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Atomic Power of Fasting
Atomic Power of Fasting
Atomic Power of Fasting
Ebook92 pages53 minutes

Atomic Power of Fasting

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Understanding how to reduce the complex components of human nature-thought processes, emotions, imagination, will, and physical desires-is not merely wishful thinking. It's not about reasoning or having academic intelligence. True transformation requires a compreh

PublisherRoyal Books
Release dateAug 26, 2024
Atomic Power of Fasting

Evette J Young

Prophetess Dr. Evette Young was born and raised in New Or-leans, Louisiana. She is a license and ordained Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel and Evelyn Young. The wife of Dr. John K. Hill, and Mother of Anointed Evelyn Divine. She is an upcoming and a New Strong voice in the Kingdom of God. The power of God is extremely evident in her life and Ministry. Countless lives have been changed and transformed through her work. Dr. Evette is a prolific preacher who is empowered to release the fire of God. God has truly placed on her life the prophetic mantle, the working of the miraculous, healing, teaching and preaching. She has an incredible deliverance power of God on her life to free people from addictions, sexual per-versions, abusive relationships, all forms of demonic bond-age, and satanic works, etc. There are numerous testimonies and praise reports of bodies being healed and set free in her ministry. Dr. Evette is a tremendous, dynamic Woman of Prayer. She has impeccable integrity, and live a holy life unto the Lord. She is dedicated and committed to her God-given ministry assignment for the Kingdom of God. She has the Spirit of Excellence. She is a woman of class, servitude, and with uncanny boldness, she powerfully declares the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. Dr. Evette is a Graduate of World Harvest Bible College, where the Honorable Rod Parsley is founder and Pastor, and Graduate of International Miracle Institute, where Apostle Christian and Robin Harfouche are the Founders. She holds her Associates, Bachelor, Masters and PH. D in Theology. She has appeared on 'WACTV' Live, TCT Network and World TV Network besides other Christian Networks.

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    Book preview

    Atomic Power of Fasting - Evette J Young

    © Copyright 2021—Dr. Evette Young. All rights reserved.

    This book is protected under the copyright laws. This book may not be copied or reprinted for commercial gain or profit. The use of short quotations or occasional page copying for personal or group study is permitted and encouraged. Permission will be granted upon request. Unless otherwise identified, Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version. All emphasis within Scriptures is the author’s own.

    Please note that Royal Publishers™ publishing style capitalizes certain pronouns in Scripture that refer to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and may differ from some Bible publishers’ styles. Take note that the name satan and related names are not capitalized. We choose not to acknowledge him, even to the point of violating grammatical rules.

    Due to the revelatory content of this material and because of the author’s commitment to preserve the integrity and personal reading experience, editorial license was taken to maintain the spiritual and physical impact of the underlining subjects revealed in this book.

    This book and all other Royal Publisher™ books are available at Christian bookstores and distributors worldwide. To order products, or for any other correspondence:


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    ISBN 13 EBOOK: 979-8-3303-7544-8

    For Worldwide Distribution, Printed in the U.S.A.

    Table of Contents






    Types of Fasting

    Acceptable and Effective Fasting

    Building Up Your Faith

    Lengths and Types of Fast

    Checking Your Heart

    Power Tools

    Meditation And Rest

    Angels And Warfare

    Fasting For Freedom


    This book is dedicated to my mother; Evelyn W. Young, who modeled a fasting lifestyle before my eyes from childhood to adulthood. She remains my first example of a committed life of sacrificial fasting. Today my Mother is 77 years young, and still practicing fasting. I witness her devotion to prayer and fasting, and I truly know, and I believe it is what saved my life on many occasions. She stood on the Word of the LORD, declaring, Me and my household shall be saved. I love my dearest Mother!


    If there is any time in the history of mankind's existence that is full of uncertainties, it’s now. That's why we all have to avail ourselves to all that heaven has provided us, which can enable us to beat the odds in three realms, spirit, soul, and materially. For that reason, I am proudly introducing to you one of the 21st century’s prepared vessels of the LORD in the person of Dr. Evette J. Young. She has meticulously put together a written weapon that many of us have not harnessed for such a long time. Captioned The Atomic Power of Fasting. A work of love and strenuous experience that fits the narrative of our day and times. Make sure to get a hold of this book and experience a major difference in your spiritual life and walk with the Almighty God in the End Times.

    Thank you,

    Apostle Victor Bessong

    Hour of Celebration Netword International Inc.,

    Brockton, MA. USA


    Throughout years of my personal experiences, prayer has become a part of my life. Some challenges offered me no other options; therefore, I had to adjust regardless of pressures. Sometimes, we attend to prayers from a religious or casual approach but it is rather a key to solving deep humanitarian problems. Besides, the surface overviews of petitioning and requesting for answers to our basic needs, prayer opens to deeper mysteries. By taking the time to embrace the process and carefully uncover the secrets to spiritual dialogues, other areas of prayers suddenly begin to unfold to usher us into unchartered territories.

    All prayers are not equal and we must carefully envision quality and values in our interpretations of prayers. Expectation for personal results can be a motivational factor, but cultivating a prayer life takes more than getting a victory or receiving a blessing. Life is what brings order because normalcy means removing other attachments and irregularities. A passion to do something is different from a heart pressing burden and the same applies to a deeper longing for a life beyond the norms.

    It is why hunger and thirst help drive us to seek after the LORD. Our passion can create limitations or obscure our desires to experience life above our immediate needs. Anything that is permanent is superior over those things that last for a period. Prayer has revolutionized my life to a point that I have come to realize it is the wheel, which fans the speed of life. In my years of observing different phases of interacting with God through prayers, I have gained insights that are more valuable than all other subjects. We have to see prayer

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