About this ebook
Travel moments from Cuba, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Costa Rica, Spain...
Life is full of moments which don't seem like something special, but for some unknown reason they stay in our memory forever.
Mirjana Pogačić
Mirjana Pogačić rođena je prema majanskom kalendaru na „Dan izvan vremena“, i možda je baš to razlog što voli putovati. Zanima ju od svega pomalo, kaže za sebe da je posvuduša, a najbolje se osjeća dok pleše i/ili putuje. Posebno ju privlači Latinska Amerika, iako ne zna točno zašto. Redovito odgovara na mailove na adresi: mirjanapogacic7@gmail.com. Moto joj je rečenica koju je čula od svog djeda: Dok živim, životu se divim!
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Travel Moments - Mirjana Pogačić
To Petra - my best travel companion, my parents, my friends, and the wonderful people I’ve met while traveling.
Childhood Moments
Let’s begin with the moments from my childhood, because it seems to me that we travel the most during our childhood. Through the games and our imagination, we travel through real and imaginary places.
So, a few years ago, a demolishment of my grandfathers’ old house reminded me of some of the moments from my childhood - the games that I’ve played with my friends, neighbors and cousins in a small village in Croatia, somewhere in the early 80’s. It was impossible to count all of our games, but here's what I wrote.
We draw the heart of the stern from the high grass and string forest strawberries. We proudly carry home the cords of red fragrant necklaces made of strawberries.
We count the traces of planes in the sky - for good luck.
We are jumping on a bunch of hay in the barn - like on a trampoline, we practice a front flip.
We make bows and arrows, spears, and compete in the shooting.
We investigate where the traditional corn grows (we don't want the hybrid one because it’s not that sweet). At sunset we go stealing some corncobs, make campfire, put the corncobs on wooden sticks and roast them over the fire.
We play basketball in the yard, the best basketball hoop – made of bicycle wheel on a barn wall.
We enjoy swings made on trees, beside the house.
We sneak through high grass into stealing. We are climbing on high cherry tree using specific technique. One leans back against the cherry tree, put his hands in front, his fingers crisscrossed, the other steps on his hands, and then on his shoulders and finally on the head, if necessary.
We make slings and ammunition, made of old wires of various colors and sizes.
We go to forest to pick the first spring flowers (snowdrops, two-leaf squills, dog’s-tooth violets). Fresh flowers are refreshed in cold water on the brook and we proudly carry them as a gift to our mothers.
We are playing in front of the school during school break time - games/songs beginning with lyrics like: it’s dark in the basement..., the mother came from the station ..., son macaron ...
We make tunnels in cut corn stalks where adults can’t find us or enter our secret hiding places.
We ride bicycles all day long, up and down, over the asphalt, the soft earth or the grass.
We build castles and tunnels in the sand.
We play with used syringes that serve us as water guns.
We come to school on sleighs or skis – gym class is on the snow.
We play games: Ludo, bingo, chess..., we play with Lego cubes.
We swim in the river - we are competing in swimming, diving and jumping in water (from the shore, the waterfall or the bridge). After swimming we barely get to the house, tired and hungry. Domestic food tastes so delicious.
We build huts in the woods - our secret hiding places.
We regularly play hide-and-seek, tag-and-chase, and playing war (constant theme - Partisans vs. Germans).
We play ping-pong (table tennis) with paddles made out of plywood. It’s not allowed to play ping-pong on a kitchen table because the ball usually bounces into a soup pot.
We are sledding and skiing as long as our fingers and feet don’t freeze.
We are particularly happy when we find fallen tree in the woods. Sword fighting, like Robin Hood. Jumping from the tree, leaves alleviate the fall, adults should not know about this.
We play different card games...
We're looking for the four-leafed clover for good luck.
We feed kittens with milk and play with them on the hay.
We go to parties organized on the school playground, listen to the musicians and dance on the dance floor with the adults. Coming back home, afraid of the darkness, but moonlight shines our way.
Everyone chooses one color of the car and then we compete who has more cars on the road.
We are looking for old speakers and other discarded devises from which to take out magnets. Everyone has their own magnet collection, which in itself has a special value for us, but also serves for extracting beer bottle closures from the ground - we clean the environment.
We play football at the school playground.
We pick flowers: violets, lilies of the valley, goat willows ...
We shoot on a carbide. A hole is made on tin can, a piece of carbide is placed in the can, it’s spit on it, covered with a lid and kept above the fire until the gas explodes and the lid is blown with a bang.
We roll huge snowballs down the hill.
We compete in running, wrestling, long jump ...
We walk through the woods, to the hunting lodge, watch the competition in clay-pigeon shooting, but more interesting to us is the raffle organized by hunters where you can win valuable prizes, such as coasters or shoe polish.
We slide on tiles in the school corridor.
We collect and share: stickers, badges ...
We hang around the soldiers during military exercises, they treat us with military beans.
We are looking for lamb’s lettuce in the potato growing fields. We look carefully not to pick those similar hairy leafs, popularly known as puss***.
We make a bobsled out of plastic bag filled with hay. Bobsledding is crazy fun because our bobsled is difficult to control.
We make tombola for our neighbors - we pack small items into paper balls that can be drawn out of the box.
We play tennis with plastic rackets and a sponge ball, and we are especially happy when adults play against us.
The pots and lids serve us as drums to create deafening noise.
We pick chestnuts in the woods and at twilight make campfire. We place a pot with drilled holes between two blocks and over the fire, roast chestnuts and enjoy eating them