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Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values
Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values
Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values
Ebook433 pages6 hours

Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values

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About this ebook

Consciousness is the main source of organizational greatness. Conscious business, explains Fred Kofman, means finding your passion and expressing your essential values through your work. A conscious business seeks to promote the intelligent pursuit of happiness in all its stakeholders. It produces sustainable, exceptional performance through the solidarity of its community and the dignity of each member.
Conscious Business presents breakthrough techniques to help you achieve:
Unconditional responsibility—how to become the main character of your lifeUnflinching integrity—how to succeed beyond successAuthentic communication—how to speak your truth, and elicit others' truthsImpeccable commitments—how to coordinate actions with accountabilityRight leadership—how being, rather than doing, is the ultimate source of excellence
A conscious business fosters personal fulfillment in the individuals, mutual respect in the community, and success in the organization, teaches Fred Kofman. Conscious Business is the definitive resource for achieving what really matters in the workplace and beyond.

Winner of the 2009 Nautilus Award


Release dateSep 1, 2006
Conscious Business: How to Build Value through Values

Fred Kofman, Ph.D.

English (complete) Fred Kofman, PhD, is Google’s leadership development advisor, a director of the Conscious Leadership Center at the Monterrey Institute of Technology, and a founder and president of the Conscious Business Center International. After earning a PhD in economics from University of California at Berkeley, Fred was a prominent professor at MIT’s Sloan School of Management. There he also worked alongside Peter Senge, the author of The Fifth Discipline, as a senior researcher at the Center for Organizational Learning. Later, Fred founded his global consulting company, Axialent, which has delivered leadership programs to more than 15,000 executives around the world. Throughout his career Fred worked with organizations like AIG UK, Alfa Mexico Group, AMP Australia, Axa, Citicorp, Chrysler, Facebook, General Motors, Google, Heineken Mexico, LinkedIn, Mandiri Bank Indonesia, Master Blenders Netherlands, Microsoft, Pao de Azucar Brazil, Pepsico Mexico, Proeza Mexico Group, PwC, Telefónica Spain, Vodafone Australia, and Yahoo, to name a few. In 2013, Fred took a position of the Vice President of Executive Development at LinkedIn. During this time, Fred and LinkedIn offered a Conscious Business Academy program to professionals around the world. Fred is the author of the trilogy Metamanagement (Granica, 2001), Conscious Business (SoundsTrue, 2006), and The Meaning Revolution: The Power of Transcendent Leadership (Currency, 2018). Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook, writes about Fred in her book Lean In, claiming he "will transform the way you live and work." Beyond his work, Fred loves mountain climbing, skiing, gliding, sailing, freediving, and spearfishing. To learn more about Fred and his work: Conscious Business Center International: cbcinternational.org/ • LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/fkofman/ • Twitter: @fredkofman

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Business is an essential part of our lives. Doing business consciously, Fred Kofman, a co-founder of the consulting firm Axialent, is an essential part of living consciously. The author presents a business model where managers are more conscious of the inner and outer lives of employees. Anyone who works intuitively understands there are two types of managers. As a professor of accounting, Kofman begin his classes by having students listen to one of Beethoven’s pieces over and over. Gradually the students would realize that the music was not in the CD; but in the listening. In music as in business, Information’s only value is in how it is interpreted.Most recognize the need for smart employees with the latest in technical competency. Kofman argues it is more important, and less recognized, that organizations recruit and retain employees with high-level consciousness. He draws a contrast between unconscious attitudes and their conscious counterparts. They are:Unconscious Attitudes.....................Conscious Attitudes Unconditional Blame.......................Unconditional Responsibility Essential Selfishness........................Essential Integrity Ontological Arrogance.....................Ontological Humility Unconscious Behaviors....................Conscious Behaviors Manipulative Communication..........Authentic Communication Narcissistic Negotiation....................Constructive Negotiation Negligent Coordination.....................Impeccable Coordination Unconscious Reactions.....................Conscious Reactions Emotional Incompetence...................Emotional Mastery.These qualities are simple to understand; yet, they are difficult to implement. They represent common sense; yet, they are not found widely in common practice. They seem natural, yet they challenge deep-seated assumptions individuals hold about themselves, others and their world.Kofman opens the reader’s conscious to a unique resource for maximizing profit and potential in the workplace and beyond. Written concisely and coherently he communicates an uncommon wisdom about the truth of our emotions and healthy interpersonal practices in business and life. Penned by the Pointed PunditJanuary 16, 200710:12:54 AM

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Conscious Business - Fred Kofman, Ph.D.


by Peter Senge

The past ten years has seen an explosion of how-to management books. The only problem is that most how-to books aren’t very practical. Life is much too contingent, complex, and emergent to ever conform to a formula. Knowing what should be done and being able to do it are two different things. Consequently, it often seems that the more we learn about great companies, winning competitive strategies, or visionary change leaders, the less we are actually able to build such organizations, effect such strategies, or be such leaders. Management know-about has vastly outpaced management know-how.

What is missing? Ironically, I believe that it is exactly what bestselling management books say makes the difference: the human dimensions of the enterprise. Yet such books rarely discuss how to cultivate and activate those human capabilities, which, after all, determine whether any significant change ever gets implemented. There is wide agreement on what needs to happen, but very little help for those who seek to make it happen.

I believe that what is missing, most fundamentally, is a deep understanding of what it means to develop an organization as a conscious human community. Fred Kofman argues that a conscious organization starts with what matters most to us: a commitment to achieving a vision that exceeds any individual capacities, a vision that connects people in a common effort with genuine meaning. Such commitment is grounded in people taking unconditional responsibility for their situation and for their ways of responding to it.

We then must choose what matters more to each of us—knowing or learning. Real learning opens us to the fear of uncertainty and the embarrassment of incompetence, as well as the vulnerability of needing one another. We begin to see day-to-day work as a continual dance of learning with and from one another, where what we achieve rests on the quality of our conversations—because our working together centers on how we talk, relate, and commit to one another and to our aims. Ultimately, Fred argues, an enterprise flourishes or fails based on its technical and its emotional intelligence, integrity, and capacity to nurture success beyond success. More importantly, Fred shows in-depth what is needed to work together in building such capabilities. In effect, he offers a detailed map and an instruction manual for developing collective consciousness.

When I first met Fred, he was a young professor of accounting at MIT, a rather unusual professor of accounting. For example, he often started his classes by having his students listen to Beethoven, taking the same piece of music and playing it a half dozen times so that people could see that each time they heard something different. How could they keep hearing something new when the same music was played again and again? Because, they gradually came to realize, the music was not in the CD but in their listening.

This, Fred pointed out, was the first principle of accounting: The information’s only value is in how it is interpreted through the mental models of the listener. Fred argued that the only justification for performance measurement was to enhance people’s capacities to produce outcomes they truly desired. If this was taken seriously, it followed logically that the truth was not in the numbers but in the meaning we made from them. Moreover, the distinction between accounting that led to learning and accounting that did not lay in the cultivation of the accountants and the managers they served. Was their real aim learning and improvement? Did they treat the data they collected as the truth, or were they open to continually challenging and improving the assumptions upon which such data was collected? Were they part of a larger human community learning how to shape its future, or were they merely keeping score of a game whose players they neither identified with nor cared about? Did the business have a larger purpose, and how could accounting contribute to this purpose?

Then, as now, Fred argued that the key to organizational excellence lay in transforming our practices of unilateral control into cultures of mutual learning. When people continually challenge and improve the data and assumptions upon which their map of reality is grounded, as opposed to treating their perspectives as the truth, tremendous productive energy is unleashed.

Needless to say, Fred’s course was not for everyone. Most students regarded it as a life-changing experience; that’s probably why they selected him Sloan School Teacher of the Year. But every semester there would be at least one or two who would urge the deans to fire the lunatic who was teaching managerial cost accounting as a spiritual practice.

Nor is this book for everyone. If you are looking for a book to fix others, you are in the wrong place.

The inventor Buckminster Fuller used to be fond of saying, If you want to change how a person thinks, give up. You cannot change how another person thinks. Give them a tool the use of which will gradually lead them to think differently. Fred Kofman provides some of those tools. Now it is up to serious practitioners to use them.


Everything said, is said by someone.


Whatever you have to say, leave

the roots on, let them


And the dirt,

Just to make clear

where they come from



I grew up under a military dictatorship in Argentina. Everything seemed under control—I went to school every day, the economy was stable, and the terrorist attacks that had plagued the country in previous years had stopped. I played soccer, went to the movies, and had fun with my friends. Life was good. Or better said, it appeared good to me.

In the late ’70s rumors began to circulate: kidnappings, concentration camps, tortures, murders, and thirty thousand desaparecidos (missing). Mostly, the information came from foreign sources—the national media was under government censorship. I felt enraged. I was told, and believed, that this was an anti-Argentinean campaign. The country was plastered with bumper stickers that read, Argentineans are human and righteous (a word play on the human rights that foreigners alleged were being violated).

Obviously, we thought, if we are human and righteous this cannot be true. I guess we didn’t want it to be true. If the grim reports were accurate, we would face an impossible dilemma: Inaction would turn us into accomplices to mass murder; action would turn us into victims of mass murder. In Argentina we have a saying: Nobody’s more blind that the one who doesn’t want to see. There were plenty of signs for us to see, but we were afraid to look and to assume responsibility for what we found. It was much easier to remain unconscious.

Unfortunately, it all turned out to be true. This period was later known as the Dirty War. In order to protect the Western and Christian Values of the Homeland (as the slogan said), the military followed a policy of systematic extermination. Anybody who didn’t adhere to its nationalist right-wing doctrine was an enemy. Even volunteering for soup kitchens or teaching illiterate adults how to read indicated dangerous left-wing tendencies. In order to protect against an amorphous terrorist threat, the military arrested and killed anybody who looked suspicious to them. If out of ten people killed, one is a terrorist, the other nine are worth the price, said one general.

I lived in a nice neighborhood and went to a private school. I was a good student and didn’t get in trouble. I did not feel the evil around me. I was completely oblivious. The bus I took to school stopped daily at the Navy School of Engineering, a beautiful building with a manicured lawn. Its basement held hundreds of prisoners, most of whom never made it out alive. People were tortured and killed there regularly. This ostensibly respectable institution hid a death camp beneath its polished floors.

I am Jewish, so waking up to the horrible circumstances that had surrounded my life had a tremendous impact on me. In school and at home I repeatedly heard how the Germans had stood idle while six million Jews were exterminated. Self-righteous judgment came easily to me. How awful! How evil! How could anybody do something like this? Well, I now occupied the place of the awful and the evil. Thousands of people had been carried to concentration camps under my own nose, and I didn’t see it.

For many years I felt deep shame. I had been so unconscious. How could I not know? How could I have been so blind! Was I evil? After years of wrestling with these questions, I accepted that I had done the best I could in the moment. To redeem myself, I committed to learn from the experience and work so that it would not happen again. I wanted to stop the violence at its roots, teaching people to be more conscious and more respectful of diversity. I finally mustered enough compassion to forgive myself and the Germans of World War II. Nobody is immune from unconsciousness. The best way to deal with it is not to judge it, but to touch it with compassion and awareness.

Looking back years later, I have learned that unconsciousness is not the exclusive property of Argentineans. I’ve been in many business meetings where the sole purpose has been to obscure the truth. Worse yet, I suspect that everyone in those rooms knew what was going on, but nobody dared to speak up and deal honestly with the situation. There are great rewards for those who go along, and equally great threats for those who rock the boat. There are no death camps in corporations, but many apparently successful companies hide great suffering in their basements.

I have seen professional identities destroyed in meeting rooms through innuendo, rumors, and negative opinions. Although sometimes an ill-intentioned act, this is more generally an unconscious expression. The problem is not that people think differently, the problem is that somebody thinks that he is right, and anybody who does not think like him must be wrong. Thus, the different ones become enemies to eliminate. Instead of seeing the alternative view as a valuable perspective that can be integrated, power-hungry individuals take it to be a stumbling block. Not surprisingly, they don’t want to waste their time engaging with it in dialogue. They simply want to get rid of it by any means and move on. The seeds that sowed the Dirty War lie within everyone’s heart.

As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, the Russian Nobel laureate, wrote in The Gulag Archipelago, If only it were all so simple! If only there were evil people somewhere, insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them; but the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?

I vowed as a child that when I grew up I would never fall for easy lies again, but growing up is not simply a matter of time. When I was in college, the military government started a war with Great Britain by occupying the Falkland Islands. The espoused goal was to redeem Argentina’s sovereignty over its territory; the real goal was to divert attention from its domestic situation. Throughout the short war, the state-controlled media constantly reported that Argentinean forces had the upper hand. Every morning’s paper repeated the same optimistic news, We’re winning, we’re winning, we’re winning! until one afternoon when the commander of the armed forces appeared on TV to report starkly, We lost. I had known that the daily reports were propaganda, but I was still shocked. I realized then that awareness is not a one-time decision. Staying conscious is an ongoing process that demands constant attention and commitment. I vowed to keep my eyes open and look beyond appearances.

Years later, working as a consultant, I discovered that without a commitment to the truth, individuals and groups are prone to degenerating into manic delusions. Everyone receives tranquilizing information while leaders trumpet the importance of positive thinking and being a team player. This makes it seem as if we are winning until the last possible moment, when it is announced that the project has failed, the division will be sold off, the company is going under. We lost.

I always dreamed of being a professor, so when I finished college I left Argentina to pursue a doctorate in economics at the University of California at Berkeley. I chose game theory as my specialization. I wanted to get away from all the human craziness I’d experienced in Argentina. I wanted to deal with rational agents and understand how they make rational decisions. I was doing very well with my studies until I made a decision that ruined my career. I got married.

The problem was not that I got married, but how I decided to get married. I still remember the phone conversation in which I told my father, Dad, I’m getting married. Are you crazy? he challenged me. Absolutely, I answered, You’ve got to be crazy to get married. If you do the math, the risk/benefit ratio is a total turn-off. Marriage is not about cold calculation; it is about love.

I found that I could not continue to embrace the theories I was studying. The assumption of perfect rationality no longer made sense to me. I now understood that human beings are not just rational beings who calculate; we are emotional-spiritual beings who seek meaning. I had spent seven years working on decision theory, but I threw them out the window when I fell in love. If I did not use rationality to make the most important decision of my life, how could I assume that others would?

While I continued to study economics, I began to explore philosophy. Berkeley had a top-notch department. I met great teachers who opened my mind to the philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, metaphysics, ethics, existentialism, and hermeneutics. Paradoxically, I found these disciplines much more practical than my mathematical models. I finally began to understand how human beings really make decisions. I learned how we organize our perceptions, build an image of the world, and act accordingly. I studied language. I saw how communication enables an I to join a Thou and form a We. Most important, I learned that happiness and fulfillment do not come from pleasure but from meaning, from the pursuit of a noble purpose.

A deep thirst for transcendence brought me to spirituality. My traditionalist Jewish upbringing had led me to believe that religion was a matter of faith and folklore, not of meaning. But as I read the great philosophers I discovered that spirituality was much more than belief in a supernatural being and ritual. I became fascinated by the Eastern traditions, particularly by Zen Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta. I started to meditate and developed an invaluable practice that I still maintain today. Meditation has kept me sane through my most difficult times. It has also driven me insane, challenging my most cherished beliefs about myself and life in general. I worked with many wonderful teachers who helped me discover the pathless path to the gateless gate.

I also discovered the personal transformation movement. California was still teeming with workshops promising enlightenment in a week. I couldn’t pass up the offer, so I took most of them. Among the New Age psychobabble, I found valuable nuggets of truth. I like to think that I kept these babies when I threw out the bathwater.

When I graduated, I took a job teaching management accounting at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. I was in heaven, until I wasn’t. All my life I’d been climbing the proverbial ladder, but when I reached the zenith of my academic career, I realized that I had placed it against the proverbial wrong wall. I was interested in teaching people how to make things happen, not how to account for the things that others made happen. Leadership development became my passion, one unsuitable for a university professor. Leadership is about being more than knowing; about emotion more than cognition; about spirit more than matter. I couldn’t teach greatness in a traditional classroom style.

I couldn’t stay, and I couldn’t leave. Losing my affiliation with MIT scared me to death. Losing my job was like losing my identity. What would be left of me if I didn’t have my teaching position? Would there be anything left of Fred Kofman if you took away the MIT professorship? This feeling was reflected in the difference between my objective business card and my subjective experience of it.

Here’s what my business card looked like: (Image A)

Image A

Here’s what my experience of the card was like: (Image B)

Image B

I discovered how much of my identity was based on my job. I saw how little I knew about myself and how much effort I’d put into proving my self-worth through achievements. I realized also that I wasn’t the only one. When I shared this story in my seminars, most managers confessed to having the same fear. Losing a job is not just an economic blow; it is a blow to your identity.

With great trepidation, I left MIT. I lost my professorship and found myself. I refocused on my psycho-spiritual explorations. For the following ten years, I took to the path of self-discovery and self-improvement. But at some point even this pursuit fell away. I realized that my true identity transcended my professional circumstances, my successes, and my failures—even the spiritual success of enlightenment. I am who I am, and perfectly so. I am not perfect; I am perfectly imperfect in my own unique way. And so is everything. So what is there to do? Let the dream become lucid. See every fake identity for what it really is, a phenomenal disguise of The One.

I started what later became Axialent, a consulting company devoted to helping leaders realize their true greatness and express it at work. I worked with leaders throughout the world to achieve extraordinary success through the development of cooperative relationships and dignified human behaviors. It’s been a great journey.

Conscious Business is the result of fifteen years of work with leaders of major corporations in the United States, Europe, and South America. My associates at Axialent and I have worked with all levels of management, from first-line supervisors to senior executives, in a wide range of industries. The material has been refined and tested in the real world by thousands of leaders from companies such as Microsoft, Yahoo!, EDS, Cisco, Google, General Motors, Chrysler, Shell, Citibank, Unilever, and many others.

These leaders realized that to be successful they needed more than technical competence; they needed to grow as people. As they learned the skillful means necessary to run a business with wisdom and compassion, they helped all of us at Axialent make the material that we present in our seminars—and that I present in this book—user-friendly and practical.

What did these leaders learn? First, they learned that freedom, responsibility, and integrity are the keys to success, but that these qualities demand the courage to face existential anxiety. They learned that speaking the truth is essential, but that the truth that needs to be said and heard is not the one most people call truth. They learned that win-win is a powerful concept for negotiations, but only mature human beings can implement it. They learned that impeccable commitments are essential for cooperative relationships, but that they require a strong foundation of personal values. They learned that they needed to manage their emotions, but not in the stoic way they had adopted. They learned that who they are is the main determinant of what they can and cannot do. And they learned that when all is said and done, service to others is the highest spiritual and business imperative.

They also learned how to embody their freedom with confidence and inner peace. They learned to find the essential truth in themselves and others. They learned to express it and receive it with dignity and respect. They learned to tap their imagination to create options when at an impasse. They learned to establish, maintain, and repair networks of trust and coordinated actions. They learned to maintain equanimity in the face of the most difficult circumstances, simultaneously keeping their hearts open and their minds sharp. They learned that who they are is the most amazing space of possibilities in which life manifests its creative potential. And they learned how to serve others without betraying their highest goals and values. They learned, in short, to succeed beyond success.

They learned all this. And if you read this book, I hope that you will too. I’ve presented some of my background to show you where this book is coming from. Now, I invite you to think where you want this book to take you. What made you pick it up? What do you want from it? Why is this search important to you? What can you accomplish if you find what you’re looking for? How can you use this knowledge for your own benefit and that of those around you? It is important to ponder these questions. As the Cheshire Cat told Alice, if you don’t much care where you want to get to, then it doesn’t matter which way you go. On the other hand, if you know what you want, you will be able to use almost anything to go in that direction. Like a skillful sailor who can use any wind to navigate toward his destination, you will be able to use any concept to pursue your goals.

The main difference between a workout tape and real exercise is participation. When you go to a gym, you have to expend effort to get any benefit. Just so, with a book you have to get involved in the text in order to take full advantage of it. I invite you to read with a pencil in hand, agreeing, discussing, analyzing, challenging, and linking ideas with real situations in your life. The ideas are incredibly simple, but they are not easy. They sound like common sense, but they are not common practice. If you want to learn to put them into practice, you’ll need to participate. You’ll have to get up close and personal to get the most benefit. Learning is a contact

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