Data standards & processing

Data Use Club practical session - 12 Feb 2025


The data available on GBIF comes from many different data providers: citizen science initiatives, museums, research teams, etc. The data are then processed and aggregated to enable anyone to access them seamlessly via the GBIF website and API.

This Data Use Club session aimed to give users the tools to understand the context of the data available on GBIF and help them decide if the data is fit for their analyses.

We aimed to answer the following questions by giving a brief overview of the use of data standards, the transformation and checks made by GBIF and the various data formats available.

  • How are these data shared and processed by GBIF before appearing on the search interface and API?
  • What kinds of flags and checks are applied?
  • How to find more information about the original data and how to access it?

Hosts from the GBIF Secretariat