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Ebook59 pages49 minutes


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The young girl held on to the top branches of the eucalyptus tree as it swayed gently back and forth. She was watching the sun as it rose of the far horizon. The intriguing aroma of the eucalyptus mixed with the smell of the pines. It was intoxicating.

Annelise had attended Catholic school and was a favorite of the nuns that

Release dateJan 22, 2022

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    Book preview

    Highlights - Annelise Sievert


    Forever More

    The Irish Ridge,

    The mighty Little Flint.

    The squirrel in the lane.

    And then there was the train.

    From Sao Paulo to New York

    The Inter Coastal Water way

    And Uwe in his quiet way

    The road trip west

    That was the best

    As Kimmy put you to the test.

    It’s time once more to climb up high,

    Up to the top of your Eucalyptus friend

    So high you saw the world

    And felt the wind of life upon your face

    And saw the dreams of days to come.

    Nine lives indeed,

    Hit by a train,

    Hit on the brain

    You always walked away.

    You drove with friends

    You went from sea to sea

    You went from North to South

    You lived your life at God’s given speed.

    You had nine lives and more.

    And now goodbye

    Good journey,

    With love forever more.

    My goodbye to Mom

    June 2017

    And that was her last year. She made it to Ninety-one and a half.

    Highlights captures a few of her writings and stories.


    Why do I write?

    The desire to write started many years back. I can’t exactly remember when. The first time I thought of becoming a writer, was when I really started to enjoy reading books. I was then about fourteen and every moment I could find I went to a place where no one could disturb me and my reading.

    My favorite place was an old Eucalyptus tree that none of the neighborhood children could climb up.

    My mother could never find me to help her around the house. There high in the tree I would sit and read till dusk. I was a regular book worm and since I was of two nationalities, I read in two languages: Portuguese and German.

    Mystery books were my favorite. Expedition stories, no matter where, captivated me. I lived and acted through many of the main character personalities.

    The story telling began when my two girlfriends left me alone for one summer. My brother, Conrad, five years younger than I, and his friend Peter, would wait for me to come home from school. I was the babysitter for my brother when Mother would go shopping. I had promised mother not to take my brother on any of my dangerous expeditions.

    This left me with little to do with him.

    Then one rainy summer afternoon we were near an old cave left over from some past the revolution between the states of Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais. This was a secret cave I shared with my girlfriends June and Beling. I guided the two boys into the cave and my brother, and his friend became the focused on my telling of the story.

    They loved it. After that we would often go to the cave where I would continue telling the latest story that I had thought up.

    They accepted me because, I was a tomboy and able to out climb all the boys and girls in the neighborhood.

    My story telling flowed from my imagination and the reading I had done or was doing. I adapted the stories for their age.

    That summer was the start of my story telling. It went on for many years. It was at that time I began to imagine myself as a famous writer.

    It was up there in the tree where my first idea of writing books as good as the writers I read started. I had a few stories in my mind and began putting them down on paper. I had many story ideas and I put them down in my book.

    One day my father found my book. He read it and laughed and made fun of it. That was the end for my writing. I would continue to think of stories, but I never took the chance of writing it down again.

    Many years have passed since I first started to think about writing. Many things have happened to me during those years. Life’s many turns seem to have intervened each time I made the attempt to write.

    I married, had three children, divorced,

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