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JACIII Vol.19 No.2 pp. 293-300
doi: 10.20965/jaciii.2015.p0293


Motion Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Using Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach

Qi Shi*, Zhejun Fang*, Jinhua She**, Junya Imani**, and Yasuhiro Ohyama**

*Graduate School of Bionics, Computer and Media Sciences, Tokyo University of Technology
1404-1 Katakura, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0982, Japan

**School of Computer Science, Tokyo University of Technology
Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0982, Japan

June 12, 2014
December 16, 2014
March 20, 2015
compensation of nonlinearity, equivalent input disturbance (EID), estimation of nonlinearity, NXTway-GS, wheeled inverted pendulum (WIP)
This paper presents a new method for controlling the motion of a wheeled inverted pendulum (WIP) based on the equivalent-input-disturbance (EID) approach. Coordinate transformation first transforms the WIP into a simple nonlinear system divided into linear and nonlinear parts. The nonlinear part is then treated as a state-and-input-dependent disturbance, and the EID approach is used to estimate and compensate it. Simulation results of an NXTway-GS demonstrate the validity of the method.
Cite this article as:
Q. Shi, Z. Fang, J. She, J. Imani, and Y. Ohyama, “Motion Control of a Wheeled Inverted Pendulum Using Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Approach,” J. Adv. Comput. Intell. Intell. Inform., Vol.19 No.2, pp. 293-300, 2015.
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