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Grid reference SY6970

near to Southwell, Dorset, England


We have 127 images in grid square SY6970
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SY6970 [3]
A sample of 12 photos from 127 for SY6970 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SY6970 : Dinosaur Footprint by Anne Burgess Dinosaur Footprint
The depression in the rock shelf exposed by quarrying at Freshwater Bay is the footprint of a large dinosaur. Precise grid reference deliberately withheld. GPS for scale.
SY6970 : Roadside tribute on the Southwell Road by Neil Owen Roadside tribute on the Southwell Road
Set into the stone wall is a small tribute to a local man, 24, who died at this junction in 2013. Reports indicate that his car smashed into the wall, causing severe injuries, but that there was no significant contributing factor in the... (more)
SY6970 : South West Coast Path (set of 2 images) by N Chadwick South West Coast Path (set of 2 images)
SY6970 : Entrance to Coombefield Quarry from Southwell Road by Roger Templeman Entrance to Coombefield Quarry from Southwell Road
A recently-demolished building near here had an Ordnance Survey benchmark levelled at 41.7m above Newlyn Datum in 1953.
SY6970 : South West Coast Path, Isle of Portland by Malc McDonald South West Coast Path, Isle of Portland
Buddleia alongside the South West Coast Path on the Isle of Portland.
SY6970 : Easton, coastal path by Mike Faherty Easton, coastal path
Beginning the descent towards Church Ope Cove: LinkExternal link
SY6970 : Ledge of disused quarry by ian saunders Ledge of disused quarry
From just off main road out of Easton - after the Southwell landslip
SY6970 : South West Coast Path passing Freshwater Bay, Portland by David Smith South West Coast Path passing Freshwater Bay, Portland
SY6970 : Church Ope Cove Portland by Gordon Hatton Church Ope Cove Portland
Just about the only beach on the Isle of Portland, this small pebbly bay is on the more sheltered east coast.
SY6970 : Portland by Brendan and Ruth McCartney Portland
Looking south along the cliffs from Cheyne Weares car park.
SY6970 : The Southwell Landslip by Maigheach-gheal The Southwell Landslip
The Southwell Landslide of 1734 is one of the largest recorded landslide events and it created Church Ope Cove in the process.
SY6970 : Portland Coastline at Cheyne Weares by David Dixon Portland Coastline at Cheyne Weares
Looking northwards from the view point at Cheyne Weares, the stunning chalk coastline stretches around Weymouth Bay towards the Pubecks.

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