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The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well
The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well
The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well
Ebook308 pages1 hour

The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well

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“Your ‘one stop shop’ for everything from seed to plate . . . This book will leave you . . . ready to launch your own journey to food self-sufficiency.” —Lisa Kivirist, author Soil Sisters
Put off by the origin-unknown, not-so-fresh, pesticide-laden herbs at the grocery store? Hungry for delicious high-quality vegetables and looking to have some control over where your food comes from?

Foodie meets novice gardener in this deliciously accessible, easy-to-use guide to planting, growing, harvesting, cooking, and preserving 20+ popular, easy-to-grow vegetables and herbs. Taking the first-time gardener from growing to cooking delicious, nutritious, and affordable meals using these herbs and vegetables, this book is a celebration of food in all its stages. 

The Food Lover’s Garden guides you through: 

  • Getting started with easy step-by-step growing instructions from balcony to backyard 
  • Simple, tasty cooking recipes incorporating each vegetable and herb 
  • Meal combinations of two or more of the featured herb and vegetable dishes 
  • Selecting essential kitchen tools and gadgets to maximize the herb and vegetable harvesting 
  • Canning and pickling recipes for preserving the rest. 

From the humble potato to pungent garlic to the beauty of the beet, classic vegetables take a delicious turn with innovative cooking recipes. Truly food for all seasons and palates. 
Foodies, novice gardeners, urban homesteaders, and supporters of sustainable living—take back your right to high-quality food with The Food Lover’s Garden
“The crisp photographs, lushly painted illustrations, and delicious text lead the reader from the garden to the kitchen and pantry with anticipation of culinary delight.”—Darrell E. Frey, author of Bioshelter Market Garden

Release dateMar 31, 2017
The Food Lover's Garden: Growing, Cooking, and Eating Well

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    Book preview

    The Food Lover's Garden - Jenni Blackmore

    S WITH MOST noble pursuits, some specific tools are required. In this case, exactly which tools will vary greatly depending on the size of the garden and the condition of the soil. Shopping for gardening tools is a lot like visiting a toy store—wannit, wannit, needit, gotta have . . . and so on, but Christmas is no doubt already a few months gone, so let’s get real.

    As with most things, you pretty much get what you pay for but, whereas I’m sure it would be nice to have a top of the line and coincidingly expensive spade, I’m quite happy with my mid-range one, and while I prefer the traditional look and feel of wooden shafts, I have a really bad habit of leaving tools lying around outside for extended periods, which causes the wood to swell, splinter and crack, so fiberglass shafts are definitely my wiser choice. They’re also a bit lighter in weight which can make a difference over the long haul.

    When I started my garden the tool I used most was a pickax, but only because my circumstances were extreme. I’m pretty certain that most new gardeners (hopefully) won’t need a pick, but this tool does help to demonstrate two important points. Firstly, size. Most basic tools come in more than one size. I’m fairly short, with a light frame, so I can control a light-weight pick way more efficiently than the heavy duty clunker my husband favors. It took me a while to figure this out, but my body was very happy when I did. The other thing I learned from my pickaxing days is that needs change over time. I almost never use a pick now, only occasionally to remove a boulder or such.

    Lesson here choose tools sized appropriately and expect needs to change. For instance, a couple of levels down from a pick would be a spading fork, probably a more likely and better choice for most situations.


    A spading fork is a great all round tool, perfect for breaking into hard packed ground simply by inserting the tines and rocking them back and forth to aerate the soil and allow moisture to penetrate, yet equally useful when that hard pack has been transformed into rich, fluffy soil which has produced a great harvest of, let’s say leeks, to gently pry the crop from the soil.

    Spades are definitely designed for digging and they come in a variety of styles and sizes. Some have a slightly rounded face, others are totally flat; some have a slightly rounded cutting edge while others have a straight edge, some taper slightly and some have a narrow ledge along the top edge for a foot to press down on. The resulting difference between each design is fairly minimal and really, a spade is a spade. They are useful for cutting through turf and such, but generally I favor a fork over a spade as I find it easier to penetrate the hard stuff and less disruptive in established gardens.

    Shovels come in a range of styles similar to spades and in fact the exact designation of which is what gets a bit blurry. Shovel or spade, they’re similar but not really interchangeable. The longer, straight handle of a typical shovel interferes with digging in confined areas but facilitates tossing or spreading of soil, compost, etc., over larger areas. If it’s a choice between a spade or a shovel a lot will depend on the size of the garden. A modest raised bed or two might be better served by a small spade. It’s all relative, and determining factors will also include cost, as well as availability of storage space: the more tools the more space required to store them.

    Hoes—once again a myriad of choices here: square or pointy edged, angled or straight, big, small. I think they’re mostly designed for hilling up rows, chopping out weeds between the rows and marking drills (shallow indentations for planting seeds in rows). I used to have a triangular shaped hoe which I quite liked but then I fell in love with the three and four pronged fork hoes (sometimes called cultivators) which I use almost exclusively now.


    Trowels—it’s definitely worth investing in a couple of good trowels. I have a deeply cupped, heavy duty dude that’s great for mixing up a bucket full of soil, while the narrow, smaller trowel makes holes perfect for inserting transplants, and can dig in close without damaging adjacent roots.

    Short handled fork hoes are virtually indispensable as they’re perfect for loosening soil, for seeding and later for cultivating between plants. It’s nice to have a couple of sizes as well as a neat little combo tool called a mattock which is both a claw and a small flat-edged hoe.

    Other Essentials

    A rubber kneeling mat—so much nicer than kneeling on wet, muddy ground or sharp, pointy rocks.

    Well-fitting gardening gloves with rubberized palms and breathable backs—to protect hands from cuts, scrapes, splinters and thorns. The floppy cotton ones are a just plain silly as far as I’m concerned.

    Buckets or recycled pails—several of these along with a few empty plant pots and a sizeable heavy gauge plastic carrier basket for green refuse, trimmings and harvesting.

    Tools or toys? Playing in the dirt is always fun!


    I definitely favor raised beds and smaller plots and I mulch heavily, so my tool list reflects the requirements of this method of growing food rather than the more traditional method of working one large square of tilled ground.

    Thinking in terms of setting up a smallish urban garden, here is a list of equipment that I think would be necessary. This is the bare minimum starter kit and I’m sure there are a few extra tools I’d want to add over time, but I think I could manage with these.

    A digging fork and a four pronged fork hoe with fiberglass shafts, both sized to fit me. Two good quality trowels and at least one hand rake. Kneeling pad and gloves, watering can and pails.

    A sharp knife, scissors, sturdy stakes, twine, an indelible marker and tags to label seeded rows.

    I’ve found it very useful to tie streamers of bright orange flagging tape to the short-handled tools because they easily get misplaced in the greenery, and I always buy my gloves in bulk packs because they have a habit of slithering off to parts unknown.

    Yard sales and especially moving sales are great places to pick up gardening tools and as gardening tools never stay shiny and new looking for long, used ones will give you an instant professional look!

    A watering can—definitely one with a removable rose (the perforated spray end) as these tend to clog easily, and preferably one with measurements up the side, which are a big help when mixing up a special mid-season treat of organic plant food such as fish fertilizer.

    There are so many rhythms happening in a garden and while writing this I realize that even tool use has its own sequence. During the soil prep times of early spring and late fall it’s the long handled tools that come into play, while the actual seeding and nurturing of plants requires the more intimate closeness that comes with hand tools.


    To flourish, that is, to fulfill their given purpose successfully, all plants have three basic requirements: relatively good soil, water and sunlight, in degrees which vary according to the plant. Plants have personalities. Some plants are quite happy to prove that less is more by doing well with very little of some or all of these requirements, while others are just plain needy, greedy or both, giving the impression that indeed, they can’t get enough of a good thing.

    Despite these variations there are some generalities that can be applied to the requirements of plants. Let’s start with soil. One of the keys to successful gardening depends on how we relate to our soil. Soil is definitely not an inert substance but rather a multifaceted living community which is home to a microcosm of other living organisms, all of which are linked by a frenetically active food chain. Soil science is a far ranging topic and truly fascinating, even for a totally non-scientific intellect such as mine, but here is definitely not the place to begin such a discussion. There are, however, a few key points that need to be mentioned so that the relationship between plants and the stuff they grow in can be better appreciated.

    The often used term soil amendments simply refers to anything that is added to improve the quality (and therefore the efficiency) of the soil. These amendments fall into two general categories: additives that will improve the texture of the soil and additives that will improve its chemical profile. In terms of the human body these could be loosely represented by fibre, proteins and vitamins.


    Just a little basic info on soil science as it relates to plants. It’s fairly common knowledge that plants need Nitrogen (N), Phosphorous (P), Potassium (K) and Carbon (C). On typical fertilizer labels the first three are listed as three numbers such as 20-20-20, or 20-5-5 (which has four times more Nitrogen than Phosphorous and Potassium). I would highly recommend never, ever using chemical fertilizers. They are damaging to both our health and our soil.

    Trace elements, which occur in minute amounts are far less familiar but equally important. They need to be in a subtle but crucial balance and it’s really much better not to mess with trace elements. They can be added as rock phosphate, green sand or granite dust if absolutely necessary. Some of the lesser macronutrients and micronutrients are Boron (B), Calcium (Ca), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg), Manganese (Mn), Molybdenum (Mo), Selenium (Se), Silicon (Si), Sulphur (S) and Zinc (Zn).

    Hopefully the list alone will clarify why it’s much better to rely on kelp meal and fish fertilizers, manures, organic mulches and compost for the plants’ nutritional needs.


    There are many types of soil, ranging from sandy to hard packed clay, which all consist of varying amounts of organic matter, silt, grit and stone. Bulk is important in sandy soil because it helps to prevent erosion and loss of nutrients through leaching. Bulk (think fiber) also helps to make clay soil more friable (fluffier) and it creates spaces where oxygen and moisture can penetrate.

    Mulch, initially, is a layer of organic material applied to the surface of the soil to supress weed growth and help maintain moisture in the summer months, and to protect the soil from packing and leaching during the winter. Over time, good organic mulch, such as seaweed, leaves, grass clippings and straw will provide bulk and will also release a host of nutrients as it rots down.

    Nutrients are grouped into Macro and Micro categories. Often, macronutrients are given more consideration than micronutrients because they are required in larger amounts to support healthy growth, but in fact micronutrients have an equally important role to play. There are some quirky home remedies and seemingly extreme claims for success that are based on additives from the kitchen and the medicine cabinet, such as antacid tablets, Epsom salts and banana skins. Weird as they might seem these claims are usually based on solid science—antacid tablets for calcium, Epsom salts for magnesium and banana skins for potassium and phosphorous.

    The pH balance of the soil is also important to food production. Most vegetables tend to prefer a pH of around seven or slightly less. Soil that is too alkaline (over seven) can restrict nutrient absorption and result in sickly plants. Acidic soil is sometimes referred to as being sour, whereas alkaline soil will be called sweet. The pH level can usually be adjusted with the addition of some pelletized lime or wood ash to sweeten, coffee grounds to promote acidity. Simple test kits are available at garden centres which will determine whether this is necessary. Testing the pH level is not an essential procedure but it never hurts to do a little trouble shooting prior to planting in order to avoid potential disappointment.

    Compost is the truly magical ingredient that plays a huge role in the development of healthy plants and vigorous plant growth. Compost is made by piling organic food waste and plant material and encouraging aerobic (that is aerated) decomposition. Compost encourages an infinite number of microscopic nematodes and protozoa to proliferate in the soil and become part of a complex food web that consists of worms, beetles and a host of other insects, bacteria and fungi, who all do their part in breaking down the cellulose fibres in organic bulk and transforming them into sugars that can be taken up by the delicate root hairs of the plants.

    That’s a very simple explanation of the relationship between plants and their growing medium but hopefully it’s enough to stress the fact that an adequate food source for plants depends on a number of factors and not solely on the pre-existing nature of the soil. The pre-existing soil in my garden was pretty much solid clay topped with a scant layer of humus. It was highly acidic and not in the least hospitable to most plants. The soil I grow in now has been transformed over several years by the addition of much organic bulk, a variety of manures, and compost, into a fertile oasis that produces abundant crops of the most delicious vegetables. It definitely can be done with just a little effort and a bit of know-how!


    There are several ways to construct a garden bed. A generation ago the most common way was to till or dig up whatever ground was available and sprinkle in some chemical fertilizer. Yikes! Fortunately chemical fertilizers are being recognized for what they are: a threat to our health and the health of our soil, and digging is being replaced by more efficient techniques.

    The two methods I favor are raised bed and lasagna gardens. They are actually somewhat similar and equally simple to construct.

    A three box composting system—kitchen waste in one end, fluffy rich growing medium out the other.

    Raised Bed Gardens are built up on top of the existing ground, usually using a wooden frame. The frame is then filled with a fertile mix of soil, compost and manure. Raised beds can be any shape but are usually square or oblong depending on the space you have to work with. The important thing to remember about raised beds is that they’re never trodden on. Because the soil is never compressed it remains light and fluffy. Oblong beds are not more than four feet wide to allow an easy access to the centre of the bed from either side. Eight inches or deeper is an optimum depth for soil in a raised bed.

    The Lasagna Bed is another popular and highly efficient method of creating a growing place. The lasagna bed is quite similar to a raised bed in that the growing area is created on top of the existing ground level and, therefore, does not require any strenuous digging.

    Lasagna beds are well named as they’re composed of layers, much like the similarly named pasta dish. In this case the layers consist of organic materials such as grass clippings, leaves, seaweed, spoiled straw, manure and compost interspersed with occasional layers of soil. Note: two thin layers of an ingredient are much more effective than one thicker layer.

    Each of these layers or ingredients adds its own particular

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