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Trigger Point Therapy for Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain
Trigger Point Therapy for Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain
Trigger Point Therapy for Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain
Ebook308 pages2 hours

Trigger Point Therapy for Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain

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75% of pain is caused by trigger points (areas of contracted cells in muscle tissue), but they are drastically under-diagnosed as the source of pain. Trigger points may refer pain and other symptoms both in the local area and/or to other areas of the body, but since over 74% of trigger points are not located in the area where you feel pain, treating the local area does not resolve the problem most of the time. The most common "referral patterns” have been well documented and diagrammed over decades of research.

The introductory chapter of this e-book includes general guidelines for self-help techniques and muscle care. Chapter 2 contains a diagram of a body divided into zones, with a list of muscles that may contain trigger points which are referring pain and other symptoms to each zone, so that you will know which subsequent chapters you need to read. The Appendix has extensive information on perpetuating factors that will cause trigger points to form in any of the muscles of the body.

By clicking on the pertinent muscle chapter links from the table of contents, your e-book reader takes you to each chapter that may harbor trigger points that are the source of your pain. You'll find illustrations of common pain referral patterns that you can compare with your symptoms, and this will help you figure out where the common trigger points causing your pain are likely located. Along with outlining the common symptoms and causes for trigger points for each muscle, there are lists of "helpful hints" for resolving trigger points. Self-help techniques are written out and accompanied by detailed photos to guide you through the techniques.

In addition to knee, lower leg, ankle and foot pain, conditions such as osteoarthritis, iliotibial band syndrome, shin splints, compartment syndromes, tendinopathies and ruptures, bursitis, meniscus tears, muscle strains, muscle cramping, stress fractures, periosteal stress syndromes, bunions, hammertoes, heel spurs, and plantar fasciitis are addressed.

This e-book draws on the decades of research by Doctors Janet Travell and David G. Simons, combined with the 29 years of clinical experience of Acupuncturist, Neuromuscular Therapist, and author Valerie DeLaune, LAc.

Release dateMay 15, 2018
Trigger Point Therapy for Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain

Valerie DeLaune

Valerie DeLaune is a licensed acupuncturist and certified neuromuscular therapist, with a Masters Degree in Acupuncture from the Northwest Institute of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine and certificates from Heartwood Institute and Brenneke School of Massage. She has been in practice since 1989, and has seen patients from all over the world. She has written eleven trigger point books: Pain Relief with Trigger Point Self Help (book-on-CD ROM, 2004), Trigger Point Therapy for Headaches and Migraines: Your Self-Treatment Workbook for Pain Relief (paperback, 2008), Trigger Point Therapy for Foot, Ankle, Knee, and Leg Pain (paperback and e-book, 2010), and Pain Relief with Trigger Point Self-Help (paperback, 2011), Trigger Point Therapy for Repetitive Strain Injuries (paperback, 2012), Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Shoulder Pain including Frozen Shoulder (e-book, 2nd Ed. 2013), Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Upper Back and Neck Pain (e-book, 2nd Ed. 2013), Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Lower Back and Gluteal Pain (e-book, 2nd Ed. 2013), Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Chest and Abdominal Pain (e-book, 2013), Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Headaches and Migraines including TMJ Pain (e-book, 2013), and Trigger Point Therapy Workbook for Lower Arm Pain including Elbow, Wrist, Hand & Finger Pain (e-book, 2013). She has written articles for ADVANCE for Physical Therapists, Massage World magazine, Fibromyalgia Magazine, Yoga Magazine, and the International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation on trigger point topics, and has written several articles for the Juneau Empire on acupuncture topics. Valerie teaches trigger point continuing education workshops in the U.S., and currently resides in Alaska. www.triggerpointrelief.com

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    Trigger Point Therapy for Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain - Valerie DeLaune

    Trigger Point Therapy


    Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain

    Valerie DeLaune, LAc

    Copyright © 2018 by Valerie DeLaune. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise - with the exception of downloading and purchase as an e-book and the device for which it was intended, without the written permission of the publisher. For information, contact the Institute of Trigger Point Studies at http://triggerpointrelief.com/.

    ISBN 13: 978-0-9968553-3-4

    First Edition, 2018


    The following information is intended for general information purposes only. Individuals should always see their health care provider before administering any suggestions made in this book. Any application of the material set forth in the following pages is at the reader’s discretion and is his or her sole responsibility.

    This book is intended as a quick-reference only for the major muscles that may harbor trigger points that refer pain to the knee, leg, ankle, and foot areas. It is not intended as a comprehensive therapy guide for other areas of the body. If you are unable to relieve all of your pain with the techniques found in this book, you may wish to consult one of the resources found at the end of this book in order to treat other pertinent muscles.

    Table of Contents

    Acknowledgements / About the Author

    Chapter 1: Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain

    Chapter 2: Locating and Treating Trigger Points: General Guidelines

    Chapter 3: Trigger Point Location Guide

    Chapter 4: Gluteus Minimus

    Chapter 5: Quadriceps Femoris Muscle Group

    Chapter 6: Adductor Muscles of the Hip

    Chapter 7: Sartorius

    Chapter 8: Hamstrings

    Chapter 9: Popliteus

    Chapter 10: Gastrocnemius

    Chapter 11: Soleus / Plantaris

    Chapter 12: Tibialis Posterior

    Chapter 13: Peroneal Muscle Group

    Chapter 14: Tibialis Anterior

    Chapter 15: Long Flexor Muscles of the Toes

    Chapter 16: Long Extensor Muscles of the Toes

    Chapter 17: Superficial Intrinsic Foot Muscles

    Chapter 18: Deep Intrinsic Foot Muscles

    Appendix A: Perpetuating Factors

    Other Books by The Author


    This book would not have been possible without the lifeworks of Dr. Janet Travell and Dr. David G. Simons, who worked endlessly to research trigger points, document referral patterns and other symptoms, and bring all of that information to medical practitioners and the general public. Together Doctors Travell and Simons produced a comprehensive two-volume text on the causes and treatment of trigger points, written for physicians. This text is a condensation of those volumes, written for the general public, and for practitioners who don’t need the in-depth knowledge to perform trigger point injections.

    Dr. Janet Travell and Dr. David G. Simons

    Dr. Travell pioneered and researched new pain treatments, including trigger point injections. In her private practice, she began treating Senator John F. Kennedy, who at the time was using crutches due to crippling back pain and was almost unable to walk down just a few stairs. It had become important for presidential candidates to appear physically fit, because of television. Being on crutches probably would have cost President Kennedy the election. Dr. Travell became the first female White House physician, and after President Kennedy died, she stayed on to treat President Johnson. She resigned a year and a half later to return to her passions: teaching, lecturing, and writing about chronic myofascial pain. She continued to work into her nineties and died at the age of ninety-five on August 1, 1997.

    Dr. Simons met Dr. Travell when she lectured at the School of Aerospace Medicine at Brooks Air Force Base in Texas in the 1960s. He soon teamed up with Dr. Travell and began researching the international literature for any references to the treatment of pain. There were a few others out there who were also discovering trigger points but using different terminology. He studied and documented the physiology of trigger points in both laboratory and clinical settings and tried to find scientific explanations for trigger points. He continued to research the physiology of trigger points, update the trigger point volumes he coauthored with Dr. Travell, and review trigger point research articles until his death at the age of 88 on April 5, 2010.

    I am also profoundly grateful to my neuromuscular therapy instructor, Jeanne Aland, who taught me basics about trigger points, and introduced me to the books written by Doctors Travell and Simons. I was told Jeanne passed on a few years ago.

    All three are well-missed. Those familiar with trigger points are extremely grateful for their hard work and dedication. Their work lives on through the hundreds of thousands of patients who have gotten relief because of their research and willingness to train others.

    Other Thanks

    Many additional researchers have contributed to the study of trigger points, and many doctors and other practitioners have taken the time to learn about trigger points and give that information to their patients. I would like to acknowledge all of them for their role in alleviating pain by making this important information available. In particular I would like to thank Dr. Juhani Partanen, who kindly explained the Muscle Spindle hypothesis to me in lay terms, and also took the time to review the chapter Trigger Points — What Are They and What Causes Them? to make sure I had translated scientific language correctly into easier-to-understand terms (this chapter is found in Pain Relief with Trigger Point Self-Help).

    My Background

    I attended massage school in 1989 and learned Swedish massage. I learned to give a very good general massage, but I didn’t feel equipped to treat chronic pain. I was very intrigued by a description of a continuing education certificate course; it was called neuromuscular therapy, which combines myofascial release (a type of deep tissue massage) with treating trigger points. I attended the class in 1991, taught by Jeanne Aland at Heartwood Institute, and it completely changed my approach to treating patients. Once I learned about referral patterns, I was able to consistently resolve chronic pain problems.

    Over my years of treating thousands of patients, I have added my own observations to those of Doctors Travell and Simons, and developed a variety of self-help techniques, which are included in my books.

    In 1999, I received my master’s degree in acupuncture. Since then I’ve been writing trigger point books and articles, teaching trigger point continuing education classes to health care providers, and specializing in treating pain syndromes by combining dry-needling of trigger points with Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis and treatment.

    Valerie DeLaune, LAc

    Chapter 1: Knee, Leg, Ankle, and Foot Pain

    Incidences of leg and foot pain are on a dramatic rise due to an increase in the number of acute injuries, and because of the increasing number of people with medical conditions that affect the legs. The associated medical costs are staggering.

    Acute injuries are most often due to sports injuries caused by improper training (including weekend warrior syndrome). If you are a sports enthusiast, properly warming up with stretches and mild exercise will go a long way toward preventing injuries. Cross-training, or exercises that use different muscle groups in different ways, help by strengthening multiple muscle groups. If you only participate in one or two sports, you will only strengthen certain muscles, allowing others to be deconditioned. This sets you up for acute and chronic injuries, and leads to the formation of trigger points.

    Chronic medical conditions such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, and obesity, which are most often the result of a sedentary lifestyle combined with a poor diet, can also indirectly cause and perpetuate trigger points. Because the muscles in the legs and feet support the entire weight of the body, they can be particularly susceptible to mechanical stresses, and because they are farthest from the heart, they are more likely to suffer from the poor circulation characteristic of these medical conditions.

    This chapter addresses the most common sources of pain from injuries and chronic conditions, and how trigger points can potentially be involved either directly or indirectly.

    Knee Pain

    There can be several causes of knee pain, such as osteoarthritis, problems with the kneecap alignment, inflammation of one of the lubricating sacs of fluid in the knee (true bursitis), and damage to the cartilage, tendons, and ligaments either from overuse injuries or sudden traumatic injuries. If you had a sudden impact to your knee or leg and are experiencing severe pain in the knee area, you will want to see a doctor to be evaluated for structural damage.

    If you have been diagnosed with some kind of tear or rupture, surgery may be necessary to repair the damage. Trigger point self-help techniques will be valuable pre- and post-surgery to keep the muscles as relaxed as possible, to speed healing, and to help minimize the potential long-term effects of peripheral and central sensitization.

    Pain that has come on gradually is more likely due to an overuse injury or an inflammatory process such as bursitis or a degenerative condition such as osteoarthritis. Try the trigger point self-help techniques included in this book to see if you can relieve pain. If you can’t reduce or relieve your pain fairly quickly, you will want to see a health care provider for an evaluation for structural damage. No matter what the cause, you will want to continue to apply pressure to trigger points.

    Some of the more common problems affecting the knee are worth mentioning in more detail, especially those that can either be caused by or cause trigger points, such as osteoarthritis, patellofemoral pain, iliotibial band syndrome, tendinopathies and muscle strains, bursitis, meniscus tears, and ligament sprains and tears.


    Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common joint disorder, and the knee is the joint most commonly affected. The cartilage cushioning the knee joint wears away first and then, as the degeneration progresses, the underlying bone can also wear away. This degeneration process causes the ends of the bones to become thicker, and they may form osteophytes, or spurs. It is presently unclear at which stage in the degeneration process that the joint becomes painful. While pain from OA is usually localized to the affected joint, hip OA may cause knee pain.

    Symptoms may include a deep aching pain in the joint that gets worse after exercise or when putting weight on it, stiffness, limited mobility, a grating sound, joint swelling, and pain that is worse at night and with rainy weather. Resting the joint gives you relief. In the earlier stages, the pain may be episodic, but in advanced stages pain may be constant.

    Risk factors are age, obesity, muscle weakness, and past injury. Women are affected more often than men. Almost half of American adults may develop osteoarthritis in at least one knee by age 85, with the likelihood increasing both with age, and as body mass increases with weight problems. Sixty-six percent of obese adults will develop osteoarthritis in one or both knees. Other risk factors include structural malalignment, muscle weakness, genetic predisposition, and certain professions that require hard labor, heavy lifting, knee bending, and repetitive motion. Once knee osteoarthritis degeneration starts, it becomes a vicious cycle. Your knee hurts, so you exercise less, which leads to muscle weakness and possibly to weight gain, which adds to the degeneration progression.

    Both osteoarthritis and inflammatory joint disease can induce pain beyond the region of the joint and eventually form trigger points in the surrounding muscles. This may be why people with joint replacements still experience pain—it could be a result of trigger point pain referral, even though trigger points were not originally part of the underlying disease.

    While advancing age and genetic predisposition are not within your control, modifying your work environment with correct ergonomic furniture and changing the way you use your body, along with changing your diet (if necessary) are things you can do fairly easily and relatively inexpensively. Structural malalignments and muscle weakness can

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