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Grid reference SE3070

near to Ripon, North Yorkshire, England


We have 82 images in grid square SE3070
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SE3070 [3]
A sample of 12 photos from 82 for SE3070 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SE3070 : Ripon, 33 Borrage Lane by Mel Towler Ripon, 33 Borrage Lane
There is a benchmark partially hidden behind the pipework on the exterior of the property, which is on the south side of Borrage Lane.
SE3070 : Moorside Infant School, Ripon by Derek Harper Moorside Infant School, Ripon
From a 36 bus stop, as you can probably tell, on the Harrogate Road, the former A61. Out of sight behind the school is the junior school.
SE3070 : Muddy footpath towards Hell Wath Nature Reserve by John Slater Muddy footpath towards Hell Wath Nature Reserve
SE3070 : Hell Wath Nature Reserve (set of 2 images) by Alastair Montgomery Hell Wath Nature Reserve (set of 2 images)
SE3070 : Footpath to Borrage Green Lane by Heather Holdridge Footpath to Borrage Green Lane
SE3070 : Mallorie Park Drive (B6265), Ripon by JThomas Mallorie Park Drive (B6265), Ripon
SE3070 : Bee & Thistle by David Rogers Bee & Thistle
Pollen laden bee on thistle at Hell Wath Nature Reserve.
SE3070 : Bishopton Vets by Matthew Hatton Bishopton Vets
Built on the site of Bishopton Mill, a former Flax, Corn and Saw Mill that closed down after a catastrous fire in 1916.
SE3070 : Footpath across Hell Wath by DS Pugh Footpath across Hell Wath
Looking across Hell Wath Nature Reserve. Runners are gathering for the Jolly Holly Jog (10 km race).
SE3070 : Cut Bench Mark, South Crescent by Mark Anderson Cut Bench Mark, South Crescent
Bench Mark Database: LinkExternal link
SE3070 : Path into Ripon by the River Skell by Bill Boaden Path into Ripon by the River Skell
The river is on the left. It is a grey autumn afternoon and getting dark.
SE3070 : Mallorie  Park  Drive  Ripon by Martin Dawes Mallorie Park Drive Ripon
This is the B6265 which takes you to the west of Ripon

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