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IJAT Most Downloaded Papers, Aug. 2024

This month Last month Vol. No. Title / Authors Keywords
No.1 4 Vol.11
“Industrie 4.0” and Smart Manufacturing – A Review of Research Issues and Application Examples
Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Stefan Wiesner, and Thorsten Wuest
industry 4.0, smart manufacturing, cyber-physical systems, industrial internet, smart factory
No.2 3 Vol.16
Magnetic Levitation Technology for Precision Motion Systems: A Review and Future Perspectives
Lei Zhou and Jingjie Wu
magnetic levitation, mechatronics, actuators, precision motion systems, precision positioning
No.3 10 Vol.13
Review of Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing for 3D Metal Printing
Johnnie Liew Zhong Li, Mohd Rizal Alkahari, Nor Ana Binti Rosli, Rafidah Hasan, Mohd Nizam Sudin, and Faiz Redza Ramli
wire arc additive manufacturing (WAAM), 3D printing, additive manufacturing (AM), welding, fused deposition modeling (FDM)
No.4 7 Vol.18
High-Efficiency Polishing of Polymer Surface Using Catalyst-Referred Etching
Daisetsu Toh, Kodai Takeda, Kiyoto Kayao, Yuji Ohkubo, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Yasuhisa Sano
polymer polishing, catalyst-referred etching (CARE), polycarbonate (PC), polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP)
No.5 1 Vol.18
Advanced Sensing and Machine Learning Technologies for Intelligent Measurement in Smart and Precision Manufacturing
Ryo Sato, Kuangyi Li, Masaki Michihata, Satoru Takahashi, and Wei Gao
intelligent measurement, sensing, machine learning, dimensional metrology, process monitoring
No.5 18 Vol.17
Evaluation of Dressing Condition Based on Quantification of Grinding Wheel Surface Conditions
Gen Uchida, Takazo Yamada, and Yuta Iwasaki
grinding wheel, dressing, dressing overlap ratio, grinding wheel surface condition, grinding characteristics
No.6 5 Vol.18
Continuous Representation of Machining Processes Using 4-Dimensional Geometric Models –Cutter-Workpiece Engagement Analysis and Processing Surface Estimation in Spatio-Temporal Space—
Tong Zhang, Masahiko Onosato, and Fumiki Tanaka
CAD/CAM, milling process simulation, 4D geometric model, cutter-workpiece engagement
No.6 19 Vol.18
Feasibility Study of Single-Point Incremental Forming for Discontinuous-Fiber CFRP Using Oil-Bath Heating
Tatsuki Ikari and Hidetake Tanaka
CFRP, incremental forming, oil bath, Taguchi method
No.7 12 Vol.18
A Discrete-Event Simulation Study of Multi-Objective Sales and Operation Planning Under Demand Uncertainty: A Case of the Ethiopian Automotive Industry
Yigedeb Abay, Toshiya Kaihara, and Daisuke Kokuryo
sales and operation planning, supply chain planning, multi-objective, discrete-event simulation, Ethiopian automotive industry
No.7 11 Vol.16
Sustainable Design Implementation – Measuring Environmental Impact and User Responsibility
Achmad Yahya Teguh Panuju, Martinus Martinus, Akhmad Riszal, and Hideki Kobayashi
sustainable design, eco awareness, environmental impact measurement
No.7 20 Vol.14
Automating Accuracy Evaluation of 5-Axis Machine Tools
Guido Florussen, Koen Houben, Henny Spaan, and Theresa Spaan-Burke
5-axis machine tools, machine correction, metrology, non-contact
No.7 18 Vol.14
Latest Machine Tool Structural Design Technology for Ultra-Precision Machining
Ryota Shindo and Shinji Nishiwaki
profile grinding machine, topology optimization, shape, optimization, structure design
No.8 20 Vol.18
Measurement and Control of Body Pressure Towards Smart Bed System
Jun Ito and Shin Usuki
body pressure, FEM analysis, Laplacian filter, smart bed system
No.8 19 Vol.17
Technique for Introducing Internal Defects with Arbitrary Sizes and Locations in Metals via Additive Manufacturing and Evaluation of Fatigue Properties
Kazuyuki Morishita, Taichi Yamaguchi, Kentaro Wada, and Junichiro Yamabe
additive manufacturing, metal fatigue, internal defect, steel, X-ray CT
No.8 19 Vol.17
Three-Dimensional Evaluation of Microscopic Wheel Surface Topography in Creep Feed Grinding Using Ceramics Grinding Wheel
Masakazu Fujimoto and Masashi Fujita
ceramics grinding wheel, wheel surface topography, grain cutting edge, creep feed grinding, effective cutting-edge number
No.8 15 Vol.16
An Analysis of Practices and Challenges for Plastic Recycling Industry in Malaysia
Ming Hui Tan, Meng Soon Chiong, Yoon-Young Chun, Kenichiro Tsukahara, and Kiyotaka Tahara
solid waste management, plastic waste, recycling, material flow analysis, Malaysia
No.8 19 Vol.10
Experimental Analysis of Glass Drilling with Ultrashort Pulse Lasers
Rin Shinomoto, Yusuke Ito, Toru Kizaki, Kentaro Tatsukoshi, Yasuji Fukasawa, Keisuke Nagato, Naohiko Sugita, and Mamoru Mitsuishi
ultrashort pulse laser, laser processing, glass
No.9 14 Vol.18
A Technique for Estimating the Pitch of Interference Fringe Patterns for Pattern Exposure in a Non-Orthogonal One-Axis Lloyd’s Mirror Interferometer
Nozomu Takahiro and Yuki Shimizu
laser interference lithography, Lloyd’s mirror interferometer, diffraction grating
No.9 16 Vol.17
Digital Twin of Experience for Human–Robot Collaboration Through Virtual Reality
Tetsunari Inamura
digital twin, virtual reality, human–robot interaction, behavior change
No.9 18 Vol.17
Estimating Whole-Body Walking Motion from Inertial Measurement Units at Wrist and Heels Using Deep Learning
Yuji Kumano, Suguru Kanoga, Masataka Yamamoto, Hiroshi Takemura, and Mitsunori Tada
deep learning, joint angle estimation, IMU, long short-term memory layer, motion capture
No.9 19 Vol.16
Challenges of Remanufacturing Using Powder Bed Fusion Based Additive Manufacturing
Naoko Sato, Mitsutaka Matsumoto, Hisato Ogiso, and Harumichi Sato
remanufacturing, metal-based additive manufacturing, powder bed fusion, parts reliability, microstructure
No.9 20 Vol.15
Photoelectrochemical Oxidation Assisted Catalyst-Referred Etching for SiC (0001) Surface
Daisetsu Toh, Pho Van Bui, Kazuto Yamauchi, and Yasuhisa Sano
catalyst-referred etching, silicon carbide (SiC), photoelectrochemical oxidation (PEC), ultraviolet light
No.9 - Vol.14
Effective Optical System Assembly Using Ultra-Precise Manufactured References
Andreas Gebhardt, Matthias Beier, Erik Schmidt, Thomas Rendel, Ute Gawronski, and Eyk Gebhardt
optical system assembly, reference structures, alignment turning, snap-together
No.9 18 Vol.14
A Digital Perspective on Machine Tool Calibration
Benjamin Montavon, Philipp Dahlem, Martin Peterek, and Robert H. Schmitt
machine tool calibration, internet of production, computational manufacturing
No.9 - Vol.14
A Puncturing Device that Mimics the Mechanism of Mosquito’s Proboscis and Labium - Verification of the Effect of Skin Deformation / Needle Buckling Prevention Mechanism and Puncture Experiment on Artificial Skin and Experimental Animals –
Shunki Yamamoto, Seiji Aoyagi, Masahiro Yamada, Tomokazu Takahashi, Masato Suzuki, Toshio Nagashima, Atsushi Kunugi, Makoto Chiyonobu, Takeshi Kuroiwa, Ryota Hosomi, Kenji Fukunaga, Daisuke Uta, Tomonori Takazawa, Tomoyuki Hikitsuchi, Yumi Kawajiri, and Koji Nakayama
microneedle, buckling, deformation, laser lithography, finite element method analysis
No.9 20 Vol.9
Analysis of the Coupled Vibration Between Feed Drive Systems and Machine Tool Structure
Ryuta Sato, Gen Tashiro, and Keiichi Shirase
machine tool structure, feed drive system, coupled vibration, frequency response, tracking error
No.10 14 Vol.18
Unsupervised Anomaly Detection for IoT-Driven Multivariate Time Series on Moringa Leaf Extraction
Kurnianingsih, Retno Widyowati, Achmad Fahrul Aji, Eri Sato-Shimokawara, Takenori Obo, and Naoyuki Kubota
moringa leaf extraction, IoT, unsupervised anomaly detection, multivariate time series
No.10 17 Vol.18
Design of an Optical Head with Two Phase-Shifted Interference Signals for Direction Detection of Small Displacement in an Absolute Surface Encoder
Ryo Sato, Tao Liu, Satoru Maehara, Ryota Okimura, Hiraku Matsukuma, and Wei Gao
absolute encoder, surface encoder, variable line space grating, mode-locked femtosecond laser
No.10 20 Vol.17
Study on Laser Scan Strategy for Correcting Anisotropic Residual Stress Distribution and Reducing Warpage in Structures Fabricated by PBF-LB/M
Atsushi Ezura, Satoshi Abe, Tatsuaki Furumoto, Toshihiko Sasaki, and Jiro Sakamoto
PBF-LB/M, residual stress, warpage, laser scan strategy, cosα method
No.10 19 Vol.16
Effect of Powder Mold Release Agent on Aluminum Alloy Melt Under Gravity Casting Conditions
Kuiyuan Mu, Makoto Nikawa, Kunio Hayakawa, Hidetaka Shima, and Minoru Yamashita
gravity casting, heat transfer coefficient, powder mold release agent, mushy-type molten metal
No.10 16 Vol.16
Exploring the Impact of IoT and Green Advertising on Consumer Behavior
Jui-Che Tu, Cheng-Hsueh Yang, and Yu-Yin Chen
Internet of things, green advertising, consumer behavior, green education
No.10 - Vol.16
Influence of Agitator Shape on Characteristics and Grinding Efficiency of Attritor Mill
Chenzuo Ye, Yutaro Takaya, Yuki Tsunazawa, Kazuhiro Mochidzuki, and Chiharu Tokoro
photovoltaic panel recycling, attritor mill, agitator shape, grinding kinetics, DEM simulation
No.10 - Vol.16
Evaluation of the Relationship Among Dressing Conditions Using Prismatic Dresser, Dressing Resistance, and Grinding Characteristics
Gen Uchida, Takazo Yamada, Kouichi Ichihara, Makoto Harada, and Tatsuya Kohara
grinding wheel, prismatic dresser, ground surface roughness, grinding resistance, dressing resistance
No.10 13 Vol.15
Effect of Ultrafine Bubbles on Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Staphylococcus Aureus During Sterilization of Machining Fluid
Hiroko Yamada, Kensuke Konishi, Keita Shimada, Masayoshi Mizutani, and Tsunemoto Kuriyagawa
ultrafine bubbles, sterilization, water-soluble machining fluid, pseudomonas aeruginosa
No.10 19 Vol.15
Evaluation of Grinding Wheel Surface Shape on Difference Multiple Helical Dressing Condition
Gen Uchida, Takazo Yamada, Kouichi Ichihara, Makoto Harada, Kohichi Miura, and Hwa-Soo Lee
grinding wheel, multiple helical dressing, dressing groove, cylindricity of grinding wheel, measured focus position recalculation method
No.10 - Vol.14
Measurement and Compensation of Tool Contour Error Using White Light Interferometry for Ultra-Precision Diamond Turning of Freeform Surfaces
Kodai Nagayama and Jiwang Yan
freeform surface, ultra-precision cutting, form error compensation, diamond tool, white light interferometry
No.10 - Vol.14
Development of an Additive Manufactured Artifact to Characterize Unfused Powder Using Computed Tomography
Ahmed Tawfik, Paul Bills, Liam Blunt, and Radu Racasan
unfused powder, defects analysis, additive manufacturing, computed tomography
No.10 17 Vol.14
Identification Method of Error Motions and Geometric Errors of a Rotary Axis by R-Test
Takaaki Kenno, Ryuta Sato, Keiichi Shirase, Shigemasa Natsume, and Henny Spaan
five-axis machine tools, rotary axis, error motion, geometric error, R-test
No.10 13 Vol.6
Indirect Measurement of Volumetric Accuracy for Three-Axis and Five-Axis Machine Tools: A Review
Soichi Ibaraki and Wolfgang Knapp
volumetric accuracy, indirect measurement, machine tools, kinematic model

Count period : August 1-31, 2024

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