The Future of Mankind: As Related to Food Chemistry
About this ebook
This book is dedicated to physicians, dieticians, educators, mothers, fathers, young women and men for the art of realization and mastery how to stay healthy. The greatest gift in our time for all of manhood is to be healthy and maintain this gift through the entire life. In order to maintain this gift it takes desire, imagination, knowledge, understanding, continuous awareness, and dedication to maintain this priceless gift.
This book in a simple form, gives you an understanding of what food is; Why we need food; How food is absorbed; What form it is absorbed in; How food is used in our body to do continuous repair; Finally why it is important to choose proper food to avoid diseases, pain and maintain ones health.
John Kayvanfar
John Kayvanfar, MD, a native of southern Iran, followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather by becoming a physician. He studied at a number of colleges in the United States and Iran and completed his education at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey in 1984. He has been practicing medicine and orthopedic surgery for twenty-six years. He currently lives in California.
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The Future of Mankind - John Kayvanfar
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Chapter One
Disease Central: Where We Are Today
Chapter Two
The Root Of The Problems
Chapter Three
Why Treatments Are Not Working
Chapter Four
How You Can Take Control Of Your Health
About The Author
My appreciation to my family who, allowed me to take valuable time from their life, to write this book.
I have gathered the material in this book from my years of medical education, experiences during the practice of medicine, and further research.
We all learn from knowledge of the past and continue to improve upon it. What we are practicing today in medicine is one way to look at things, but this book will clear your mind on some of the questions that you may have. It will provide another way of looking at health problems and their solutions in medicine.
I have been in the practice of medicine and orthopedic surgery in Southern California for twenty-six years.
This book is about my own observation of changes that I have noticed in my practice of orthopedics and medicine in terms of disease conditions and the problems humans have been experiencing and will be facing for years to come; these problems will not get better, but worse with time. This does not seem to be just in Southern California. From talking to my colleagues from around the nation, it seems to be true in all parts of the United States. This seems also to be happening in other countries around the globe.
I was always in love with science and medicine. I have always used my education to better help my patients. Through continuous observation and treatment of my patients, I have noticed that certain diseases and conditions are on the rise, so I have tried to find a solution as well as a treatment for their problems. Being a family man, I have seen many young adults that are also affected. My son, through his education as a biomedical engineering major has educated me on how our body repairs itself.
My sincere wish is that by educating people, collectively we can make some positive changes in our approach to healthier life.
Chapter One
Disease Central: Where We Are Today
How It All Started
A few years into my practice, about twenty-two years ago, one of my patients walked in to be seen. After the usual greetings, she stated, Doctor, I am here because the numbness and pain in my hand are back and are getting worse.
She reminded me, I performed carpal tunnel surgery on her wrist three years earlier. She stated was doing fine until a year ago. After taking her history and examining her neck and upper extremities, including the hands, her complaint was confirmed.
I scratched my head and told her that in orthopedic books, carpal tunnel syndrome is generally considered to be a compression neuropathy. In other words, the pain is caused by direct pressure on the nerve. Since her surgery would have relieved that pressure, I had no other recommendation for her at the time. Therefore, I made the following suggestion: I asked my patient to give me three weeks to come up with an idea for her and get to the bottom of the problem. Maybe then we could come with answers to solve her problem or problems.