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Composition and nutritive values of feeds for cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, poultry, rabbits, horses and salmonids

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Tables (as fed)

Tables (on dry matter)


The INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ feed tables contain chemical data, nutritional data and environmental data of feeds for ruminants, pigs, poultry, rabbits, horses and fish (salmonids). They include values about more than 200 feeds of plant and animal origin and 100 mineral sources. Data are presented in list or table form, on as fed (fresh) and dry matter basis, and include statistics of variability.

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Ruminant values for energy, protein and minerals (phosphorus, calcium) are provided. Net Energy (UFL, UFV), metabolizable energy and protein (PDI, rumen protein balance) are calculated according to the new INRA Systali system. Values calculated using the former INRA system are included as well. The equations for predicting organic matter digestibility have been updated.

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The tables provide values of apparent metabolizable energy corrected for zero nitrogen retention (AMEn) for cockerels and broilers, digestible amino acids (ileal standardized) and phosphorus availability.

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The tables include values for net energy (expressed as UFC: Forage unit for horse) and for digestible protein (MADC). UFC values are predicted from the chemical composition and from the digestible energy or digestible organic matter. Feed-specific equations are provided.

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Biological values of minerals

The tables provide biological values of minerals for about 100 mineral sources. The values are relative to a reference source, usually unique for a given mineral element.

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Principles and methods

The INRAE-CIRAD-AFZ feed tables include chemical data are derived from analyses performed in feed laboratories using standard methods and then corrected to produce consistent chemical profiles. Nutritional values for livestock, poultry and fish are derived from in vivo trials and then established by equations. Environmental impact values originate from the ECO-ALIM project.

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The tables include values for net energy, metabolizable energy and digestible energy values for growing pigs and adult pigs, values of digestible (ileal standardised) amino acids and digestible phosphorus (with or without phytase). Energy digestibility is estimated using prediction equations specific for each feed material and then used to estimate net energy values.

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The tables provide values of metabolizable energy (corrected for a zero nitrogen balance), digestible energy and nitrogen digestibility.

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The tables include values for digestible energy, nitrogen digestibility and digestible phosphorus for salmonids (salmons and trouts).

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Environmental data

Sandrine Espagnol (IFIP)

The environmental data for feeds included in these tables have been produced through ECO-ALIM, a French project led by IFIP and funded by ADEME and the French Ministry of agriculture. IFIP, Arvalis, Terres Inovia and INRA collaborated with the feed industry (SNIA, Coop de France Animal nutrition, AFCA-CIAL and feed manufacturers) to produce environmental data suitable for inclusion in least-cost feed formulation with a goal to reduce the environmental impact of livestock feeds and of the resulting animal products (meat, milk, eggs).

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