The Cloudcast (.net) - Episode 2 - "Same Guys, Less Wire": Aaron & Brian talk about why they changed the name, why they are doing The Cloudcast, potential guests, potential sponsors and something called "Angry Joe". by The Cloudcastratings:
32 minutes
May 27, 2020
Podcast episode
Tal Weiss (@weisstal, Co-Founder/CTO of @OverOpsHQ) talks about the challenges of frequently deploying applications, understanding cloud-native patterns, and helping developers debug problems in production. SHOW: 452SHOW SPONSOR LINKS:Datadog Homepage - Modern Monitoring and AnalyticsTry Datadog yourself by starting a free, 14-day trial today. Listeners of this podcast will also receive a free Datadog T-shirtLogz.io Homepage - Start your free Logz.io trial here, and receive a t-shirt, on us!OpenObservability.io online event (May 27, 2020)strongDM HomepageStart your free 14 day trial today at: strongdm.com/cloudcastCLOUD NEWS OF THE WEEK - http://bit.ly/cloudcast-cnotwPodCTL Podcast is Back (Enterprise Kubernetes) - http://podctl.comSHOW NOTES:OverOps HomepageTopic 1 - Welcome to the show. You’ve been a software developer, an entrepreneur and worked on some pretty challenging technical areas - tell us a little bit about your background. What motivated you to start OverOps?Topic 2 - We are quickly moving to a world where software is no longer a “big bang” planning activity, but lots of continuous activities, loosely coordinated. What sort of challenges does that create for production applications? Topic 3 - OverOps talks about this concept of Continuous Reliability. What does this mean in a world where cloud-native patterns are teaching people that they should build systems that are designed around unreliable infrastructure?Topic 4 - How does OverOps begin to make it easier for developers to debug production problems, especially when there are many tools collecting lots and other information about systems? Topic 5 - Where do you see the most progress for companies that have these highly variable, fast-moving application environments improving the most? Is it the evolution of SRE teams, or visibility tools, or something else? Topics 6 - Any tips you can pass along to our audience for reaching continuous reliability?FEEDBACK?Email: show at thecloudcast dot netTwitter: @thecloudcastnet
May 27, 2020
Podcast episode
Titles in the series (100)
- 7 min listen