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CAREC Health Strategy 2030
CAREC Health Strategy 2030
CAREC Health Strategy 2030
Ebook171 pages1 hour

CAREC Health Strategy 2030

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The CAREC Health Strategy 2030 aims to enhance health security through regional cooperation, benefiting the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) region’s population (including migrants and vulnerable population groups), health system managers and workers, and active development partners; and CAREC countries’ ministries of health. The strategy has four main pillars: (i) leadership and human resource capacity, (ii) technical preparedness, (iii) surge demands and access to supplies, and (iv) vulnerable population groups and border health. It is intended as a tool to guide CAREC health cooperation, dialogue and knowledge exchange, programming and mobilize new project financing.
Release dateMay 1, 2022
CAREC Health Strategy 2030

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    CAREC Health Strategy 2030 - Asian Development Bank


    MAY 2022

    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license (CC BY 3.0 IGO)

    © 2022 Asian Development Bank

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    ISBN 978-92-9269-520-0 (print); 978-92-9269-521-7 (electronic); 978-92-9269-522-4 (ebook)

    Publication Stock No. TCS220193-2

    DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22617/TCS220193-2

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    The Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) 2030 Strategy focuses on five operational clusters, including human development with a new operational cluster on health cooperation. This cluster aims to improve health system performance in responding to public health threats and enhance regional health security. The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted the importance of health security. As public health threats such as infectious disease outbreaks can quickly become a cross-border concern, regional health cooperation is key to achieving health security among CAREC countries.

    The CAREC Health Strategy 2030 supports health cooperation under the human development cluster of CAREC 2030, with focus on enhancing health security through regional cooperation. It aligns with other CAREC strategies such as CAREC Gender Strategy 2030, which lays out entry points for gender mainstreaming for the human development pillar under CAREC 2030. The beneficiaries of this strategy include the population (including migrants and vulnerable population groups), ministries of health of CAREC countries and those managing and working in the health system, and development partners active in the region.

    The vision of the CAREC Health Strategy 2030 is—public health threats in the CAREC region are addressed comprehensively, efficiently and sustainably, through adopting a regional approach, while safeguarding the needs of the most vulnerable segments of the population. Its guiding principles include cooperation among countries, multisector coordination, a focus on benefiting the population, ensuring feasibility combined with an evidence-based approach, safeguarding sustainability and ownership, and alignment with international policies and frameworks.

    The CAREC Health Strategy 2030 builds on four main pillars: (i) leadership and human resource capacity, (ii) technical preparedness (laboratories and surveillance), (iii) surge demands and access to supplies, and (iv) vulnerable population groups and border health. Implementation of the pillars is enabled by the CAREC-supported institutional setup including the Working Group on Health (WGH); cooperation and partnerships based on stakeholder engagement with political commitment and policy dialogue, multisector coordination, and geographic clusters; and capacity support through training, research, and knowledge sharing.

    Pillar 1 aims to strengthen regional leadership, coordination, and workforce capacity. To better respond to epidemic and pandemic health threats, improvements in interministerial and multisector policy coordination and international support and health system governance capacity in the CAREC region are planned. Sufficient workforce skills and capacity are required, especially in public health emergency leadership, public health, epidemiology, and research. This should result in effective planning and implementation of measures and innovations in response to public health threats, including the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Pillar 2 will support the improvement of surveillance and laboratory infrastructure. This will be carried out by ensuring an effective surveillance response to public health threats, including the COVID-19 pandemic. This may include improving surveillance systems, exploring regional dashboards with automated early-warning systems,

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