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The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race
Ebook1,130 pages23 hours

The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race

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  • Gain-Of-Function Research

  • Bioweapons

  • Scientific Organization Group Groups

  • Wuhan Institute of Virology

  • Covid-19 Pandemic

  • Mad Scientist

  • Government Conspiracy

  • Whistleblower

  • Conspiracy Theory

  • Government Cover-Up

  • Unintended Consequences

  • Conspiracy

  • Weapon of Mass Destruction

  • Pandora's Box

  • Biohazard

  • Cia

  • Biological Weapons Convention

  • Usaid

  • Geneva Protocol

  • Nuclear Threat Initiative

About this ebook

“RFK Jr. exposes the decades of lies.”—Luc Montagnier, Nobel laureate
From the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of The Real Anthony Fauci comes an explosive exposé of the cover-up behind the true origins of COVID-19.
“Gain-of-function” experiments are often conducted to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible pathogens for the stated purpose of developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans. More insidious is the “dual use” nature of this research, specifically directed toward bioweapons development.
The Wuhan Cover-Up pulls back the curtain on how the US government's increase in biosecurity spending after the 2001 terror attacks set in motion a plan to transform the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci, into a de facto Defense Department agency. 
While Dr. Fauci zealously funded and pursued gain-of-function research, concern grew among some scientists and government officials about the potential for accidental or deliberate release of weaponized viruses from labs that might trigger worldwide pandemics. A moratorium was placed on this research, but true to form, Dr. Fauci found ways to continue unperturbed—outsourcing some of the most controversial experiments offshore to China and providing federal funding to Wuhan Institute of Virology's (WIV's) leading researchers for gain-of-function studies in partnership with the Chinese military and the Chinese Communist Party.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s meticulously researched and rigorously sourced analysis leads readers on a staggering journey to learn about:
  • the key enablers and henchmen pushing for gain-of-function research
  • the economic motives behind gain-of-function research
  • successfully engineered “chimeric viruses” that can infect and kill humans
  • the coordinated effort to silence speculation of COVID-19’s laboratory genesis
  • the complicity of scientific journals to hide the origins of COVID-19
  • the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China’s biowarfare/biodefense program
  • the relationships between US health, military, and intelligence bureaucracies and scientists and their Chinese counterparts
  • the roles of Bill Gates and Sir Jeremy Farrar in orchestrating a global cover-up
 The Wuhan Cover-Up unveils a global conspiracy of epic proportion and lethal consequence.
Release dateDec 6, 2023
The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Robert F Kennedy, Jr., an environmental attorney and activist, is the president of Waterkeeper Alliance. He is the author of numerous books, including Crimes Against Nature and The Riverkeepers. His writing has appeared in the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post, among other publications.

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    The Wuhan Cover-Up - Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


    The Soothsayers

    Like a pair of Cassandras, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci spent a decade prophesying a worldwide coronavirus pandemic with what, in retrospect, seems eerie precision. Preaching their doomsday jeremiads on the favored rostrums of the global elite—the World Economic Forum’s roundtable in Davos, the United Nations’ podium in New York, the World Health Organization’s (WHO) platform in Geneva, Silicon Valley stages, and from network television studios—these savvy seers waged their frantic crusade to rouse the complacent public, press, and politicians to the imminent threat of calamity by contagion. In March 2015, poised on a dais beneath a goliath screen depicting the now-familiar pincushion coronavirus orb, Gates warned his TED Talk audience that the defining catastrophe of our time would be—not missiles, but microbes.¹

    Two years later, on January 10, 2017, ten days before Donald Trump took the oath of office, and just twenty-four months before COVID-19 found its US beachhead in Seattle,² Dr. Fauci, speaking at a pandemic preparedness forum at Georgetown University, predicted the precise timing of the coronavirus pandemic. [T]here is no question that there will be a challenge to the coming [Trump] administration in the arena of infectious diseases. Dr. Fauci added, There will be a surprise outbreak . . .³ The thing we’re extraordinarily confident about is that we are going to see this in the next few years.⁴,⁵ He was right; it would be almost exactly three years later.

    Both men agreed that the only strategy for averting this inevitable calamity was an Apollo 11–magnitude private and public investment in a new generation of turnkey mRNA vaccine technology which, they predicted, was the only remedy that could save humanity from the coming plague.

    Gates also was so certain of the impending pandemic—for which his mRNA vaccines would be the only remedy—that he committed vassal organizations, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)⁶ and Gavi (formerly, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation) to raise hundreds of millions of dollars for the development of vaccine platform technologies, enabling rapid deployment for as-yet-unknown emerging infectious diseases designated as Disease X. ⁷,⁸,⁹,¹⁰,¹¹ The Gates Foundation pledged US $750 million to set up Gavi in 1999 as a vehicle for diverting the foreign aid budgets of Western countries to promote vaccine uptake in developing nations;¹²,¹³ the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) afterward poured billions into Gavi’s vaccine program.¹⁴ Gates created CEPI at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in 2017 to encourage global collaboration in promoting and developing vaccines, including new ones for emerging infectious diseases like Disease X.¹⁵,¹⁶ CEPI promised that its innovative mRNA vaccine platform would allow it to rapidly manufacture vaccines against many different types of disease.¹⁷,¹⁸ No one seemed to think it reckless to spend millions in grievously needed public health dollars for inoculations against a malady that did not yet exist.¹⁹

    It’s noteworthy that both Gates and Dr. Fauci hinted that the anticipated pandemic might come from a deliberately weaponized virus. A month after Dr. Fauci’s 2017 Georgetown speech,²⁰ Gates asked the annual conclave of Western intelligence agency leaders at the Munich Security Conference to imagine that somewhere in the world a new weapon exists or could emerge that is capable of killing millions of people, bringing economies to a standstill and casting nations into chaos.²¹ Gates scolded attendees at a Massachusetts Medical Society and New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) event on April 27, 2018, saying, If it were a military weapon, the response would be to do everything possible to develop countermeasures; a sense of urgency is lacking, he said, when it comes to biologic threats.²²

    In March 2019, the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain-of-function impresario Shi Zhengli—a.k.a. Bat Woman—and her colleagues, forecast: It is highly likely that future SARS- or MERS-like coronavirus outbreaks will originate from bats, and there is an increased probability that this will occur in China.²³

    The peculiar accuracy of this prediction of an impending coronavirus pandemic was especially impressive since—in the recorded history of mankind—coronaviruses had never caused a pandemic. While flu—particularly avian flu—could be both deadly and contagious, the deadly coronaviruses did not transmit easily among humans, which is why the 2003 SARS outbreak waned so quickly, with only 774 deaths among the world’s 6.2 billion people.²⁴,²⁵,²⁶ Furthermore, the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) had already identified numerous off-the-shelf remedies—including vitamin D, zinc, the antibiotic azithromycin (Zithromax), and hydroxychloroquine—with devastating effectiveness against coronaviruses, both as prophylaxis and cure.²⁷

    Nevertheless, on March 28, 2019, six months before COVID-19 would ultimately kick in, the government-funded Cambridge, Massachusetts, biotech start-up Moderna amended its previously rejected patent application for its mRNA vaccine platform to seek federal patent approval for a coronavirus vaccine with renewed urgency.²⁸,²⁹ Moderna begged the US Patent Office to act with alacrity, citing a concern for re-emergence or a deliberate release of the SARS coronavirus.³⁰ Moderna’s CEO, Stéphane Bancel, had some inside knowledge that may have informed that extraordinarily prescient appeal. Bancel, as the former CEO of bioMérieux, the French company that built the $44 million Wuhan Institute of Virology, a biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) lab,³¹,³² likely had insider knowledge of the lab’s reported difficulties with the critical airflow system required to keep transmissible viruses from escaping.³³,³⁴

    How could Bancel possibly know such inside details about the Wuhan lab? He was CEO of bioMérieux when it built the Wuhan lab.³⁵,³⁶ And Bancel had elsewhere demonstrated the same uncanny gift of foresight. In 2016, Moderna patented the general concept of using the spike protein in coronavirus vaccines. The world now knows that the spike protein is the basis of all US vaccines designed to prevent COVID-19.³⁷,³⁸

    A breathtaking pantheon of government allies and corporate titans had placed hefty bets on Moderna—a company with no marketable products and no record of ever having brought a single drug or device to successful approval.³⁹ Its value seemed entirely dependent on the remote chance that a novel viral pandemic would emerge, and that its principal investors had the political clout to both create a humongous global market for its untested vaccine and suppress cheap and effective remedies with proven safety records. The US government would ultimately commit nearly $10 billion to the young company; NIH claims part ownership of the Moderna patent. Bill Gates kicked in $20 million as early as 2016.⁴⁰,⁴¹,⁴²

    Robert Kadlec was Trump’s assistant secretary for Preparedness and Response of Health and Human Services and de facto supervisor of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), which invested an astonishing $955 million in the biotech startup.⁴³ Michael Callahan, an influential CIA officer and a director at the Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA),⁴⁴,⁴⁵ had also contributed unknown millions to Moderna through DARPA, when it was still developing an experimental vaccine platform awaiting a disease.⁴⁶,⁴⁷ In August 2020, Moderna informed Axios that 100 percent of its current funding was from the federal government.⁴⁸,⁴⁹,⁵⁰ Collectively, Bill Gates and his US government partners would eventually invest some $2.5 billion of taxpayer and, in the case of Gates’s foundation, tax-deductible dollars in Moderna.⁵¹,⁵²

    Gates, Fauci, and Bancel were not the only prophets of panicky pandemic prognostications. Beginning in January 2019, one year before WHO declared a global emergency, other powerful actors with ties to Big Pharma and Western government agencies began taking actions that, in retrospect, appear to be strangely prescient omens of the approaching COVID storm. That month WHO, by then a vassal of the BMGF, issued the eyebrow-raising declaration that vaccine hesitancy was one of the top ten threats to public health—alongside AIDS, air pollution, and climate change and ahead of cancer, dysentery, and malaria.⁵³ WHO provided no scientific citation to support this declaration.

    Simultaneously, Pharma-financed politicians launched a global campaign to make all vaccines mandatory and to abolish religious, philosophical, and medical exemptions to vaccines.⁵⁴,⁵⁵ Within weeks of WHO’s pronouncement, legislators in fifty US states, the House of Representatives, and parliamentarians in countries across the globe had submitted hundreds of bills abolishing vaccine exemptions, compelling vaccines for school-age children.⁵⁶,⁵⁷,⁵⁸,⁵⁹ The American Medical Association (AMA) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—influential trade organizations that rely heavily on pharmaceutical industry largesse—had fallen in line by 2016, issuing frantic calls for abolishing exemptions.⁶⁰,⁶¹,⁶²

    NIH, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the pharmaceutical industry began pumping millions of dollars into propaganda and psychological warfare campaigns for promoting vaccines and overcoming vaccine hesitancy. In a modern iteration of the CIA mind control program MKULTRA, federal health agencies, and USAID funded the emergence of a cottage industry among university social scientists and physicians exploiting psychological warfare techniques for battling vaccine resistance.⁶³,⁶⁴,⁶⁵,⁶⁶ In February and March of 2019, the House Intelligence Committee’s powerful chairman, Adam Schiff, sent letters to Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos pressuring them to censor vaccine misinformation on their respective platforms.⁶⁷,⁶⁸

    In September 2019, the BMGF presciently purchased over three million shares of a little-known company named BioNTech—which was soon to be making COVID vaccines—for $18.10/share. Gates’s $55 million investment would be worth $550 million by August 2021, less than two years later.⁶⁹ Gates sold the majority of his stake that quarter, at the stock’s peak. In November of that year, he publicly confessed that the vaccines he had aggressively promoted and profited from did not prevent the spread of COVID.⁷⁰

    It was almost as if the vaccine industry was working with the world’s most powerful political leadership and institutions to lay the groundwork for something momentous that was about to happen!

    Although the world would first hear of COVID-19 in January 2020, evidence compiled by US intelligence agencies and leading academic institutions, including Harvard and Brown, suggests that COVID-19 was already circulating in Wuhan in 2019 and that the Chinese government was taking aggressive actions to stanch its spread, and in June 2023 journalists reported speaking to US government investigators who confirmed that it was indeed circulating prior to official Chinese reports.⁷¹,⁷²

    As I show in The Real Anthony Fauci, Gates and Dr. Fauci, in all of their frantic predictions, were acting in concert with US intelligence agencies, which had participated in over a dozen pandemic simulations between 1999 and 2019—involving tens of thousands of political leaders, health regulators, and first responders in numerous countries. Each simulation emphasized a militarized response, using a coronavirus, anthrax, or flu pandemic as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls. I document these portentous exercises in Germ Games, the final chapter of The Real Anthony Fauci.⁷³

    And why would Gates be talking about the upcoming pandemic to a conclave of spies at the Munich Security Conference? As I detailed in The Real Anthony Fauci, intelligence agencies were deeply involved in controversial and risky virus discovery and virus gain-of-function (GOF) research. Gain-of-function describes research intended to increase the transmissibility and/or virulence of pathogenic organisms. In fact, major funders of this rising research included the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), which frequently operates as a CIA front; EcoHealth Alliance, also a CIA front, according to its then–vice president, Dr. Andrew Huff; and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through Anthony Fauci’s division, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which boasts a long-standing role in bioweapons research for the Pentagon and the CIA. Many of the spies at the Munich Security Conference were deeply involved in promoting the biosecurity agenda and in performing GOF experiments. The steady promotion of the biosecurity agenda by these agencies since 2001 assured that they would profit exponentially and expand powers if some accident triggered a global pandemic. For two decades, the CIA had been preparing public officials and policymakers for this specific eventuality through a series of drills that embedded a response strategically calculated to increase the influence, authority, and reach of the security state.

    In October 2019, the month after COVID probably began circulating in Wuhan, and just a little over two months before the Chinese government notified the WHO that a coronavirus pneumonia was spreading person to person in China, Bill Gates and former CIA deputy director Avril Haines—soon-to-be director of National Intelligence and President Joe Biden’s chief coronavirus advisor—hosted a New York event simulating a global coronavirus pandemic that would kill 60 million people. They called this tabletop drill Event 201.⁷⁴,⁷⁵

    The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security sponsored Event 201 in partnership with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the BMGF. China’s Center for Disease Control director George Gao and US representatives from social and mainstream media and the pharmaceutical industry also participated.

    NIH and NIAID are the principal contributors to the Johns Hopkins Center, having donated a breathtaking $14 billion in grants since 1999.⁷⁶ The BMGF founded the Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health at the Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health in 1999 and ponied up an astonishing $973 million to Johns Hopkins between 1997 and 2022.⁷⁷,⁷⁸ Organizers distributed swag bags containing a bristling coronavirus plush pillow virtually identical in appearance to artistic renditions of the COVID-19 virus.⁷⁹,⁸⁰ That week, the real pandemic coronavirus was already spreading across the planet as athletes returned home from the Military World Games in Wuhan.⁸¹

    Event 201 was the fourth pandemic simulation by this group. As I detail in The Real Anthony Fauci, CIA-linked officers were the principal planners in each of these exercises and at least a dozen more that I likewise describe. High-level former and/or current CIA and In-Q-Tel leaders also participated in each exercise. In-Q-Tel is the CIA’s venture capital firm, which invests in information technology to ensure that our spies have the latest gadgetry.⁸²,⁸³ The cofounder and former director of Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, Tara O’Toole, is currently executive vice president at In-Q-Tel.⁸⁴

    Each exercise shared additional commonalities. Most significantly, they uniformly omit any serious consideration of public health. Instead, in essence, they use contagion as a pretext for imposing totalitarian controls—abolishing rights to free speech and peaceable assembly; the free exercise of religion via the closure of churches; property rights via the mass closure of businesses; and the right to jury trial by providing immunity to makers of vaccines and other companies and institutions involved in their distribution, without the need to prove efficacy or safety; and trampling the Fourth Amendment prohibition against unreasonable searches and seizures.

    The exercises utilized many of the propaganda devices developed by the CIA for imposing controls in indigenous societies by collapsing economies, idling work forces, shuttering institutions, isolating and polarizing individuals, closeting senior citizens away from their families in institutions, and otherwise sowing chaos, hopelessness, fear, and despair. These tactics induce a condition known as Stockholm syndrome, in which a captive becomes beholden to their captors and convinced that the path to survival is, paradoxically, total obedience. Such captives react angrily when anyone criticizes their captor or their captivity.

    The most recent of these exercises was a virtual simulation sponsored by Sam Nunn and the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) at the March 2021 Munich Security Conference.⁸⁵ That exercise miraculously predicted a global monkeypox pandemic emerging in May of 2022.⁸⁶ The CIA’s foresight was particularly impressive since monkeypox had never spread easily from human to human before. Sure enough—right on cue—in July of 2022, just as the COVID panic was waning from exhaustion, WHO director-general Tedros Ghebreyesus defied his own expert panel and declared monkeypox a public health emergency of international concern (PHEIC).⁸⁷

    The mainstream press barely noticed the CIA’s remarkable ability to accurately predict the arrival of infectious contagions. The unerring accuracy of those clairvoyant predictions might lead even the most credulous and stolid observer to wonder whether these periodic and unprecedented infectious disease pandemics were advancing some hidden agenda shared by the people who first forecast, then declared them.

    The 2019 Event 201 and 2021 monkeypox simulations were disturbingly similar to the CIA’s June 2001 Dark Winter tabletop exercise which launched the biosecurity era.⁸⁸ That exercise, which simulated a smallpox attack on the United States, took place only three months prior to the momentous real-world anthrax attacks in the US Capitol.⁸⁹ Just as Dark Winter anticipated the anthrax attacks that occurred mere months later and the NTI accurately predicted the monkeypox outbreak almost to the precise month of the WHO’s declaration of a public health emergency of international concern—eighteen months later—Event 201 predicted the coronavirus pandemic.⁹⁰,⁹¹,⁹² But perhaps more importantly, it also laid out the strategy for censoring public speculation that the pandemic may have originated as a lab leak.⁹³

    Six days after Event 201, on October 29, 2019, Anthony Fauci and BARDA director Rick Bright hosted a gathering of top virologists and vaccinologists at the Milken Institute, an independent California economic think tank, to discuss the global crisis of vaccine hesitancy and strategies for streamlining vaccine development and approval.⁹⁴,⁹⁵ In a fevered repartee, Bright ominously suggested that [t]here might be a need, or even an urgent call for, uh, an entity of excitement out there, that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.⁹⁶ He hinted that only a global health crisis—like a pandemic—could induce government and industry to commit the billions of dollars necessary to create a new generation of plug-and-play mRNA vaccines, and to remove traditional safety requirements so as to streamline coercive mass vaccination programs.

    Situated at the fulcrum of the biosecurity cartel, Bright, an immunologist and vaccine researcher, worked at the CDC in the Influenza Division, Strain Surveillance Branch from 2003 until 2006, where he played a key role in promoting Sir Jeremy Farrar’s overhyped 2005 avian flu epidemic (more on that in chapter 54) before retiring to the private sector as a flu vaccine researcher for Novavax.⁹⁷ He served as advisor to NIH, WHO, and the Department of Defense (DOD) specializing in vaccine and pandemic propaganda. In 2008, he moved to the Program for Appropriate Technology and Health (PATH) and the BMGF. As incident commander, he was responsible for countermeasures against Zika virus.⁹⁸ He joined BARDA in 2010, and served as director from 2016–2020 before moving to NIH.⁹⁹ President Joe Biden named him to his coronavirus advisory board in November 2020. Bright earned his PhD at Emory and a degree in Vaccinology at Fondation Mérieux, an institution associated with bioMérieux, the company that constructed the Wuhan lab.¹⁰⁰

    Bright fleshes out his proposal with details that now seem extraordinarily prescient: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of an, uh, novel avian virus could occur in, in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that, beam it to a number of regional centers, if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch and self-administer.¹⁰¹

    A video of the Milken Institute panel reveals Anthony Fauci complaining that releasing a vaccine the proper way takes at least ten years, far too long in his estimation. Dr. Fauci laments that the public doesn’t ever take flu infections seriously and declares that health officials need to push laggard recalcitrants with extraordinary crises that would justify shattering conventional safety norms. I don’t care what your perception is. We’re going to address the problem in a disruptive way, and in an iterative [reproducible] way, he promises ominously. Because you do need both.¹⁰²

    Vaccinologists know long-term safety studies are an unfortunate necessity because of what the Supreme Court calls the unavoidable adverse effects of vaccines, including serious injuries such as brain damage and deaths.¹⁰³,¹⁰⁴ Many of these adverse side effects have long incubation periods and diagnostic horizons that make them invisible in short-duration safety studies. Dr. Fauci’s optimism at the October 2019 Milken conference about fast-track approval for vaccines contrasts strongly with a 1999 PBS NOVA interview in which he warns that abbreviating vaccine safety studies could result in disaster:

    If you take it, and then a year goes by and everybody’s fine, then you say, OK, that’s good, now let’s give it to 500 people; and then a year goes by and everything’s fine. You say, Well, then, now let’s give it to thousands of people, and then you find out that it takes twelve years for all hell to break loose, and then what have you done?¹⁰⁵

    During the Milken conference, Michael Specter, the New Yorker staff writer who has served as Dr. Fauci’s Boswell and loyal acolyte for decades, made a suggestion that would seem both prescient and sinister a year later: Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean, obviously we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system we have and then say, ‘Hey, everyone in the world should get this new vaccine we haven’t given to anyone yet,’ but there must be some way.¹⁰⁶

    In reality, despite Gates’s and Fauci’s hysteria, it was hardly a foregone conclusion that a coronavirus or even the flu should cause a global crisis. Multiple CDC and NIH studies indicate that well-fed populations with clean water and access to antibiotics face minimal risk from the kind of pathogenic disease epidemics that decimated earlier generations.¹⁰⁷,¹⁰⁸,¹⁰⁹,¹¹⁰ Mortality from infectious diseases had dropped precipitously—by about seventy-four percent—since the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918.¹¹¹ Tony Fauci himself acknowledged in a 2008 Journal of Infectious Diseases article that the Spanish flu’s outsized mortalities were not from the flu virus but from bacterial pneumonia, now easily treated with antibiotics.¹¹² A comprehensive 2000 study by Johns Hopkins and the CDC found that, by the 1950s, improved nutrition, sanitation, and chlorinated drinking water had abolished mass mortalities from infectious diseases—puerperal fever, black plague, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, typhoid, typhus, cholera, smallpox, polio, and more—that had periodically culled humanity before the twentieth century.¹¹³

    As journalist Torsten Engelbrecht and medical historian Claus Köhnlein, MD explain in Virus Mania:

    Epidemics rarely occur in affluent societies, because these societies offer conditions (sufficient nutrition, clean drinking water, etc.) which allow many people to keep their immune systems so fit that microbes simply do not have a chance to multiply abnormally. . . .¹¹⁴

    Interestingly, the CDC researchers (and many others) found that medical interventions, including vaccines, antibiotics, and surgeries, had almost nothing to do with the historic drop in lethalities from contagions.¹¹⁵,¹¹⁶

    [Medical measures] appear to have contributed little to the overall decline in mortality in the United States since about 1900—having in many instances been introduced several decades after a marked decline had already set in and having no detectable influence in most instances.¹¹⁷

    By the mid-1980s, infectious disease mortalities had plummeted so precipitously that Reagan White House officials considered disbanding CDC. As I show in my earlier book, The Real Anthony Fauci, institutional panic from this proposition within CDC prompted government-funded virologists and vaccine promoters—including Anthony Fauci—to launch a parade of self-serving prophecies of imminent pandemics. None of them ever materialized.

    During the first year of COVID, the reverential press glorified Mr. Gates and Dr. Fauci for their uncanny forecasting. But their fortune-telling acumen begs this question: Was it those reckless gain-of-function studies that Tony Fauci and his friends were financing—in laboratories from which engineered superbugs were almost certain to escape—that made the two men so certain we were in for a coronavirus pandemic in short order?

    As the world now knows, Dr. Fauci sought through his gain-of-function experiments to deliberately develop highly virulent, easily transmissible coronavirus pathogens purposely souped-up to be capable of causing a global pandemic. Dr. Fauci justifies his long fascination with these perilous conjurations as useful for anticipating and improving pandemic preparedness, and for developing preemptive vaccines for animal viruses before they jump to humans.¹¹⁸ Yet, if that’s truly the case, how is it that we were still so woefully unprepared when a pandemic hit?

    As we shall see, Dr. Fauci was paying irresponsible US and Chinese scientists to breed, house, and transport pathogenic ubergerms in Wuhan’s poorly managed and shoddily constructed facilities, virtually ensuring their eventual escape. Dr. Fauci laundered federal grants through a sketchy and duplicitous British-born zoologist named Peter Daszak, whose organization, EcoHealth Alliance,¹¹⁹ was funding this dark wizardry.¹²⁰ Daszak and his EcoHealth comrades were funneling not just American taxpayer dollars, but US proprietary bioweapons technology and intellectual property as well to Chinese scientists for the purpose of creating pandemic pathogens. His partners in this collaboration included the reckless Chinese shrimp scientist Shi Zhengli,¹²¹ her team of researchers, most associated with the Chinese military, and a potentially ethically challenged University of North Carolina professor, Ralph Baric, who was among Anthony Fauci’s most favored grantees.

    Mr. Gates’s and Dr. Fauci’s prescient bodements about the nature and timing of the COVID-19 pandemic were, perhaps, less brilliant feats of soothsaying than reasonable bets on an occurrence that Dr. Fauci’s handiwork made inevitable.

    In April of 2020, I was among the early writers to call attention to the history of Dr. Fauci’s dark obsessions with gain-of-function (GOF) research at the Wuhan lab.¹²² I posed the question: Might Dr. Fauci’s experiments have helped create the pandemic that President Donald Trump has now appointed him to manage? I recommended that Congress inquire whether Dr. Fauci, by toying with these sinister alchemies, had opened the Pandora’s box that loosed COVID-19 upon the world. Instagram flagged my post as vaccine misinformation and on February 10, 2021, cited it to justify my eviction from the platform.¹²³,¹²⁴ I had, by then, nearly eight hundred thousand followers, whom Instagram sought to shield from such dangerous thoughts.¹²⁵




    Bioweapons and American Values

    Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear—kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor—with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it.¹

    —General Douglas MacArthur, 1957

    One of the focuses of this book is the dark alliance between America’s military and intelligence agencies—particularly the CIA—and our public health bureaucracies. Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, the military and intelligence apparatus erected the biosecurity agenda as the new spear tip of American foreign policy.

    These agencies deftly replaced the fear of the Soviet monolith and creeping communism with a fear of infectious disease, which they have successfully stoked to justify vast expansions in power—including the aggressive assertion of America’s imperial presence abroad and the steady erosion of constitutional rights at home that accompanied the rise of a surveillance and security state.

    The third leg to this stool is America’s medical and scientific bureaucracy. The US bioweapons program perches at the confluence where the dark ambitions of the military-industrial complex mingle with those of the medical-industrial complex, composed largely of the federal scientific technocracy, the pharmaceutical industry, and the armies of academic researchers who receive funding from those entities.

    Presidents Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower had both warned Americans against this anti-democratic development. Truman created the CIA in 1947. Exactly one month after my uncle John F. Kennedy’s assassination, Truman expressed his own fears about the agency’s power grab:

    For some time, I have been disturbed by the way CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the Government. This has led to trouble and may have compounded our difficulties in several explosive areas. I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue—and a subject for cold war enemy propaganda. . . . We have grown up as a nation, respected for our free institutions and for our ability to maintain a free and open society. There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning that is casting a shadow over our historic position, and I feel that we need to correct it.²

    As we have seen, in his historic speech, Truman’s successor, Dwight Eisenhower, cautioned against a threat to democracy and freedom parallel to that posed by the war machine’s devotion to endless battle: the federal scientific technocracy. This caveat anticipated the rise of a medical cartel of sorts which, instead of promoting public health, would thrive on policies that resulted in sickened populations who trembled in terror of illness and disease.

    For readers who wonder why our military and spy agencies would be interested in gain-of-function research, it’s worth reviewing the agency’s seventy-five-year preoccupation with bioweapons, pandemics, and vaccines.

    Bioweapons development was the CIA’s first love, and has remained its relentless passion. The CIA’s natal obsession with bioweapons pitted the agency against all the idealistic underpinnings of both American democracy and the healing arts of medicine. Bioweapons, after all, are the inverse of medicine. By enhancing infectivity of pathogens and endowing them with resistance to antibiotics and therapeutic treatments, and to heat and cold, the occult art of bioweapons development seeks to undermine all of the advances of medicine made by a hundred generations of doctors and scientists since Hippocrates. Among the most alarming side effects of the federal preoccupation with bioweapons has been the systematic diversion of vast resources and armies of academic and government scientists away from public health and healing. We shall see that the rise of a biosecurity agenda has accompanied a diminution of our traditional freedoms, a weakening of democratic institutions, the militarization of medicine, and growing belligerence in foreign policy.

    Modern gain-of-function science can only be understood in the context of its historical roots in the US bioweapons program. To appreciate the US government’s role in the catastrophe that befell the Wuhan lab, and to assure that a man-made pandemic never happens again requires a broader reckoning with the history of the US bioweapons program. The bioweapons cartel—popularly known as the Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR) industry—operates in tight secrecy, largely free from press scrutiny or criticism, immune from legal liability, and therefore free of accountability.

    As the bioweapons agenda has emerged in recent years as the centerpiece of US foreign policy, it has caused innumerable harms to open transparent government, to civic discourse and free speech, to public health, and to public faith in our regulatory agencies and other democratic institutions in the US and other Western nations. It has corrupted and subverted our university education system, our scientific journals, and the entire evidence-based approach to science and medicine. It has elevated military power, corporate profit-taking, and social control to the highest aspirations of the medical establishment. It has helped turn the American media into a propaganda device for Big Pharma and the military-industrial complex.

    It relies on a coalition that brings together the military, academia, medical journals, mainstream media, and public health regulators in a corrupt and secretive collaboration intended to turn medicine from a healing profession to a killing profession. Its linchpin is a sinister alliance between US spy and public health agencies and the Chinese military. It has become the fulcrum for neoconservatism’s globalist ambitions to empower billionaire elites and to disempower, disenfranchise, and commoditize the poor. It is the ultimate tool of imperial expansion abroad and for creating a security state at home. History has shown again and again the bioweapons agenda’s awesome power to transform compassionate, brilliant, idealistic doctors into monsters. Only by understanding its roots can we appreciate the danger it poses to all our cherished values and institutions.

    The history I outline here will shed light on the assumptions and rise to power of men like Ralph Baric, Peter Daszak, Jeremy Farrar, and Anthony Fauci, as well as their networks, and allow us to view them and their activities with the skepticism they deserve.

    The PPR industry has its roots in the bioweapons programs of the World War II warmongering fascist regimes of Germany and Japan.

    The features the contemporary PPR-industrial complex shares with the German and Japanese bioweapons programs include tight alliances with the pharmaceutical industry and the media; the complicity of academia and medical schools; the co-opting of journals; intense secrecy; pervasive experimentation on human subjects; liberal use of the word volunteers; open-air testing on large unwilling populations; ethical elasticity; the normalization of lies; the use of microbiology to alter and weaponize bugs; the use of vaccine development as a mask for bioweapons research; the corruption of the entire medical establishment by co-opting its leadership into inverting the idealistic purpose of medicine; the use of propaganda, orchestrated fear, and deception to maintain public support; and the strategy of off-shoring outlaw research to rogue labs in other countries.

    We will see how the US military and intelligence agencies appropriated not just the Nazi and Japanese scientists who pioneered the field, their tissue cultures, and their technologies for manipulating, breeding, and deploying pathogens, but also their ethical lacunae—their hubristic assumption of godlike power of life and death over large populations in service to their ideologies, and often self-serving notions of the greater good.


    A Brief History of Bioweapons

    Biological warfare involves the use of living organisms for military objectives.¹ These include viral, bacterial, and fungal weapons. Military strategists target soldiers, civilians, animals, and crops, spreading pathogens over a large geographic terrain by wind and water, or by infected insects and animals.²

    Biological and chemical weaponry have served armies since men invented war. Some four thousand years ago, Indian monarchs deployed incendiary devices to confound their foes with smoke screens and noxious fumes. Assyrians in 600 BC poisoned enemy wells with rye ergot fungus containing an LSD-like chemical that induced a confused mental state and occasionally death.³,⁴ During the Peloponnesian Wars (431 BC), Spartans and Thebans burned wood soaked in sulfurous pitch beneath city walls to dislodge Plataea’s besieged defenders.⁵,⁶ Song dynasty commanders directed arsenical smokes against their revolting Jin vassals in 1000 AD.⁷ By the 1300s, Genghis and Kublai Khan’s Mongols were employing catapults to hurl plague-infested bodies over the walls of Caffa. A contemporary historian reported that [t]hose who fled the city brought the Black Death to the rest of Europe.⁸,⁹

    In 1456, Belgrade’s Christians saved their city by burning sulfur-soaked blankets to suffocate besieging Ottomans in a toxic cloud.¹⁰

    In 1763, during the French and Indian Wars, Lord Jeffrey Amherst, the British commander of Fort Pitt, ordered smallpox-infected blankets distributed to Chief Pontiac’s attacking Shawnee and Mingo warriors.¹¹ In 1899 during the Boer War, British troops in South Africa poisoned wells used by Transvaal troopers and fired artillery shells that released explosive lyddite gas.¹²

    During the Golden Age of bacteriology at the end of the nineteenth century, science first clearly mapped the causes of infectious diseases, exciting global interest in the military applications of germ theory.¹³,¹⁴ By World War I, European militaries were enthusiastically exploring the strategic potential of germs. Germany, France, and Great Britain mass-produced anthrax spores and glanders bacteria to kill military draft animals.¹⁵

    But chemical weapons dominated the attention of military strategists due to their potential to inflict instantaneous mass casualties that dwarfed the most impressive advances by germ warfare aficionados. To break the European theatre’s trench warfare deadlock in World War I, both sides deployed phosgene, chlorine, and mustard gases, killing ninety-one thousand soldiers and causing 1.3 million casualties, one of whom became a fixture of my childhood.¹⁶ My family’s summer rituals on Cape Cod included daily sails on Nantucket Sound, during which my parents would always carry a sandwich to a World War I vet who hooked scup and flounder and tended a small fleet of lobster pots from a tiny dinghy that he anchored in the lee of the Hyannisport jetty light. We called him Putt because that was the only coherent sound he could utter due to severe brain damage from nerve gas. I saw many other gas casualties in my youth, mainly veterans blinded by mustard gas.

    Universal revulsion at the fiendish carnage from weaponized gas prompted Western nations to outlaw the use of all chemical and biological weapons in warfare at a conference in Geneva, convened at the United States’ instigation, in 1925.¹⁷ US representatives signed the treaty, but the Senate Foreign Relations Committee refused to ratify it, citing unresolved disputes over the regulation of tear gas for crowd control. The US would thereafter be the only nation on the UN Security Council that refused to be bound by the 1925 Geneva Protocol’s prohibition against first use of chemical and biological armaments in war.¹⁸

    Only one of its signatories, Italy, openly violated Geneva prior to World War II; Benito Mussolini garnered global condemnation when his armies deployed mustard gas against Ethiopians in 1936.¹⁹

    During the 1930s, Russia, Britain, and Germany actively researched chemical and biological weaponry.²⁰,²¹ Third Reich chemists in the employ of German pharmaceutical behemoth IG Farben minted an arsenal of über-deadly nerve gases that were odorless, invisible, and orders of magnitude more toxic than WWI-vintage gases.²² The Germans also developed an extensive arsenal of germ weapons, testing them in human experiments on detainees in Auschwitz, Buchenwald, Natzweiler-Struthof, and their other death and labor camps.

    The Germans narrowly rejected the deployment of their chemical and bioweapons in combat for idiosyncratic and strategic rather than moral rationale. Adolf Hitler reportedly had aversions to both biological and chemical weapons, the former rooted apparently in his germophobia and his fear of blowback—the so-called boomerang effect in which disease spreads to friendly forces—and the latter from his experiences of being gassed in World War I.²³ In 1947, Albert Speer, Hitler’s Minister of Production, told the Nuremberg tribunal why the Germans did not use these assets in combat even after Hitler—beleaguered by late-war losses—finally ordered his generals to unleash their nerve agent arsenal. Speer explained, All sensible army people turned gas warfare down as being utterly insane, since, in view of [America’s] superiority in the air, it would not be long before it would bring the most terrible catastrophe upon German cities.²⁴

    Britain stockpiled anthrax cakes for Operation Vegetarian, a plan to poison Germany’s beef and dairy herds, and tested the weapon in a few low-level flights over Germany in 1942.²⁵,²⁶

    The Luftwaffe, in turn, sprayed hoof-and-mouth disease microbes over Russian fields with low-flying aircraft. The Reich’s High Command concluded that, if used against Germany’s dairy and meat industry, the disease would have been the greatest catastrophe ever faced.²⁷ With that exception, none of the combatants in Europe used biological weapons during World War II.²⁸

    Japan’s Unit 731

    Perhaps because of its limited access to the petroleum feedstocks upon which chemical warfare capacity relies, Japan was the first nation to industrialize production of weaponized pathogens.²⁹ Japan, which was a signatory to the Geneva agreement but failed to ratify it, used both gas and biological weapons in its 1937–1945 war against China.³⁰,³¹ The eight divisions of Detachment 731—the Biological Warfare Unit of the Kwantung Army—mass-produced deadly germs in sprawling laboratories across occupied Manchuria, and subjected the region’s captive population to ghoulish experiments in industrial warfare.³²,³³

    According to eyewitness accounts, at least three thousand human guinea pigs died hideously in Japanese germ warfare experiments during that period.³⁴ After World War II, Russian officials indicted twelve Japanese Army officials from Detachment 731 for field-testing bubonic plague, cholera, typhoid, typhus, and anthrax. Japan’s deployment of these weapons against civilian targets, according to some estimates, killed as many as five hundred thousand civilians in Chinese and Manchurian cities.³⁵,³⁶

    US military and intelligence agents recruited the officers and scientists of Unit 731 and Hermann Göring’s Nazi bioweapons program after World War II, thereby imprinting the US biological warfare program—at its birth—with strategies, methodologies, and the ethical malleability that had sanctioned Japan’s campaign of depravity in its Manchurian charnel houses and Germany’s vile concentration camps and medical experimentation.³⁷ The infectious ethical bankruptcy of the US bioweapons culture—which still pervades the military, intelligence, and public health agencies, and their partners in academia—is, arguably, the legacy of Japan’s bioweaponeers and the Nazi doctors whom the CIA recruited during Operation Paperclip.³⁸ It’s therefore worth spending a moment considering the links between contemporary NIH-funded virology and the strategies adopted by its Japanese and German progenitors.

    One of the most striking similarities between the modern US and the WWII-vintage Japanese and German bioweapons programs is the shocking symbiosis linking military bioweapons development to civilian academies, the mainstream medical establishment, and the scientific journals. In both war-torn Japan and Germany, as well as contemporary America, individual doctors and university medical schools saw their idealistic healing missions subverted by the ineluctable gravities of militarized medicine and the biosecurity rubric.

    In Japan, it all began idealistically enough, with the noble mission of ending mass casualties of soldiers from infectious disease. Prior to the twentieth century, militaries across the globe suffered eighty percent of losses of deployed soldiers from disease—the so-called silent war—and fewer than twenty percent to combat.³⁹,⁴⁰ In both the US Civil War and the 1846–48 Mexican–American War, for example, three American soldiers died of sickness for every battlefield casualty.⁴¹,⁴² In World War I, the US did somewhat better, losing 63,114 soldiers to disease and 53,402 to combat.⁴³

    Determined to tackle this strategic vulnerability, Japan’s military medical corps during the late nineteenth century implemented the most elegant and effective systems of water purification, nutrition, and bacteriological control ever employed by an army.⁴⁴,⁴⁵,⁴⁶ These reforms virtually eliminated mortality from typhoid, typhus, cholera, and other mass killers among Japanese soldiers. During the Russo-Japanese war in 1905, Japan, the world’s undisputed leader in military medicine at the time, succeeded in miraculously reducing deaths from disease to less than one percent.⁴⁷,⁴⁸ The Japanese military suffered one-sixth the cases of typhoid and dysentery as the Russian troops.⁴⁹

    At the turn of the twentieth century, the American military surgeon Louis Livingston Seaman declared that Japanese military medicine and wartime bacteriology were the best in the world. Unit 731 historian Hal Gold writes that [t]heir standards . . . were far higher than those maintained by the United States and Great Britain, and medicine was treated by the Japanese as being equal in importance to guns and shells in contributing to military performance.⁵⁰,⁵¹ Moreover, observers testified that Japanese military doctors altogether exceeded other nations in their humanity and compassion, providing their superior treatment and healing techniques to enemy prisoners with the same ardor with which they treated Japanese soldiers.⁵²

    In his definitive chronicle of Japan’s biowarfare program, Gold recounts how Japan’s charismatic surgeon general, Shirō Ishii, hijacked Japan’s blue-chip medical proficiencies, civilian physicians, medical journals, and universities, diverting them to serve the so-called death sciences of weapons development. Following the bioweapons culture’s affinity for innocuous euphemisms to disguise sinister purpose, Japan’s biowarfare division adopted the Orwellian title Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department.⁵³ The more accurate description of Unit 731’s principal proficiencies were poisoning water and causing epidemics.

    Unit 731’s diabolical Commander Ishii made himself Japan’s version of Germany’s Angel of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele,⁵⁴ and transformed occupied Manchuria into a nightmarish bioweapons hellhole during the Sino-Japanese War.

    Unit 731 operated 4,500 incubators in Manchuria for breeding plague-infected fleas on rats and mice to disseminate various contagions.⁵⁵,⁵⁶ Back on the home front, Ishii’s Unit recruited Japanese farmers, soldiers, and youth corps members across Japan to capture and breed rats, and elderly men to ranch fleas on their bodies.⁵⁷,⁵⁸ Detachment 731 researchers also used sick dogs to cultivate and spread cholera and ticks to spread hemorrhagic fever and poisoned wells with cholera.⁵⁹,⁶⁰

    Ishii field-tested bacteriological weapons by aerial dousings of civilian populations in occupied Chinese cities and towns. Ishii proved the efficacy of entomological weapons during highly successful plague attacks on Manchuria’s port city of Ningbo in October 1940.⁶¹ Unit 731 dropped ceramic barrels filled with plague-laden fleas. Within days, residents were dying in droves.⁶² The physicians of Unit 731 moved in with stretchers, pretending to offer treatment—but instead, removed the patients to field laboratories disguised as treatment centers and dissected them alive.⁶³ Buoyed by the successful massacre at Ningbo, the Japanese dropped germ bombs carrying typhoid and cholera on over seventy Chinese communities—including eleven major cities—killing approximately five hundred thousand civilians.⁶⁴ Dr. Friedrich Frischknecht, professor of Integrative Parasitology at Heidelberg University and the Department of Parasitology at the Institut Pasteur, observed that the casualties mounted after cessation of hostilities: Some of the epidemics they caused persisted for years and continued to kill more than 30,000 people in 1947, long after the Japanese surrendered.⁶⁵

    The Special Handling unit of Japan’s feared elite intelligence agency, the Kenpeitai, functioned as Unit 731’s Human Materials Procurement Unit. At night, the Kenpeitai raided city streets and emptied jails across occupied Manchuria to conscript volunteers for bioweapons experiments.⁶⁶ The recruiters bound these prisoners’ arms and hips, and shipped them in boxcars to a walled city of 150 buildings housing thousands of test subjects on a six-square-kilometer proving ground in a remote village, Pingfang, in the Harbin district.⁶⁷,⁶⁸,⁶⁹ The compound included a camp for prisoners of war called the Zhongma Prison Camp.⁷⁰ The involuntary subjects, according to Japanese sources, were mostly Chinese prisoners, some Russians and, as one Japanese participant put it, some miscellaneous ‘half-breeds.’⁷¹ After the war, Moscow reported that Unit 731 also used American war prisoners as guinea pigs. Eyewitnesses reported viewing the bodies of deceased American servicemen preserved in large pickle jars, beside soldiers and civilians of diverse nationalities, on display in the specimen room of Unit 731’s massive headquarters in Pingfang.⁷²,⁷³ The Japanese biowarfare units took special care to keep their trial subjects able-bodied and well-fed, since experiments sought to test efficacy of deadly germs on healthy populations.⁷⁴

    Healthy Subjects

    Nazi doctors also demanded healthy subjects for their experimentation.⁷⁵ On November 15, 1943, for example, German virus expert and vaccine creator⁷⁶ Dr. Eugen Haagen, a key developer in the covert Nazi bioweapons program,⁷⁷ sent a scolding letter to a university administrator complaining that of the one hundred prisoners sent to his lab in a recent delivery, eighteen had died in transport and only twelve were in a condition suitable for my experiments. He requested another 100 prisoners, between twenty and forty years of age, who are healthy and in a physical condition comparable to soldiers. Heil Hitler.⁷⁸

    In Japan, healthy, plump Chinese, Manchurian, and Russian guinea pigs—men, women, children, and infant civilians—awaited death in 1,000 cages from where they would, when ordered, extend their arms into adjacent corridors to receive inoculations from syringes filled with teeming pathogens administered by roving squads of physicians and scientists.⁷⁹

    The injections included a long menu of infectious diseases with weapons potential: bubonic plague, anthrax, cholera, gangrene, typhoid, tuberculosis, syphilis, gonorrhea, dysentery, smallpox, and botulism. A few hours—or perhaps days—later, an extraction team would bind these subjects to surgery tables, stuff towels in their mouths to suppress screams, dissect them alive, and harvest their organs for further study.⁸⁰,⁸¹ The pace of research kept three incinerators in operation to eliminate eviscerated bodies, with chemical baths waiting to destroy charred bone fragments.⁸²,⁸³ There were no survivors. The military liquidated every single patient utilized in research. Following Japan’s surrender, Shirō Ishii presided over the massacre of the few surviving prisoners and razed the facility to destroy evidence of the atrocities prior to the arrival of Russian forces. As many as ten thousand subjects died in the camps, with three thousand killed during experimentation and live vivisections.⁸⁴,⁸⁵

    The Japanese occupiers told local Chinese and ethnic Russian Manchurians that the vast industrial complex that suddenly appeared in rural Pingfang was a lumber factory. In a dark joke, the human subjects became logs.⁸⁶ In controlled open-air experiments, physicians and their assistants tied Russian and Chinese men, children, and women—often with their infants—to stakes in open fields. Ishii’s men would then detonate flea-laden bug bombs. After waiting the four days needed for bubonic plague—or some other deadly contagion—to incubate in the bodies of these logs, the civilian physicians dissected their victims alive at various stages of infection to observe the living viscera before harvesting organs for shipment to medical schools and pharmaceutical companies.⁸⁷

    In addition to injecting test subjects with lethal pathogens, Japanese researchers—mainly civilian physicians from Japan’s most prominent medical schools—killed logs with dehydration, poison, and starvation, or in sadistic amputation experiments similar to experiments Dr. Mengele and his henchmen were conducting in Germany.⁸⁸ Some five thousand miles distant from each other, German and Japanese doctors froze men, women, and infants to death in ice water, or outdoors during the subzero Manchurian and Eastern European winters, to study frostbite.⁸⁹,⁹⁰ They froze the limbs of living volunteers in special freezers until their bones shattered and the flesh dropped off. Japanese doctors gassed prisoners with a wide variety of toxic vapors outdoors and in enclosures, and forced men infected with venereal diseases to rape female prisoners before performing living vivisections on both parties.⁹¹

    Physicians at Unit 731’s Harbin laboratory shipped the extracted body parts by plane to Ishii’s Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory in Tokyo for distribution to academic and research institutions and pharmaceutical companies throughout Japan.⁹² The arrangement allowed civilian physicians, researchers, and scholars to study hemorrhagic fever, bubonic plague, cholera, and other diseases that did not exist in Japan.⁹³ The resultant research by thousands of Japan’s leading university physicians and professors kept Japan at the forefront of infectious disease expertise globally.⁹⁴

    Ishii’s fleet of organ transport planes returned to Manchuria from Tokyo loaded with hundreds of thousands of rats for ranching the fleas that would fill the ceramic bug bombs with which Dr. Ishii delivered weaponized bubonic plague, hemorrhagic fever, and cholera.

    To further embroil Japan’s major medical schools and academic research institutes, Ishii recruited thousands of professors and PhD students—the brightest minds from Japan—who flocked to Ishii’s Manchurian death camp to take advantage of unique research opportunities and for career advancement.⁹⁵ Just as many Americans now revere Anthony Fauci, wartime Japanese lauded Ishii’s Epidemic Prevention Unit as the global apex of cutting-edge science and Ishii as a medical deity. Ishii’s rarified status made it easy to recruit the most promising medical students and preeminent Japanese medical and scientific authorities into the dark enterprise. Like Anthony Fauci, the government allowed Ishii to collect royalties on technologies that he developed while performing his duties. Ishii became wealthy from sales of his water purification device to private companies and the Japanese military.⁹⁶,⁹⁷,⁹⁸

    Ishii explicitly exhorted Japan’s leading doctors to abandon the physicians’ traditional ethical codes:

    Our God-given mission as doctors is to challenge all varieties of disease-causing micro-organisms; to block all roads of intrusion into the human body; to annihilate all foreign matter resident in our bodies; and to devise the most expeditious treatment possible. However, the research work upon which we are now about to embark is the complete opposite of these principles, and may cause us some anguish as doctors. Nevertheless, I beseech you to pursue this research, based on the dual thrill of 1) a scientist to exert efforts in probing for the truth in natural science and research into, and discovery of, the unknown world and 2) as a military person, to successfully build a powerful military weapon against the enemy.⁹⁹

    Some twenty thousand physicians, researchers, and workers took part in Ishii’s bioweapons research project.¹⁰⁰ Only a small percentage of Unit 731’s research staff were active military. Most were civilian physicians and researchers from academia.¹⁰¹

    In this way, Unit 731 co-opted the bulk of Japan’s medical community—civilian, military, and academic—away from healing and into weapons production and the death sciences, and implicated them in criminal atrocities, including human experimentation and bioweapons development.

    Virtually all the Japanese doctors involved in Ishii’s research were aware of the savage brutality of Ishii’s human experimentation.¹⁰² Dr. Ishii and Japanese military instructed physicians and nurses, police and youth squad helpers to keep mum about their dirty work and to tell the world that they were developing vaccines.¹⁰³ And they obeyed.

    Gold notes that Ishii and the army of academic scientists used aggressive salesmanship to persuade the public and the world that they were engaged in defensive bioweapons and vaccine development—the same propaganda strategy that the American biosecurity cartel and its modern czar, Anthony Fauci, later adopted. But Gold points out that it seems clear that there was nothing defensive about Unit 731. The only thing remotely defensive about it was [the] strident tone of the argument with which Ishii justified its existence.¹⁰⁴

    Academics also conspired with the leading Japanese medical journals to mask their scholarly papers under pretense of vaccine development, epidemic prevention, and defensive biowarfare. Japanese academies used the term monkeys—without a species designation—in their published scientific papers as a euphemism for human subjects who were sacrificed during the experiment. Professor Tsuneishi Keiichi explained this ruse:

    Failure to identify the species of an animal in an experiment lowers the value of the paper reporting its results. Where monkeys were actually used, it was common practice to identify the type. Thus, it was an open secret that the simple and unscientific use of the term monkey by itself was a code which meant that the subjects were human. The medical community knew this. The journal knew this. The readiness with which [Lieutenant General Kitano Masaji] publicized this transparent sham—and its acceptance by Japan’s medical community at large—is a sad testament to the lack of conflict between the ethical standards of the medical world in Japan and those of Unit 731.¹⁰⁵

    Every medical school, regulatory agency, medical bureaucracy, medical journal, and virtually every research physician in Japan became complicit in the atrocities. The omertà by the Japanese medical professionals was strikingly similar to the Third Reich’s human experimentation. In his book, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich, William Shirer points out that virtually every physician in Germany complied with the program and there is no record of a single complaint by a physician or medical association.

    Although the experiments were conducted by fewer than two-hundred murderous quacks—albeit some of them held eminent posts in the medical world—their criminal work was known to thousands of leading physicians of the Reich, not a single one of whom, so far as the record shows, ever uttered the slightest public protest.¹⁰⁶

    Furthermore, Hitler’s government adopted policies to systematically eliminate physically handicapped and intellectually disabled subgroups—the so-called useless eaters. German law required doctors to identify all of their patients who were eligible for this program. Germany’s doctors complied, generally with enthusiasm. These programs implicated Germany’s leading physicians, medical institutes, and individual doctors as collaborators in Nazi atrocities.

    As in Japan, the Reich’s bioweapons effort succeeded in recruiting the nation’s most illustrious and respected medical luminaries. Among those bioweaponeers who enjoyed international renown before Hitler’s rise to power were Germany’s Surgeon General Walter Schreiber, who supervised the Reich’s vaccine research; Deputy Surgeon General Dr. Kurt Blome, who directed bioweapons development; and Dr. Eugen Haagen, a key developer of Hitler’s biowarfare program. While working for the Rockefeller Foundation in New Jersey in 1932, Haagen helped develop the yellow fever vaccine, an accomplishment that made him a contender for the Nobel Prize in 1937.¹⁰⁷ Five years later, he was conducting deadly vaccine experiments on humans under Heinrich Himmler.

    Marveling at these doctors’ dramatic metamorphosis from healing to homicide, Annie Jacobsen, author of Operation Paperclip: The Secret Intelligence Program That Brought Nazi Scientists to America, asks if Nazi science . . . made monsters of these men?¹⁰⁸ The broad collapse of medical ethics among the entire generation of war-era Japanese and German physicians presaged parallel lapses among US and European doctors involved with bioweapons research and defensive vaccine research. The COVID pandemic exposed this troubling phenomenon to the public eye, raising disturbing questions about the tendency of bioweapons and associated vaccine research to turn moral medical professionals into sociopaths.

    Outside this cataclysmic impact on the civilian centers, Shirō Ishii’s entomological attack had limited military applications. Using slow, low-flying aircraft and Ishii’s parasites, the Japanese military was able to produce deadly effects on civilian populations during field experiments over unarmed Chinese cities. However, in combat scenarios, Chinese anti-aircraft batteries easily dispatched Ishii’s bug-bearing bombers.¹⁰⁹

    This remains the intractable strategic and ethical challenge endemic to bioweapons. Traditional bioweapons were practically useless in inducing the immediate mass fatalities of combat soldiers that produces shock and awe and advances military strategy. They were, however, devastating to citizen populations. In 2004, USAF Colonel Michael Ainscough wrote, Yet, curiously, when biological weapons have been employed in battle, they have proven relatively ineffectual. They have been undependable and uncontrollable. Because they have been difficult to deploy reliably, their military value has been marginal. ¹¹⁰

    Incidentally, only providence prevented Ishii from deploying his bioweapons in attacks against the US military and the United States mainland. The chance sinking—by a US submarine—of a Japanese warship loaded with bacteriological weapons destined for Saipan derailed Ishii’s plan to infect the island with bubonic plague after its capture by US forces.¹¹¹,¹¹² Likewise, the delayed arrival of contaminated fleas derailed Ishii’s plans to attack Okinawa with bubonic plague after the US occupation of the southernmost of Japan’s large islands.¹¹³ Ishii strongly contemplated decimating both US soldiers and the Okinawan population, which the Japanese government regarded as distinct and genetically inferior to its other prefectures and, therefore, expendable. Ishii was also the mastermind of Operation Cherry Blossoms at Night—a planned nighttime suicide attack against America’s West Coast cities by Japanese submarines, seaplanes, and balloons equipped with sophisticated biological weaponry.¹¹⁴ Only the last-minute moral qualms of a Japanese general aborted the attacks.¹¹⁵

    Only two weeks before its implementation, General Umezu Yoshijiro, chief of the General Staff intervened and ordered the assault aborted, amidst fierce opposition from Ishii and the plan’s other powerful proponents.¹¹⁶,¹¹⁷ Yoshijiro argued that if bacteriological warfare is conducted, it will grow from the dimension of war between America and Japan to an endless battle of humanity against bacteria. Japan will earn the derision of the world.¹¹⁸ His warning was particularly poignant as General Yoshijiro died in a Sarajevo prison in 1949, sentenced to life by an Allied War Crimes Tribunal unaware of the atrocity that he had single-handedly averted.¹¹⁹


    Picking Up the Pieces: The Birth of a US Bioweapons Program

    The Universities

    While World War II still raged, and word of Japan’s successful deployment of bioweapons reached Allied governments, the Soviet Union, Great Britain, and the United States began committing significant resources to researching chemical and biological weaponry. As with their Japanese and German predecessors, US bioweaponeers cultivated a symbiotic alliance with medical universities.

    In 1941, following the Japanese plague atrocities in China, US Secretary of War Henry Stimson convened, at the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, DC, a group of prominent scientists to commission a literature search to determine the feasibility of bioweapons, dubbed the War Bureau of Consultants (WBC) Committee.¹,² The biologists came from universities that would maintain enduring—and immensely lucrative—partnerships with the bioweapons industry: Johns Hopkins, Yale, Harvard, Rockefeller Institute, University of Chicago, and University of Wisconsin.³,⁴,⁵

    Two months later, on February 17, 1942, the academics returned with an enthusiastic endorsement. The medical scholars, as Ed Regis points out in The Biology of Doom, had discovered that the world of science was full of proposals for the intentional dissemination of noxious microbes as a means of killing or incapacitating the enemy. ⁶ Brushing off any ethical dilemma, the professors exuberantly endorsed this promising new line of weaponry from which their institutions would almost immediately begin profiting immensely. Biological warfare is regarded as distinctly feasible, they gushed. We are of the opinion that steps should be taken to formulate offensive and defensive measures. The committee added, a sophomorical incantation that would persistently pose as a pretext among death scientists, In biological warfare, the best defense is offense and the threat of offense.⁷ The exhilarating potential of killing millions of civilians seems to have unhinged these academics from moral restraints. They rhapsodized about sabotaging milk supplies with typhoid; polluting reservoirs with botulinum; releasing diphtheria into shelters, bus stations, movie theaters, factories, and stores; smearing

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