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How to Draft a Pattern: The Essential Guide to Custom Design
How to Draft a Pattern: The Essential Guide to Custom Design
How to Draft a Pattern: The Essential Guide to Custom Design
Ebook699 pages3 hours

How to Draft a Pattern: The Essential Guide to Custom Design

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  • Sewing

  • Tailoring

  • Clothing Design

  • Fashion

  • Pattern Making

  • Love Triangle

  • Fish Out of Water

  • Star-Crossed Lovers

  • Mentor

  • Secret Identity

  • Mentorship

  • Rivalry

  • Transformation

  • Dark & Troubled Past

  • Forbidden Love

  • Sewing Techniques

  • Clothing

  • Clothing Construction

  • Garment Construction

  • Creativity

About this ebook

The Essential Guide to Custom Design
This book, a How To manual, provides properly sequenced techniques from the mid 1800's or earlier, when all garments were made by hand, which reflected expert craftsmanship in the process as well as appearance.
The concepts of wearing clothing and being tastefully dressed are both universal and ancient, yet modern. Access to quality fabrics and well constructed garments with timeless lines was often reserved for the wealthy, powerful and/or socialites. This means the taste and desire of larger parts of society went generally ignored. Some form and use of apparel has been a perpetual need in the human experience, throughout most cultures around the globe.
Regardless of the status, career, body proportion or geographical locationyou now have access. The wise person asks for insight. In a day gone by, they would have called it redeeming the time. It means buying up the opportunities and possibilities unique to each season of ones life. How to Draft a Pattern provides that insight.
Why Wait?
The techniques for properly measuring the human body are illustrated in crystal clear detail to ensure the proper fit of any garment you construct.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJan 9, 2015
How to Draft a Pattern: The Essential Guide to Custom Design

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    How to Draft a Pattern - Shigeko Rustin

    Copyright © 2014 by Shigeko Rustin.

    ISBN:            Softcover            978-1-4990-5387-6

                           eBook                978-1-4990-5388-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Thinkstock.

    Rev. date: 11/18/2014







    Tools for drafting:


    Learn to Measure Your Body Accurately

    Drafting SLOPER Using Own Measurement

    Sleeve SLOPER

    Outlining the SLOPER

    Darts for upper and lower body

    Darts for Skirt

    Setting Two Darts of Skirt

    Properly Setting Two Dates

    Make an A Line Skirt

    Make A Line from Straight Skirt

    Basic Skirt sloper – From straight to Circular

    Different Position of Darts on Body

    Dispersion of Dart

    Process of Eliminated front and side dart

    Shoulder Dart

    Dart for Armhole

    Side Dart

    Three Basic Proportions

    For Broad Proportion

    Front Sloper

    Broad Proportion

    Corpulent Proportion

    Curved Spine Proportion

    Basic Dress to Compliment Any Proportion

    Measuring Technology

    Making Basic Dress Pattern

    First Step – For Basic Dress

    Sleeve for basic dress

    Basic dress skirt pattern

    The Skirt

    After the Pattern Draft is Complete

    Reshape Darts and Curved Areas

    To Cut Muslin

    Shaping to your body


    How to Set in Sleeve

    Setting Sleeve

    Make the pattern

    Trying on the muslin dress

    Learning the technique of fitting

    Actual adjusting

    The Basic Dress

    Proportion and the Basic Dress

    Ideal Standard Proportion

    Ideal Standard proportion

    Characteristics of Body Figure #1


    Broad Shoulder Proportion

    Characteristics of Body Figure # 2

    Proper technique to Adjust

    Swayed Back Proportion

    Characteristics of Figure # 3

    Proper technique to Adjust

    Curved Spine proportion

    Technique for Adjusting Shoulder Area

    Adjustment for Bust Line

    Adjustment for Women with Larger Thighs


    For Material:

    Preparation for drafting:

    Drafting for Blouse

    Detail for Drafting the Blouse

    Front Sloper


    Two Most Common Types of Proportion

    Proportion #1: Swayed Proportion

    Proportion #2: Sloping PROPORTIONS

    Cutting stencil

    Cutting Material

    Marking the Material

    Shaping the Fabric

    On Back Shoulder

    Side Waistline Position

    Guideline for Blouse

    Look at figure # 1.

    Constructing Upper Torso

    Constructing Collar A and B

    Set the Sleeve

    Temporary Button


    Swayed back


    Two Ways of Adjusting Problem

    Thick Proportion

    Thin Proportion

    Upper and Under Collar Circumference

    First Machine stitch

    Hand baste Collar; machine stitch Darts

    Hand and Iron Work

    Pocket Preparation


    Machine Stitch

    Hand and Ironwork

    Sleeve seam allowance

    Bodice of Blouse

    Machine work

    Machine Work

    Hand Stitch

    Machine stitch

    Handwork / machine stitch

    Machine Stitch

    Machine work continues

    Adjust the buttonhole

    Tuck in Blouse with Puffed Sleeve and Flat Collar

    Drafting for back

    Draft Torso for Tucked Blouse

    Drafting for Front

    Front Torso

    Drafting for Collar

    Drafting for Puffed Sleeve

    Stencil for Sleeve

    The Sleeve

    Completed view of the Blouse

    Jacket Type Blouse (with Waist Band)

    Outline back sloper

    Back Sloper

    Outline front sloper

    Drafting for Collar

    Drafting Collar – Step one



    Drafting Sleeve


    The Shirt Dress

    Back sloper

    Back Torso

    Front sloper

    Front Torso

    Drafting Collar

    Outline Sleeve Sloper

    Cuff with Tuck


    Back Skirt

    Skirt Back

    Front Skirt

    Dart for Skirt

    Belt Length

    Skirt Front and Belt

    Adjusting Collar

    Hand Basting

    Pattern layout and hand stitching

    Constructing the Skirt

    Sleeve Construction

    Final Sewing

    Completed Thread Marking

    Upper and Under Collar, and Belt.

    Hand Basting Collar

    Fusible Interfacing

    Facing for Sleeve Opening

    Procedure to finish section work


    Side seam







    Finish Section Work by Trimming Excess

    Cuff and Belt


    Collar- Trim seam allowance evenly.

    Machine Stitch

    Finish Seams

    Machine Stay Stitch

    Machine work continues

    Ironing and Hand Procedure


    Zipper Placement

    Finishing Touch

    Finish Touch

    Hand Sewing or Stitching

    Hand Sewing or Stitch

    Completing Finish on Raw Edge

    Pocket and Pocket Facing


    I. Bound Buttonhole

    Setting Buttons



    Placement of Snap’s Hook and Eye

    Section Work

    Shirt collar

    Boat neckline

    Boat neckline

    Sailor Collar

    Sailor Collar

    Stand Collar

    Stand Collar

    Tie Collar

    Tie Collar

    Bow Collar

    Bow Collar

    Sleeveless and Collarless Neckline

    Facing : neck line and Armhole

    Facing for Neckline and Armhole

    Short Shirt Sleeve is for Sports Wear or Working

    Short Sleeve

    Cuff and Sleeve Work


    Completing Cuff and Sleeve

    Self placket

    Self Fabric Placket

    Facing with Lining

    Techniques for Finishing the Placket


    Machine Stitch Pocket


    Stitch Pocket

    Pocket Continue.

    Tailored Collar Suit

    The Suit Pattern

    Preparation for Drafting

    Drafting basic Suit

    Suit - back side

    Suit – Front side


    Box Pleat Skirt

    Back Skirt

    Front Skirt


    Set the pleat

    Cutting for Pleats

    The Guidelines Covering Essentials for Suit Making

    Fitting and Adjusting

    Sloping Proportion

    Adjusting continue

    Check the Material

    Layout – for Suit

    TWO Panel Sleeve

    Shaping the body- upper shoulder

    How To: shrink and/or Stretch

    Final Product-After Shrinking/Stretching

    Cutting interfacing and Canvas



    Stencil for Lining

    Stitch the Side Front Panel

    Pocket Work

    Pocket construction

    Setting Interfacing

    Preparation for Collar

    Preparation for Collar


    Sleeve Lining –

    Shirt Dress

    Drafting Pattern





    Cutting Muslin Mark-Up

    Machine Stitch

    Shirt Dress

    Princess dress

    Preparation for drafting



    When making pattern out of stencil, mark notches


    Try the garment on for Adjustment

    Cutting Lining

    Sewing after Revisions

    Machine Stitch

    Hand and Iron Work

    Machine work

    Hand and Iron Work

    Machine Work

    Hand and Iron Work

    Machine work

    Iron and Handwork

    Hand Sewing: Lining

    Finish Stitch

    Handwork and Iron Process

    Machine Stitching

    Hand and Iron Process



    Machine Stitch Process

    Long Vest/ short Vest

    Long vest

    Refer back to jacket for specifics on how to draft

    For specifics on how to draft for areas needed.

    Machine Stitch, Trim and Trace

    Lining – Hand and Machine Stitch

    Start Seam Allowance and Setting the Interfacing


    Two Dart Skirt

    Set the Second Dart

    Preparation for fitting

    Marking the Waist and Shaper

    Adjusting Stencil

    Waist band shaper

    Hand and Iron work

    Waistband shaper

    Finishing the Hemline

    Hand and Iron Work

    Turn skirt wrong side out

    Machine Process

    Iron and Handwork

    Iron work

    Flared Skirt

    Box pleat skirt

    To Set the Pleat

    Cutting Pattern

    Cutting lining

    Gored Skirt

    Pattern Drafting

    Pants and Shorts

    Observing the Proportion

    Correcting pattern for the Bow leg

    Figure A

    Figure B

    Figure C. Thick body proportion

    Figure D.

    The figure has a thick thigh, and a sporty looking proportion.

    Wide Pants Leg


    Machine Stitch ~ Construction

    Cutting lining


    Short Pants


    Waist Band

    Pant Cuff Band


    Culottes with pocket

    Pocket Construction


    Garment design and construction begins with properly measuring the human body. This step prepares us to make the sloper. There are three independent parts which make up the Sloper: Upper Torso, Lower torso and the Sleeve. Remember these three important parts for future references; it will help in the process of making the sloper.

    Upper Torso - Use the bust and the back length measurement to make up the Upper Torso; this measurement is unchangeable yet it is adjusted to fit any body size or proportion.

    Bust - the measurement is divided proportionally to fit any body size and is the most important area.

    The bust measurement can be adjusted by changing the depth of the armhole.

    The Human body is normally even; however, there are also exceptions, because women are normally curvilinear. Much attention is needed when putting upper torso together. When the shoulders are uneven, adjust pattern by tracing the opposite side of the shoulders. When measuring a woman’s upper torso, always start from the right side of the body.

    Front, Back and Side view are most important when grasping the concept of the whole body. Bust measurement requires division, addition, and use of simple math alterations to create a sloper. Give a 3D view, no matter what the person’s proportion.

    Use sloper to create your own design stencil. Sloper has very few easements; yet when the area is too tight; add easement for loose fit of the garment. More easement may be required with the box type jacket, the one piece dress and the overcoat etc. Various designs can be created from a simple sloper. Who knows what you can make or create just by using your imagination?

    Remember that the Sloper vary with size, gender, and age, especially a woman’s sloper.

    Tools for drafting:

    Tape measure;

    T square ruler;

    Drafting paper;

    Pencil and colored pencil

    The metric system of measurement will be utilized at all times; not the standard inches.

    For your exercise, practice using the scale ruler that is ¼ condensed and the sloper size that is condensed the same.

    The Fashion Ruler, along with the tools below, can easily be found and selected from the fashion school or fabric shop.

    The flexible measuring tape can be purchased at these locations or from a craft shop. (i.e. Michaels)



    Back Side Upper Torso

    Center Back - CB

    Back Neck Point – BNP

    Shoulder Neck Point – SNP

    Shoulder Point- SP

    Center Back Side – CBS

    Bust Line – BL

    Waist Line – WL

    Front Side Upper Torso

    Front Neck Point- FNP

    Shoulder Point – SP

    Side Neck – SN

    Center Front – CF

    Center Front Side – CFS

    Waist Line – WL

    Dart Width – DW


    Upper Arm - UA

    Center Line – CL

    Sleeve Head – SH

    Elbow Line – EL

    Upper Arm Line – UAL

    Sleeve Line – SL

    Front Sleeve Line (Which Is From the Center Sleeve Line toward the Front)–SILF

    Back Sleeve Line (Which Is From the Center Sleeve Line towards the Back)–BSLB

    Front Side Line – FSL

    Back Side Line – BSL

    Center Back Side – C B S

    Lower Body Skirt

    Center Back–CB

    Center Front–CF

    Center Back Side-CBS

    Center Front Side–CFS

    Waist Line–WL

    Middle Hip – M H

    Hip Line – HL

    Middle Hip Line–MHL

    Hem Line–HML




    To prepare for taking measurements, you will need a metric tape measure for accuracy. Please have the model wear good supporting undergarments and stand in a relaxed position. When taking measurements, consideration for the thickness of the garment worn by the model must be taken into account.

    Look first at the illustrations, then at front view of your subject. Check shoulders and hips for height level. If there is an imbalance, measure both sides of body (right and left). A woman should always be measured from the right hand side checking both, her profile and front.

    Place two fingers inside tape measure for all body measurements, except the waist. Use one finger on the waist area. This is done, for the reason that one should always have some slackness for the waistline of garment.

    1. Bust Measurement– Measure horizontally around the back, meeting in the front.

    2. Under Bust Measurement – Take exact measurement shown on tape measure.

    3. Waist Line – find waist area. Take exact measurement shown on tape measure, including placement of one finger at center front.

    4. Hip Measurement – Measure the fullest area of the hip. To measure for large or bulging stomach areas, place a ruler vertically on center front, and then measure the hip while holding vertical ruler in place.

    5. Hip Length – Measure from right side waistline to the largest area on hip.

    6. Middle Hip – Measure about half way down from the waistline to the hip line.

    7. Back Length – Measure from the largest neck bone at the bottom of the neck to the waistline.

    8. Full Length – Measure from the back neck bone to the floor.

    9. Dress Length – Standard measurement is from the back neck bone to just below the knee.

    10. Skirt Length – About the same as #9, but measuring from the waist to just below knee length.

    Proper Measuring Through Page nine (9)


    11. Sleeve Length ~ Two methods:

    a. Take these measurements outside the arm past the elbow to the wrist bone. Measure from the back neck bone across the right shoulder with arm down and slightly bent (about a 20° angle).

    b. Take these measurements from the indentation of the shoulder joint (right side), measure across elbow (bent about a 20° angle) to the wrist bone.

    12. Elbow Length – Start at shoulder joint, measuring at back of the arm and measure to just below the elbow.

    13. Shoulder to shoulder – Measure from shoulder joint to shoulder joint, measuring across the lower neck bone.

    14. Full Back – Measure from under the beginning of the right armpit to the beginning of the left armpit.

    15. Back Length – Measure from neck-shoulder point to the waistline.

    16. Front Length- Back Neck Point – Measure from the back neck bone to the shoulder neck point, over bust point to waistline.

    17. Bust Point – Measure from the back neck bone to the shoulder neck point to the bust point.

    18. Full Front – Measure from under the beginning of the right armpit to the beginning of the left armpit.

    19. Bust Point to Bust Point – Measure across bust from one conical projection to the other conical projection.

    20. Armhole – Hold arms horizontally and measure from the shoulder joint; place tape measure around arm pit and bring to top of shoulder, then slowly lower arm to the side and loosen for comfort and movement.

    21. Upper arm measurement – Measure around largest part of bicep.

    Measurements continue


    22. Wrist measurement – Measure around the bones with one finger under the tape.

    23. Palm measurement – Place thumb in palm, length towards fingers. Measure across the largest point.

    24. Neck Measurement – Measure from the depth on front neck around to shoulder neck point, to back neck bone, back to front of neck.

    25. Head measurement – Measure 2cm below the hairline to behind the right ear, continue just under the peak at the back of head to behind the left ear, on to the beginning point.

    26. Out Seam For pants – Measure waist at side to below ankle bone.

    27. Crotch depth – Measure from front waistline under crotch to back waistline; loosely for comfort.

    28. Crotch Length – Have the person in a sitting position on a chair; measure from the right side waistline to chair seat.

    29. Inseam Length – Measure from just below the right buttocks to the floor.


    Prorper Measuring -End-

    Drafting SLOPER Using Own Measurement

    * For Woman’s pattern: always start from right hand side.

    1. Draw the back length vertically.

    2. From top left of center back measure (B/2 + 5 cm) and finish the rest by making rectangular/square shape. The 5 cm is the least amount required for the garment to fit properly, or as said before, for adjustable reasons. This is especially important when designing a different style.

    3. Divide bust measurement by 6 then add 7cm. Take the result and measure it from upper left hand corner; on center back line mark the bust length. This line is used for the armhole depth, especially when the bust is extremely small or large. The bust line can go up and down. Divide the bust line in half and mark it. (This procedure will be shown later on in the chapter).

    4. How to determine full back width:

    ➢ Bust divided by 6 + 4.5 cm = X is the bust width. Take the measurement and draw a line from center back on the bust line towards right hand side of the rectangular/ squared sloper.

    ➢ Bust divided by 6 + 3 cm = Y.

    5. Take the measurement and draw a line from center front on bust line to left hand side of the rectangular/ squared sloper. On the right side do the same; draw a line to connect to the top.

    6. The space between the back and front panel in the amount of body thickness.

    7. Take the Bust line and divide it in half.

    8. From center of the marking move 0.5cm toward the center back and draw a vertical line to waistline.

    9. Bust divided by 20 + 2.7cm = 76765.png

    10. Take the formula (B/ 20 + 2.7cm = 76767.png ) and from upper left corner on the horizontal line divide 76769.png by 3 =O; on the third O segment on right hand side go up one segment Ο. (See illustration)

    11. From top of full back width corner go down the segment Ο. From the end of the segment Ο, go out2cm to the right.

    12. From the full front line, go down two segments Ο.

    13. From center front upper corner, on right hand side, draw a segment Ο to the left on the horizontal line.

    14. From center front upper corner, go down length of one 76771.png segment + 1cm.

    Sloper Number One – beginning


    15. Go down 0.5cm (on the end of S.N.P.) from the horizontal line drawn as 76774.png segment. The reason for going down 0.5cm is that the neck is slightly tilted to the front.

    16. On the center front upper corner of the SNP, from the 0.5cm point, close the rectangular shape.

    17. Between center front line and full front width line, divide in half (make sure to mark the division point). On the bust line from the division point, move 0.7 cm towards the center side.

    18. From the end of the O segment, divide full back width line in half; from the division point draw a horizontal line.

    19. From the end of the point of the two points of the O Segments, divide the full front width line in half.

    20. Full back width at lower corner on bust line: Divide the space between Full Back width and center side in half, which is marked with the (//) slash segment.

    21. From the lower corner of the Full Back width, take the (//) segment + 0.5cm and place at 45° angle and mark.

    22. On the lower front of the full width, draw a 45-degree angle with the (//) segment and place a mark.

    23. Divide the bottom of the rectangle in half, which will equal (/) slash segment. Take the (/) segment and draw a 45° angle on the inner left corner of the rectangle of neckline.

    24. On the bust line, from the 0.7cm point (see # 17) draw a vertical line to the waistline.

    ➢ Extend by adding the (/) segment.

    ➢ From 0.7cm on the bust line, go down (/) for bust point.

    25. From center front of the waistline, extend by adding (/) segment. At the center side on the waistline, move 2cm towards the center back.

    Sloper Number Two


    Sleeve SLOPER

    See illustration for creating sleeve SLOPER

    Measure armhole length from the garment SLOPER from Back A point to B point.

    This sloper can be used for

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