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Grid reference NZ5911

near to Kildale, North Yorkshire, England


We have 54 images in grid square NZ5911
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Sample images Breakdown list images taken from NZ5911 [5]
A sample of 12 photos from 54 for NZ5911 - View this square in the Browser >>>
NZ5911 : Grazing land at Gribdale by John M Grazing land at Gribdale
Roseberry Topping is the main landscape feature on the northern edge of the North York Moors.
NZ5911 : Grouse, Great Ayton Moor by David Robinson Grouse, Great Ayton Moor
NZ5911 : Cleveland Way signpost by Russel Wills Cleveland Way signpost
With dumped dog excrement bags. Many dogs are exercised here and leave their deposits on the track, bagged and unbagged.
NZ5911 : Enclosure on Great Ayton Moor by Colin Grice Enclosure on Great Ayton Moor
Thawing snow highlights various features which are normally hard to see. The enclosure is thought to date to around 300-100BC, but it looks as though it was superimposed on an earlier field system (the faint cross lines)
NZ5911 : Great Ayton Moor by David Brown Great Ayton Moor
One tree remains
NZ5911 : Felled area of high intake plantation by Reece Fowler Felled area of high intake plantation
Part of this wood was felled in autumn of 2008.
NZ5911 : Lonsdale by Mick Garratt Lonsdale
From Great Ayton Moor.
NZ5911 : Above Gribdale Gate by T  Eyre Above Gribdale Gate
Descending to Gribdale Gate.
NZ5911 : Bridleway down to Gribdale by Stephen McCulloch Bridleway down to Gribdale
This bridleway runs north over Great Ayton Moor and Hutton Moor. This is the view back to the south to the road at Gribdale. The drainage gully on the right exposes the Alum Shale member of the Whitby Mudstone Formation.
NZ5911 : Roseberry Topping and Teesside seen from The Cleveland Way by Phil Catterall Roseberry Topping and Teesside seen from The Cleveland Way
NZ5911 : Great Ayton Moor by Mick Garratt Great Ayton Moor
A sunny morning and a little obambulation over Great Ayton Moor. Surprisingly a rainbow. “A rainbow at night, fair weather in sight. A rainbow at morn, fair weather all gorn.” Happen to be near this cairn. Although Great Ayton Moor... (more)
NZ5911 : Moorland with valley of Lonsdale Beck by Trevor Littlewood Moorland with valley of Lonsdale Beck
A stream groove develops on the south side of Great Ayton Moor and drains into the valley below in this image, that of Lonsdale Beck.

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