barley. Temple Wood to the right.
TF0627 : Churchyard Oak by Bob Harvey Churchyard Oak
A second churchyard oak, a few metres away from the one in TF0727 : Churchyard gate, and with almost exactly the same type of leaf and height of crown, suggesting they are contemporary. But this one has the leaf senescene far further advanced. They... (more)
TF0627 : Callan's Lane by JThomas Callan's Lane
Heading east towards Kirkby Underwood.

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