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Grid reference SK3586

near to Sheffield, England


We have 1,281 images in grid square SK3586
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SK3586 [64] taken pre 2000 [21]
A sample of 12 photos from 1,281 for SK3586 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SK3586 : Former National Centre for Popular Music, Sheffield by Mark Morton Former National Centre for Popular Music, Sheffield
When the centre closed, due to poor visitor numbers, it was bought by Sheffield Hallam University and is now used as their student union building.
SK3586 : Departing Railbus by Wilson Adams Departing Railbus
Railbus 142 012 departing Sheffield for Manchester. Shrewsbury Rd overbridge in the background.
SK3586 : A61, Sheffield Inner Ring Road by N Chadwick A61, Sheffield Inner Ring Road
SK3586 : Sheffield Telephone House by Richard Newall Sheffield Telephone House
Taken from Trafalgar St. The building in the right foreground is a gym.
SK3586 : Columbia Place, Suffolk Road by Stanley Walker Columbia Place, Suffolk Road
Built c1836 and looking like an important public building with the royal coat of arms over the entrance which dates from the time it was the premises of William Wuigfall & Sons brush manufacturers 1868/71 and known as Columbia Works... (more)
SK3586 : Sidings at Sheffield by Bill Boaden Sidings at Sheffield
Just south of Sheffield Midland station, viewed from Shrewsbury Road.
SK3586 : Welcome to Sheffield on Eyre Street by Steve  Fareham Welcome to Sheffield on Eyre Street
Taken from 5th floor Jury's Hotel. Centre is the fire station.
SK3586 : Sheffield: arrival from the station at night by Chris Downer Sheffield: arrival from the station at night
The water feature outside Sheffield station, which is eye-catching during the day, does not do so bad at night either with its illuminations used to good effect. The fountain's plumes are at full height here, almost obscuring the... (more)
SK3586 : Street scene in Sheffield by Jeremy Bolwell Street scene in Sheffield
Pedestrianised area.
SK3586 : South Yorkshire Supertram No. 120 at Sheffield Station/Sheffield Hallam University tram stop, Sheffield by P L Chadwick South Yorkshire Supertram No. 120 at Sheffield Station/Sheffield Hallam University tram stop, Sheffield
The city of Sheffield's first generation tramway closed in 1960. This tram was repainted into the cream and blue livery used by Sheffield Corporation trams in their final years to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the closure. It is... (more)
SK3586 : Roebuck Tavern, Charles Street, Sheffield by Ian S Roebuck Tavern, Charles Street, Sheffield
SK3586 : The way to London by Dave Pickersgill The way to London
Platform 7 at Sheffield Station and the London train is ready to load.

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