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Grid reference SE0063

near to Grassington, North Yorkshire, England


We have 555 images in grid square SE0063
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from SE0063 [29] taken pre 2000 [23]
A sample of 12 photos from 555 for SE0063 - View this square in the Browser >>>
SE0063 : Grassington Sorting Office by N Chadwick Grassington Sorting Office
SE0063 : 1-5 School Cottages by Russel Wills 1-5 School Cottages
On Wood Lane, Grassington.
SE0063 : The Dales Way by Ian S The Dales Way
#218, Brow Well Fisheries.
SE0063 : Checking out the Linton standing stone... by Bill Harrison Checking out the Linton standing stone...
...with Stickhaw Lathe (field barn) in the background.
SE0063 : The finest bus shelter in Yorkshire? by Gordon Hatton The finest bus shelter in Yorkshire?
Beautifully built shelter in Grassington's main car park, featuring traditional drystone walling and attractive etched glass.
SE0063 : Pride of the Dales by Colin Smith Pride of the Dales
Mini-buses are used to ferry locals, ramblers and tourists alike around the twisting roads of the Dales. This one is in Grassington, by the Dales Visitor Centre.
SE0063 : Pack horse bridge, Linton Falls by Carroll Pierce Pack horse bridge, Linton Falls
This is the packhorse bridge on the Linton side of the River Wharfe at Linton Falls. The hydroelectric power station can be seen in the middle distance to the left, with Grass Wood rising up on the horizon.
SE0063 : River Wharfe at Linton by David Dixon River Wharfe at Linton
The river below Linton Falls, as seen from the Tin Bridge. The houses opposite appear to have been built on the site previously occupied by Linton Mills (SE0063 : Linton Mills), which were demolished in 1983.
SE0063 : Linton Falls and the Tin Bridge by Dr Neil Clifton Linton Falls and the Tin Bridge
By 1986, the nearby Linton Mill had been demolished. It had occupied the site to the left.
SE0063 : Mowing grass at High Cross Lathe by Graham Robson Mowing grass at High Cross Lathe
A John Deere tractor carrying a mower is cutting grass in a field adjacent to High Cross Lathe farm.
SE0063 : Linton St Michael & All Angels by Stephen Craven Linton St Michael & All Angels
The grade II* listed parish church for Grassington and surrounding villages, seen from the path from Hebden that crosses the river on stepping stones before entering the churchyard.
SE0063 : Main Street, Grassington by Chris Morgan Main Street, Grassington

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