The Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society

The Florida AI Research Society was founded in 1987 to promote and advance Artificial Intelligence within the State of Florida, including interaction between researchers at the various colleges, universities, and industry. Membership is open to all (Florida residents and non-residents) that attend the yearly conference.

From its inception, one major goal of the society has been to promote AI through a conference. These conferences have been held yearly since the spring of 1988. During the first two years, participation was restricted to State of Florida residents. Since 1990, the conference has been open to all. In 1995 the conference title was changed to "The International FLAIRS Conference" to recognize the contribution of the international participants within the conference. The last several years has seen a fairly even split of conference participants between Floridians, North Americans, and Internationals.

Devoted to the promotion of Artificial Intelligence in the State of Florida.