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Grid reference NU1335

near to Easington, Northumberland, England


We have 29 images in grid square NU1335
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A sample of 12 photos from 29 for NU1335 - View this square in the Browser >>>
NU1335 : Salt marsh, Budle Bay by Richard Webb Salt marsh, Budle Bay
Near a neap high water. The water is covering mud.
NU1335 : Hawthorn hedge with berries, Cockle Ridge by Graham Robson Hawthorn hedge with berries, Cockle Ridge
A short section of hawthorn hedge is laden with berries brightening up the autumnal hedgerow.
NU1335 : Pasture field by Walter Baxter Pasture field
By a woodland strip at Cockle Ridge.
NU1335 : Bird watcher on permissive footpath by Russel Wills Bird watcher on permissive footpath
Returning from Budle Bay.
NU1335 : The sluice at Ross Low by Oliver Dixon The sluice at Ross Low
The King Charles III England Coast Path crosses the stream at this point.
NU1335 : Looking towards Cockle Ridge by Graham Robson Looking towards Cockle Ridge
Looking across a recently sown arable field towards the woodland at Cockle Ridge.
NU1335 : Track in the wood at Cockle Ridge by Russel Wills Track in the wood at Cockle Ridge
A wind break between arable fields.
NU1335 : Head of Budle Bay by Richard Webb Head of Budle Bay
Far reaches inland with a neap high water covering mudflats. Drainage from fields is protected from tidal flooding by sluices.
NU1335 : Sluice on Ross Low by Oliver Dixon Sluice on Ross Low
The King Charles III England Coast Path crosses Ross Low here.
NU1335 : Permissive Path towards Cockle Ridge Plantation by Les Hull Permissive Path towards Cockle Ridge Plantation
NU1335 : Permissive footpath through woodland at Cockle Ridge by Graham Robson Permissive footpath through woodland at Cockle Ridge
A permissive footpath allows access through the woodland at Cockle Ridge to Budle Bay at the woodlands eastern edge.
NU1335 : King Charles III Coast Path near Ross Low by Oliver Dixon King Charles III Coast Path near Ross Low
Overgrown section of the newly-designated path. Because this length of path is only officially open for two months of the year, it is likely to suffer for lack of use.

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