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Going Towards the Nature Is Going Towards the Health
Going Towards the Nature Is Going Towards the Health
Going Towards the Nature Is Going Towards the Health
Ebook180 pages1 hour

Going Towards the Nature Is Going Towards the Health

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About this ebook

When I think about what Yoga has contributed to my Life,
there are many aspects that enter my mind. I truly think of
an Ajarn and two wonderful Doctors that live this life so completely that
even their perception in this book will be a revelation for some. It was
for me. I give Gratitude to these wonderful individuals. For me the Yogic
way of life is about the flow. It is allowing a moment by movement into
your days. When you read this book, remember that your first read will be
emotional and the second analytical. It will take you through the structure
of changing your days by focusing on the mind body connection with the
Spirit directing your manifestations in a positive way that is for your greatest
good and higher purpose. It has been a journey of self, and continues to be.
Once you read this book and begin to practice the traditional and cultural,
yes I said cultural, methods of adaptation of self, you will begin to discover
who the true you can become.
The Doctors Yardi and I have developed this book to teach Ayurveda
for the world. We will cover chanting, Asanas, Ayurveda Body Typing,
nutrition, concepts of Yoga, philosophy of Ayurveda, medical effects on
the body, Pranayama, meditation, and more. We will then tie it all together
with the Spiritual influence that will be felt in the frequency of the body as
it raises your awareness.
Evolution has, to date, meant extinction to most species, but Ayurveda
has always survived. It is a way of life, a science, called YOG!
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 16, 2012
Going Towards the Nature Is Going Towards the Health

Shaman Melodie McBride

Shaman Melodie McBride Author 4 book series South Node Shaman and 5 book series Going Towards the Nature is Going Towards the health. Instructor and Advanced Yoga Certifications from Yoga Vidya Gurukul Ashram/School in Timbak, Nashik, India. Melodie holds an Associate’s Degree in Applied Sciences specializing in electronics, harmonic and vibrational therapy practices. Shaman Melodie has a triple Mastership in Usui/ Tibetan/Karuna Reiki through the International Center for Reiki Training, 40 + years as a Herbologist, amazing intuitive ability, and is deplumed in Fixed Star Astrology.

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    Going Towards the Nature Is Going Towards the Health - Shaman Melodie McBride

    Copyright © 2012 by Shaman Melodie McBride, Dr. Ashutosh & Dr. Anagha Yardi.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

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    Shaman M’s Introduction

    An Introductory Note from the Doctors’ Yardi

    Part 1

    1.) Introduction to Ayurveda

    2.) Why Learn Ayurveda?

    3.) History

    Part 2

    4.) Basic Principles of Ayurveda

    5.) Concept of Body Type or Prakriti or Dosha Type

    6.) Vata Management

    7.) Pitta Management

    8.) Kapha Management

    Part 3

    9.) Diet, Food, and Ayurveda

    10.) Ayurveda Diet and Tips

    11.) Introduction to Indian Ayurvedic Food

    Part 4

    12.) Introduction to Ayurvedic Herbs

    Part 5

    13.) Concept of Psychological Types

    14.) Mind Purifications

    15.) Ayurveda—Mind and Diet

    16.) Body Purification—Panchakarma



    Shaman M’s Introduction

    When I think about what Yoga has contributed to my Life, there are many aspects that enter my mind. I truly think of an Ajarn and two wonderful Doctors that live this life so completely that even their perception in this book will be a revelation for some. It was for me. I give Gratitude to these wonderful individuals. For me the Yogic way of life is about the flow. It is allowing a moment by movement into your days. When you read this book, remember that your first read will be emotional and the second analytical. It will take you through the structure of changing your days by focusing on the mind body connection with the Spirit directing your manifestations in a positive way that is for your greatest good and higher purpose. It has been a journey of self, and continues to be. Once you read this book and begin to practice the traditional and cultural, yes I said cultural, methods of adaptation of self, you will begin to discover who the true you can become.

    The Doctors’ Yardi and I have developed this book to teach Ayurveda for the world. We will cover chanting, Asanas, Ayurveda Body Typing, nutrition, concepts of Yoga, philosophy of Ayurveda, medical effects on the body, Pranayama, meditation, and more. We will then tie it all together with the Spiritual influence that will be felt in the frequency of the body as it raises your awareness.

    Evolution has, to date, meant extinction to most species, but Ayurveda has always survived. It is a way of life, a science, called YOG!

    Shaman M


    An Introductory Note from the Doctors’ Yardi

    Have you ever thought what the oldest healing system in the world is? Did anyone think this system originated in India? Did anyone know that thousands of years ago there was also a well established medical system based on natural healing ways? It was then is now called Ayurveda meaning the science of life.

    Along with Ayurveda, Yoga science was also well developed in those days. Since long ago Ayurveda and Yoga have been part of the ancient Indian culture and life style.

    For bringing happiness and a healthy smile on the face of readers we are pleased to release this first edition on Introduction to Ayurveda and Yoga.

    Within the pages of this edition you will find the basic introductory knowledge about Ayurveda and Yoga. Those who are beginners in these subjects will get a brief idea about the oldest natural healing and preventive approach to Ayurveda and Yoga. In this book, readers will find the basics of Ayurveda, body type and mind type concepts, an introduction to some medicinal herbs, body and mind cleansing theories, and other interesting topics.

    After each basic topic on Ayurveda you will find the approach of Yoga regarding that specific topic.

    Ayurveda and Yoga both are like an ocean and here in this book only a few drops from the ocean are collected. Many medical professionals, healers, and those who are interested in health issues, may want to know the basic philosophy of Ayurveda and Yoga. The hope in this edition is that all individuals get an idea of the basic knowledge of Ayurveda and Yoga.

    After all, it is said that Prevention is better than the Cure. In this book, we look at just the beginning concepts and knowledge about prevention as well as curative concepts of the oldest healing systems from the ancient Indian Vedic culture.

    As you take a short break in your busy life, use some of those free moments to read some basics on Ayurveda and Yoga. In the following pages, we have contributed the part of Ayurveda, and Shaman M. has contributed her writings on Yoga.

    Let us enjoy and feel healthier just through the basic knowledge of these sciences of life.

    Dr. Ashutosh Yardi.

    M.D. (Ayurveda) Ayurvedic Physician

    Dr. Anagha Yardi.

    B.A.M.S. (Ayurvedic Physician)

    Part 1

    Chapter 1


    to Ayurveda

    Going Towards the Nature is Going Towards the Health


    In the world today, the term Ayurveda is becoming very popular. Everyone, who is interested in a healthy life, now wants to know and learn about Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a science of life and people from all over the world are showing great interest in this science. The popularity of Ayurveda has increased in popularity in the last two decades with practitioners and healers now interested in learning the Ayurvedic view of understanding health and disease.

    Ayurveda is an ancient traditional science from India dealing with physical and psychological health along with the spiritual view for longevity. The advice and treatments in this science of life are a safe and effective way to overcome disease and prevent illnesses based on its basic views. Ayurveda has been practiced in India for thousands of years. Medicinal plants and their utility are widely described in this natural science. This is the holistic alternative science from India. Ayurveda is believed to be the oldest healing system.

    Meaning of the word ‘AYURVEDA’; the word Áyurveda is a Sanskrit word. It is composed of two words; 1) Ayur and 2) Veda ‘Ayur’ means Life. ‘Veda’, in the short version, means knowledge, but, the full ancient Indian literature meaning is to have an abundance of philosophical base knowledge in addition to that of spirituality.

    There are four types of ancient Vedic Literature from India: Rigveda, Yajurveda, Atherv Veda and Sam Veda.

    Ayurveda is a branch of the third literature, Atherv Veda.

    Nature and Ayurveda

    Ayurveda is based on the rules and regulations of Nature itself. All principles described in Ayurvedic books are the principles of Nature. Ayurveda is a self-care system. It is believed that Ayurveda was originated in India more than five thousand years ago. Millions of people across the world are using its thoroughly tested principles and therapies to improve their physical and psychological health.

    In today’s jet age, technological advances have radically altered our lifestyles. Pollution, global warming, vehicles and chemicals are affecting our environment and our health. We are going away from the nature. Going towards the nature is going towards the health, and Ayurveda is the unique science which guides us, in the proper way, towards nature and natural treatments.

    The principles of Ayurveda are subscribed for natural healthy living. People everywhere are realizing the importance and benefits of a healthy life style and healthy diet. Ayurveda deals with the responsibility for one’s own well being.

    Ayurveda and Spirituality


    Ayurveda is a science of life. How to live in harmony with nature is one part of Ayurveda, while medicine is another part and both promote healthy living. Life, according to Ayurveda, is a combination of senses: mind, body and soul. Ayurveda is not only limited to the body and medical field, but also has a broad base of knowledge about spiritual, mental, and social health.

    Everyone wants to be happy and to live and have a peaceful life, but, most individuals are only searching for happiness and health in the material world which is based strongly on technology. With the advancements of these technologies, many problems such as anxiety, mental tension and high stress are increased in the individual lives. This is because we have little awareness of the spiritual and natural nourishment of our body and mind. Nourishment to only the body is not sufficient. To nourish the mind, soul, and senses are also of importance. The materialist view will not be sufficient for happiness and peace plus, there is the importance of the outer and inner knowledge of the mind, intelligence, emotions, soul, and spirituality. Ayurveda is the ancient medical system where the knowledge of body, mind, and spirit is found simultaneously.

    All the

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