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Android System Programming
Android System Programming
Android System Programming
Ebook571 pages4 hours

Android System Programming

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

About This Book
  • Master Android system-level programming by integrating, customizing, and extending popular open source projects
  • Use Android emulators to explore the true potential of your hardware
  • Master key debugging techniques to create a hassle-free development environment
Who This Book Is For

This book is for Android system programmers and developers who want to use Android and create indigenous projects with it. You should know the important points about the operating system and the C/C++ programming language.

Release dateMay 31, 2017
Android System Programming

Roger Ye

Roger Ye is an embedded system programmer who has great interest in virtualization, Android, and cross-platform technologies. His professional experience includes working with major companies like Motorola, Emerson, Intel, and EPAM, where he held the position of Engineering Manager. At Motorola and Emerson, he worked on embedded system projects for mobile devices and telecommunication infrastructures. He is now an engineering manager at EPAM, working with a team to deliver digital solutions for diverse clients.

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    Android System Programming - Roger Ye

    Title Page

    Android System Programming

    Porting, customizing, and debugging Android HAL

    Roger Ye



    Android System Programming

    Copyright © 2017 Packt Publishing

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

    Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing, and its dealers and distributors will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book.

    Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

    First published: May 2017

    Production reference: 1290517

    Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

    Livery Place

    35 Livery Street


    B3 2PB, UK.

    ISBN 978-1-78712-536-0



    About the Author

    Roger Ye has worked in the area of embedded system programming for more than 10 years. He has worked on system programming for mobile devices, home gateways, and telecommunication systems for various companies, such as Motorola, Emerson, and Intersil.

    Most recently, he has worked as an engineering manager, leading a team of Android engineers to develop mobile security applications at Intel Security. With extensive knowledge and experience in the areas of embedded systems and mobile device development, he published a book called Embedded Programming with Android, Addison-Wesley, in 2015.

    I would like to thank my dearest wife, Bo Quan, and my lovely daughter, Yuxin Ye, for enduring me to spend significant time on this book over the weekends. They have been very encouraging and always give me support to work on the things that I am interested in.

    About the Reviewers

    Bin Chen is a senior engineer from Linaro. He has worked on various Android-based products since 2010: TV, STB, Galaxy Tab, Nexus Player, and Google Project Ara, in that order, and now AOSP 96Boards. He occasionally blogs and speaks about all things Android. He lives in Sydney, Australia.

    Chih-Wei Huang is a developer and promoter of free software who lives in Taiwan. He is famous for his work in the VoIP and internationalization and localization fields in Greater China.

    Huang graduated from National Taiwan University (NTU) in 1993 with a bachelor's degree in physics, and attained a master's degree in the electrical engineering department of NTU in 2000. Huang currently works as a chief engineer of Tsinghua Tongfang Co., Ltd.

    for the OPENTHOS project. He is one of the founding members of the Software Liberty Association of Taiwan (SLAT).

    Chih-Wei Huang is the founder and coordinator of the Chinese Linux Documentation Project (CLDP). He is also the second coordinator of the Chinese Linux Extensions (CLE)

    and a core developer of GNU Gatekeeper (from 2001 to 2003).

    He is a contributor to pyDict, OpenH323, Asterisk, GStreamer, and more. He is working on a way to leverage the ASUS Eee PC with the power of the free software community and aims to provide a complete solution for Android on the x86 platform. The Eee PC, VirtualBox, and QEMU have been tested and are OK.

    Chih-Wei Huang and Yi Sun started the Android-x86 open source project in 2009. The project aims to bring Android to the x86 platform.

    About the Reviewers

    Shen Liu is a senior engineer, working at Intel China. He used to work at McAfee LLC, Broadcom Corporation, and Huawei Technologies. He has over 10 years of work experience on Linux/Android and embedded systems, in different roles. He had taken manager, architect, and engineer roles during his career. He is mainly responsible for the Android framework, but is not limited to it, and he has a lot of passion for software design. On top of that, he loves reading technical books.

    Nanik Tolaram works as a senior Android platform engineer for BlocksGlobal in Australia, where he is responsible for developing Screener (screener.digital) and Lumin (mylumin.org). He is passionate about Android and is very active within both the local and international Android developer communities--from talks and teaching to writing articles for ODROID open source magazine (magazine.odroid.com). In his spare time, he loves to tinker with electronics and study human psychology and behavior. He lives in Sydney, Australia, with his lovely wife and two beautiful boys.


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    Table of Contents


    Virtual hardware platforms

    Android version used in this book

    What this book covers

    What you need for this book

    Who this book is for


    Reader feedback

    Customer support

    Downloading the example code




    Introduction to Android System Programming

    What is system programming?

    What is the scope of this book?

    Overview of the Android system



    Android system services

    Binder IPC

    Application framework


    The third-party open source projects derived from AOSP

    LineageOS (CyanogenMod)



    Strategy of integration

    Virtual hardware reference platforms

    Introduction to the x86-based Android emulator

    Introduction to ranchu

    VirtualBox-based Android emulators


    Setting Up the Development Environment

    Summary of Android versions

    Installing Android SDK and setting up an Android Virtual Device

    Creating AVD in an older version of SDK

    Creating AVD in the latest version of SDK

    Testing the goldfish emulator

    Testing ranchu emulator

    The AOSP build environment and the Android emulator build

    The AOSP build environment

    Installing the required packages

    Installing Open JDK 7 and 8

    Downloading the AOSP source

    Installing repo

    Initializing a repo client and downloading the AOSP source tree

    Building AOSP Android emulator images

    Testing AOSP images

    Creating your own repository mirror

    Repo and manifest

    Using a local mirror for AOSP

    Creating your own mirror of GitHub

    Fetching Git repositories outside GitHub

    Creating your own manifest for client download


    Discovering Kernel, HAL, and Virtual Hardware

    What is inside the AOSP?

    Android emulator HAL

    Calling sequence

    Goldfish lights HAL

    The system service and hardware manager

    Android emulator kernel and hardware

    Android emulator hardware

    Goldfish platform bus

    QEMU pipe device

    Goldfish audio device

    Goldfish serial port

    Goldfish kernel

    QEMU pipe


    Customizing the Android Emulator

    Why customize the Android emulator

    Understanding build layers

    Build variants

    Creating a new x86emu device

    Checking out from the AOSP

    Checking out from a local mirror

    Creating x86emu device




    Building and testing x86emu

    Building x86emu

    Testing x86emu

    Integrating with Eclipse


    Enabling the ARM Translator and Introducing Native Bridge

    Introducing Native Bridge

    Setting up Native Bridge as part of the ART initialization

    Pre-initializing Native Bridge

    Initializing Native Bridge

    Loading a native library

    Integrating Houdini to the x86emu device

    Changing the configuration of the x86emu build

    Extending the x86emu device

    Changes to BoardConfig.mk

    Changes to x86emu_x86.mk

    Changes to device.mk

    Using the Android-x86 implementation

    Analyzing libnb.so

    Using binfmt_misc

    Building and testing

    Testing the command-line application

    Testing the Android JNI application


    Debugging the Boot Up Process Using a Customized ramdisk

    Analyzing the Android start up process

    Bootloader and the kernel

    Analyzing the init process and ramdisk



    Device-specific actions and services

    Source code and manifest changes

    The Android-x86 start up process

    The first-stage boot using initrd.img

    Inside initrd.img

    Inside install.img

    Building x86emu with initrd.img

    Creating a filesystem image

    Kernel changes

    Booting a disk image on the Android emulator


    Enabling Wi-Fi on the Android Emulator

    Wi-Fi on Android

    The Wi-Fi architecture

    QEMU networking and wpa_supplicant in Android

    Adding Wi-Fi to the emulator

    Enabling wpa_supplicant in BoardConfig.mk

    Providing a proper wpa_supplicant configuration

    Creating services in init scripts

    Initializing network interface eth1

    Starting up wpa_supplicant

    Building the source code

    Getting the source code

    Enabling boot with initrd.img

    Testing Wi-Fi on an emulator

    Booting an Android emulator using initrd.img

    Booting an Android emulator using ramdisk.img

    Debugging Wi-Fi start up processes


    Creating Your Own Device on VirtualBox

    HAL of x86vbox

    The manifest for x86vbox

    Creating a new x86vbox device

    Product definition Makefile of x86vbox

    Board configuration of x86vbox

    Common x86 devices

    Getting the source code and building the x86vbox device

    Boot up process and device initialization

    Device initialization before Android start-up

    HAL initialization during the Android start-up


    Booting Up x86vbox Using PXE/NFS

    Setting up a PXE boot environment

    Preparing PXE Boot ROM

    Downloading and building the LAN Boot ROM

    Fixing up the ROM image

    Configuring the virtual machine to use the LAN Boot ROM

    Setting up the PXE boot environment

    Configuring and testing the PXE boot

    Setting up the virtual machine

    Using VirtualBox internal PXE booting with NAT

    Configuring pxelinux.cfg


    Setting up a serial port for debugging

    NFS filesystem

    Preparing the kernel

    Setting up the NFS server

    Configuring the PXE boot menu

    Booting to NFS installation

    Booting from a hard disk

    Booting to recovery


    Enabling Graphics

    Introduction to the Android graphics architecture

    Delving into graphics HAL

    Loading the Gralloc module

    Initializing GPU

    Initializing framebuffer

    Allocating and releasing the graphic buffer

    Allocating from framebuffer

    Allocating from system memory

    Releasing graphic buffers

    Rendering framebuffer

    Graphics HAL of the Android emulator

    Overview of hardware GLES emulation

    Initializing GPU0 and FB0 in GLES emulation

    GPU0 device implementation

    FB0 device implementation


    Enabling VirtualBox-Specific Hardware Interfaces

    OpenGL ES and graphics hardware initialization

    Loading OpenGL ES libraries

    Analyzing the loading process

    Loading the driver

    Creating the rendering engine

    The uvesafb framebuffer driver

    What is uvesafb?

    Testing the uvesafb framebuffer driver

    Initializing uvesafb in x86vbox

    Integrating VirtualBox Guest Additions

    Building VirtualBox Guest Additions

    Integrating vboxsf

    Integrating vboxvideo

    Building and testing images with VirtualBox Guest Additions


    Introducing Recovery

    Recovery introduction

    Android device partitions

    Analyzing recovery


    Cache partition

    Main flow of recovery

    Retrieving arguments from BCB and cache files

    Factory data reset

    OTA update

    Building recovery for x86vbox

    Building configuration

    Changes to x86vbox

    Changes to recovery

    Changes to newinstaller

    Testing recovery


    Creating OTA Packages

    What is inside an OTA package


    The updater script

    Edify functions

    Built-in functions

    Installation functions

    Block image functions

    Device extensions

    Preparing an OTA package for x86vbox

    Removing dependencies on /system

    Hardware initialization in recovery

    Minimum execution environment in recovery

    Building and testing


    Customizing and Debugging Recovery

    Debugging and testing native Android applications

    Debugging with GDB

    Integration with Eclipse

    Extending recovery and the updater

    Extending recovery

    Extending the updater

    Extending the Python module

    Building and testing the extended recovery and updater

    Supporting the third-party recovery packages

    Xposed recovery package

    Opening GApps



    Android is the most popular mobile operating system in the world. Since 2013, Android has around 80% market share worldwide, while the second largest mobile operating system, iOS, has less than 20% market share. Due to the popularity of Android, there are many books about Android programming in the market. Most of them are targeted at Android application developers, which are the largest community in the world of Android development.

    There is also another group of people working on the layer beneath the Android framework. Many people call them Android system developers. Comparing to Android application developers, Android system developers use the C/C++ languages, or even assembly language, to develop system services or device drivers. The scope and the definition of Android system development is much more vague than comparing to Android application development. For Android application development, the development environment and tools are very clear: the Android SDK and Android Studio from Google should be used and the programming language is Java.

    For Android system development, we may use the Android NDK to develop Android system services or native applications. Many people refer to development based on the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) as Android system development. Nevertheless, Android system development encompasses the activities that produces native applications, services, or device drivers for a particular hardware platform. It closer to the hardware and the operating system, whereas Android application development is more general and hardware-independent.

    Due to the hardware and operating system dependencies, it is more difficult to teach Android system programming than Android application programming. From the number of books in the market, we can see this. It is much easier to teach Android application development using specific examples. The readers of application programming books can follow the examples and can test them on most available Android devices. However, most Android system programming book can only talk about general concepts or ideas. When the authors want to use examples, they must pertain to a particular hardware platform and Android version. This makes it difficult for readers to repeat the same process.

    Virtual hardware platforms

    To make the discussion more general and overcome the issue of specific hardware platforms, I use virtual hardware platforms to demonstrate the work at the Android system level.

    Before this book, I made an attempt to use a virtual hardware platform to explain how we can learn embedded system programming using an Android emulator in my previous book, Embedded Programming with Android. It seems many readers liked the idea, because they can explore the code examples much more easily on a virtual hardware platform that is available for everyone.

    Android version used in this book

    Android is still changing at a very fast pace. When I completed the book Embedded Programming with Android, we were still using Android 5 (Lollipop), and Android 6 (Marshmallow) was on the way to market with preview releases. Now while I am working on this book, Android 7 devices are available on the market and the next release of Android 8 has been announced with preview releases. We will use Android 7 (Nougat) to build all source code used in this book.

    What this book covers

    In this book, we discuss the Android system programming practices. We will use two projects (x86emu and x86vbox) to teach essential knowledge of Android system programming. The book is split into includes two parts.

    The first part of this book talks about how to customize, extend, and port an Android system. We will use an Android emulator as the virtual hardware platform to demonstrate how to customize and extend an Android system. You will learn how to integrate an ARM translator (Houdini) into the Intel x86-based emulator and how to add Wi-Fi support to an Android emulator. We will use an x86emu device to learn these topics. After that, we will learn how to port an Android system to a new platform using VirtualBox. You will learn how to boot Android in the PXE/NFS environment, how to enable the graphics system, and how to integrate VirtualBox Guest Additions into the Android system. We will use x86vbox device to learn these topics.

    In the second part of this book, we will learn how to update or patch a released system using recovery. In this part, we will provide a general introduction to recovery first. After that, we will explore how to build recovery for x86vbox device. With recovery for x86vbox device, we will demonstrate how to flash an update package to change the system image. We will use examples such as the Gapps and xposed recovery packages to demonstrate how to update an Android system image using third-party recovery packages.

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Android System Programming, covers a general introduction of Android system programming. It also explains the scope of this book.

    Chapter 2, Setting Up the Development Environment, provides details of the development environment setup for AOSP programming. After we set up the development environment, we will build an Android emulator image to test our setup. Other than the environment setup, we specifically discuss how to create your own source code mirror of AOSP from GitHub to help your quickly switch between different configurations.

    Chapter 3, Discovering Kernel, HAL, and Virtual Hardware, covers an introduction to the Linux kernel, Hardware Abstraction Layer, and virtual hardware. In this chapter, we look at all the layers in the Android system software stack related to porting. We also take a in-depth look at the internals of the virtual hardware that we are going to use in this book.

    Chapter 4, Customizing the Android Emulator, covers the development of a new device, x86emu. We will learn how to customize and extend this device in the next few chapters.

    Chapter 5, Enabling the ARM Translator and Introducing Native Bridge, explores a new feature introduced in Android 5--Native Bridge. Since we created an x86-based device, x86emu, we have to integrate the ARM translator module (Houdini) into our device so that most ARM-native applications can run on it.

    Chapter 6, Debugging the Boot Up Process Using a Customized ramdisk, introduces an advanced debugging skill to troubleshoot issues during the boot up stage. The famous Android-x86 project uses a special ramdisk to start the boot up process. It helps to troubleshoot device driver and init process issues very easily.

    Chapter 7, Enabling Wi-Fi on the Android Emulator, presents details of how to enable Wi-Fi on our Android emulator. The Android emulator only supports an emulated 3G data connection, but many applications are aware of data and the Wi-Fi connection. We demonstrate how to enable Wi-Fi in the Android emulator in this chapter.

    Chapter 8, Creating Your Own Device on VirtualBox, explores how to port Android on VirtualBox by introducing a new device x86vbox. The x86emu device is used to demonstrate how to customize an existing implementation, while x86vbox is used to demonstrate how to port Android to a new hardware platform.

    Chapter 9, Booting Up x86vbox Using PXE/NFS, explains how to boot up Android on VirtualBox using PXE/NFS. Since VirtualBox is a general virtual hardware, the first problem that we meet is we need a bootloader to boot the system. We will use the PXE/NFS boot to solve this issue. This is an advanced debugging skills which can be used in your own project.

     To discuss a more advanced case about the PXE/NFS setup using an external DHCP/TFTP server running in the host-only network environment, I have written an article, which you can find at https://www.packtpub.com/books/content/booting-android-system-using-pxenfs.

    Chapter 10, Enabling Graphics, covers the Android graphic system. We introduce the Android graphics architecture and how to enable it on the x86vbox device.

    Chapter 11, Enabling VirtualBox-Specific Hardware Interfaces, explains how to integrate the device drivers in VirtualBox Guest Additions into the Android system.

    Chapter 12, Introducing Recovery, provides an introduction to recovery. We will learn how to customize and port recovery to a new hardware platform by building a recovery for the x86vbox device.

    Chapter 13, Creating OTA Packages, covers the scripting language used by recovery: Edify. We will learn how to build and test OTA updates.

    Chapter 14, Customizing and Debugging Recovery, expands on the concepts we learned about recovery and OTA packages. We will customize both recovery and updater for x86vbox device. We will test third-party OTA packages from Gapps and Xposed using our own recovery.

    What you need for this book

    To read this book, you should have essential knowledge of embedded operating systems and C/C++ programming language.

    Who this book is for

    Before we talk about who should read this book, we should ask who are the people that usually do Android system programming in the real world? There are potentially quite a lot. Here, I can give a few general categories. Firstly, there are a large number of engineers at Google working on the Android system itself, since Android is a product from Google. Google usually work with silicon vendors to enable Android on various hardware platforms.

    There are many engineers at silicon chip companies, such as Qualcomm, MTK, or Intel to enable Android on their platform. They develop HAL layer components or device drivers to enable hardware platforms. The hardware platforms are usually called reference platforms, which are provided to OEM/ODM to build the actual products. Then, the engineers at OEM/ODM companies usually customize the reference platform hardware and software to add unique features to their products. All these engineers form the major groups working on system-level programming. Thus, if you are working in any of these areas, you may want to read this book.

    Besides the previously mentioned categories, it is also possible that you are a developer working for an embedded system company. You may work on projects such as embedded system for automobile, video surveillance, or smart home. Many of these systems use Android nowadays. One of the fastest growing areas in embedded systems is Internet of Things (IoT) devices. Google announced Brillo as the operating system for IoT devices. Brillo is a simplified embedded operating system based on Android. The source code of Brillo is also included in the AOSP. This book is also relevant to people who use Brillo.

    For Android application developers, system-level knowledge can help you to resolve complex issues as well. If you are working on projects that involve new hardware features, you may want to extend your knowledge to the system level.

    This book is also useful for people teaching Android system programming or embedded system programming. There is plenty of source code in this book that can be used to form your own lesson plans.


    In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.

    Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: The general Android kernel source code is in the kernel/common folder , which looks very much like the Vanilla kernel.

    A block of code is set as follows:

    Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

    New terms and important words are shown in bold. Words that you see on the screen, for example, in menus or dialog boxes, appear in the text like this: We should set the launch type to Standard Create Process Launcher.

    Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.

    Tips and tricks appear like this.

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    Introduction to Android System Programming

    This book is about Android system programming. In this chapter, we will start with

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