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The Coming Gold, Silver & Block-Chain Share Explosion!
The Coming Gold, Silver & Block-Chain Share Explosion!
The Coming Gold, Silver & Block-Chain Share Explosion!
Ebook206 pages2 hours

The Coming Gold, Silver & Block-Chain Share Explosion!

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The Coming Gold, Silver & BlockChain Share Explosion!: How you too can make 924.9% on your IRA, or general brokerage account in 14 years, as we did. Now including Blockchain Stocks.
It’s my 7th, and perhaps the most important one. It tells the reader what I do with my own investments. I am revising the original book to include Block-Chain stocks. In other words, I am staying with John Doody’s GSA-10 (top 10 gold stocks), and his GSA-5 (top 5 silver stocks), and adding Block-Chain stocks to our mix.
Going forward, our investment program at Interactive Brokers will comprise 85% mining stocks, and 15% Block-Chain related stocks.
I don’t have to tell you, the reader, how the Block-Chain development has changed the world of investing. If someone would have told me at the start of 2017, that Bitcoin, which started the year at $1,000, would soar to over $19,000, I would never have believed it.
As a financial adviser since 1987, I prided myself in my goal of doubling client’s money every three to five years. But to have a new investment class (Bitcoin) rise some 1600% in one year, you just have to sit up and take notice.

PublisherJohn Miller
Release dateJun 12, 2018
The Coming Gold, Silver & Block-Chain Share Explosion!

John Miller

John Miller's first novel, The Featherbed, received stellar reviews and earned a devoted readership upon its release in 22. Besides novels, Miller has written on culture and politics, and in his spare time he provides consulting services to local and international non-profit organizations and governments. He lives in Toronto

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    The Coming Gold, Silver & Block-Chain Share Explosion! - John Miller

    The Coming Gold, Silver and BLOCK-CHAIN Mining Share Explosion!



    Publisher’s Cataloging-In-Publication Data

    (Prepared by The Donohue Group, Inc.)

    Names: Miller, John S. (John Stenning), 1941-

    Title: The coming gold, silver and block-chain mining share explosion! / John Miller.

    Description: [Waiheke Island, New Zealand] : Miller & Co., 2018. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

    Identifiers: ISBN 9780985337384 | ISBN 0985337389

    Subjects: LCSH: Electronic trading of securities. | Investments–Computer network resources. | Blockchains (Databases) | Gold–Purchasing. | Silver–Purchasing.

    Classification: LCC HG4515.95 .M55 2018 (print) | LCC HG4515.95 (ebook) | DDC 332.64/0285–dc23







    Contact Information

    Revised June, 2018 To Include Block-Chain!

    1. Background

    2. John Doody And His Amazing Record

    3. Why Gold?

    4. Keeping Your Gains

    5. Meet Mark Leibovit, Our Market Timer

    6. Want To Join Us? Use Our System, It Really Works!

    7. Meet John Doody

    8. Gold is rallying, and this analyst says there's more upside to come

    9. How To Invest In BlockChain!

    10. Blockchain: Market Outlook

    11. BlockChain Technology Stocks

    12. BlockChain in the Mining Industry

    13. Investing In Blockchain ETF's

    14. What Is Bitcoin Mining?

    15. Is Bitcoin Better Than gold?

    16. Bitcoin And Litecoin - What's The Difference?

    17. The 5 Top Digital Currencies

    18. Blockchain Outlook 2018: More Industries to Adapt, Regulations Begin

    19. My First Favorite Crypto Stock

    20. My Second Favorite Crypto Stock

    21. My Third Favorite Crypto Stock

    22. My Favorite Crypto Currency

    23. The Time To Buy Crypto Stocks Is Now (June 13, 2018)

    24. The Product Manager’s guide to the Blockchain — Part 1

    25. Why Ethereum, when we already have Bitcoin’s Blockchain - Part 2

    26. Product Manager’s guide to Blockchain- Part 3

    27. Conclusion and Recommendations


    This book, now on Audible, Amazon & Kindle, relates the true story about how the author, a middle class American financial adviser, fed up with Wall Street, and it’s useless, greedy, stock brokers, started using a simple, almost auto-pilot program, himself.

    The GSA-10 program that he used, and is still using, turned his $100,000 original investment back in 2001, into $729,100 in 14 years. These results are, in fact, audited, and can be verified. This is a must read book for anyone that has an IRA, or general brokerage account, at any brokerage firm. The book, published in May of 2015, and updated in June, 2018, and is now available on Amazon at $12.95. Enjoy the book.



    Thank you for buying my Kindle, or softcover book. It’s my 7th, and perhaps the most important one. It tells the reader what I do with my own investments. I am revising the book to include Block-Chain stocks. In other words, I am staying with John Doody’s GSA-10 (top 10 gold stocks), and his GSA-5 (top 5 silver stocks), and adding Block-Chain stocks to our mix.

    Going forward, our investment program at Interactive Brokers will comprise 85% mining stocks, and 15% Block-Chain related stocks.

    I don’t have to tell you, the reader, how the Block-Chain development has changed the world of investing. If someone would have told me at the start of 2017, that Bitcoin, which started the year at $1,000, would soar to over $19,000, I would never have believed it.

    As a financial adviser since 1987, I prided myself in my goal of doubling client’s money every three to five years. But to have a new investment class (Bitcoin) rise some 1600% in one year, you just have to sit up and take notice.

    Like many of you, I placed $1,000 into Bitcoin, or perhaps a bit more, as a speculation. Out of fear, I didn’t put any real money into it. This seems to ring true with my friends and clients. Not many put any substantial amount into Bitcoin, or the Alt currencies.

    Instead, On March 28, 2018, I opted to put 25% of my IRA account into Block-Chain companies (stocks). By doing this, instead of having a minuscule $1,000 working for me, I had a substantial amount of IRA dollars in the game.

    My clients are following my lead, and are using their IRA’s and SEP-IRA’s, to invest in this fast growing sector. I am using IRA’s as an example, but of course, you can use your individual brokerage accounts.

    Many clients wanted to buy Bitcoin with their investment accounts. I had to tell them that it could not be done. When I told them that they could however, they could buy Block-Chain stocks in their investment accounts, they were overjoyed!

    And the results of Block Chain stocks, in many cases have far surpassed the performance of Bitcoin. For example: $1,000 invested into Bitcoin in early 2017 is  worth $8,000 by late March of 2018. Quite incredible, and this is after the early 2018, Crypto market correction! But, a $100,000 IRA invested in Block-Chain stocks, at that same time, would have been worth perhaps a million.

    Will the performance continue after this market correction? I think it will, but no one knows for sure. But one of our favorites, Victory Square Technologies, just stated that their 65% yearly growth rate will continue for at least five years. When I started with Lehman Brothers, I was taught that if I could find a stock that would grow at 20% a year, clients would all be millionaires in short time. To find one slated to grow 65% a year for 5 years, is a gift.

    From time to time I send out a survey to my clients. The most recent survey asked them if they would like to see their investment mix change. Change from 100% mining stocks, to 85% mining stocks and 15% Block Chain stocks. The response was an overwhelming YES!

    Actually it shouldn’t have been a surprise when you look at the performance numbers for the top six Block-Chain publicly held companies. Here’s their incredible 2017 yearly results.

    1. Global Blockchain Technologies, year-to-date gain: 1,566%.

    2. BTL Groupyear-to-date gain: 931%.

    3.  360 Blockchain, ear-to-date gain: 588%.

    4.  Riot Blockchain  year-to-date gain: 313%.

    5. Hive Blockchainyear-to-date gain: 237%.

     6. Victory Square Technologies, year-to-date gain: 1,451%.

    To learn more about how we intend to merge the Block-chain companies into our precious metals program, please go to our website, which explains it all: Go to: GoldShareInvesting.com.

    Now let’s continue forward with our revised The Coming Gold, Silver & Blockchain Share Explosion! I hope you enjoy the book, and profit from it, and put the program to use at a discount broker.

    Or, join my piggy-back program at Interactive Brokers, relax, and let me piggy-back your account with mine. Then, just view your monthly statement (which should be exceptional in 2018-2019). For more information on my piggy-back" program, please visit our website: GoldShareInvesting.com.


    The Coming Gold, Silver & BlockChain Share Explosion!

    The Gold & Silver Share Explosion!

    On January 1, 2001, I subscribed to John Doody’s GSA-10 newsletter. That same day, my wife Monica, and I, invested $100,000 in his program, at Interactive Brokers.

    We vowed to promptly make all changes that John Doody recommended. And more importantly, we vowed NEVER to sell any stocks in the program, unless told to do so.  Or, and this is important, never add any personal favorites to the  mix. If you want to speculate, do so in another account, keep this account strictly GSA-10, or GSA-5.

    We never put any more money in our investment account over at Interactive Brokers. How did we do? Before telling you, let me say that before investing in this venture, Monica and I were only so-so investors. We’d make $40,000, then give Back $20,000, and so on. We were getting nowhere fast! This was our final  attempt at securing our future. As we say in the book, It worked, Boy  did it work. OK, here’s the numbers:

    Our $100,000 investment that we invested at Interactive Brokers on January 1,  2001, at the end of $2015, was worth a staggering  $729,100. Don’t believe  it, please do, as these  figures were audited by Alfa Verification. Actually  our numbers differed by  about $5,000, from John Doody’s,  due to the fact that  my end of year rebalancing was different than  his. You will learn what  "rebalancing  is, later in the book.

    Most of my clients at that time, did not have $100,000, but many had $10,000. Using the same time period, same 27.3% average annual gains, any client that  invested $10,000, on January 1, 2001, and did not stray from the program, would  have in their Interactive Brokers accounts $72,910, or close to it, due to  year-end rebalancing.

    Will these results repeat? It is my opinion that they will, but as we say on Wall  Street, past performance is no guarantee of future results On to the  Introduction.

    About the Author & How he Can Help …

    John Miller is an American  licensed Investment Adviser living in Auckland, New Zealand, and Maui, Hawaii. Besides Managing investment accounts, He writes books to help Americans get their investments and savings out of harm’s way, he writes a weekly newsletter, provides free financial advice, and answers all E-Mails. With regard to this book, John says you don’t need a financial professional, you can actually do it yourself with a discount broker.

    He will even help you get started at the discount firm they use (if you don’t wish to do it yourself). John has been licensed financial adviser in the U.S. since 1987, and owns his own Registered Investment Adviser firm (Miller & Associates).

    For those readers, or radio listeners needing some assistance in getting your savings and investments out of

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