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The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims
The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims
The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims
Ebook66 pages44 minutes

The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims

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The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims is a compendium of 20 Christian Life inspiring and motivating poems, written to provide and offer comfort, guidance, revival, as well as warning to Christian pilgrims and every other person out there. The poems in this piece differ in style. Some are song-like, some point to personal life experiences, while others are quotes from Biblical passages.

It is a piece for sinners, the free thinkers, backsliders, as well as standing Christians. It is for Christian leaders, workers, as well as members.

Release dateAug 30, 2017
The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims

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    The Glorious Morning Poems for Christian Pilgrims - Ezuo Chima S.



    I dedicate this great work to the Almighty God for His eternal love for me; to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for making me a special son in His Kingdom; and to the Blessed Holy Spirit for choosing and inspiring me to pen down this piece.

    Moreover, I dedicate this work to the oppressed children of the world, for whom I am brought into this world. May God enlighten their darkness.

    All Glory to God!


    I wish to use this medium to acknowledge many special people, whose encouragement and contributions in one way or the other, helped in very many ways to make this dream a reality. The following persons are worthy of appreciation:

    Mr Anthony Ezuo (of blessed memory), my late father who laid my educational foundation, in spite of the abject poverty of the family, as he believed in a future so bright. I only regret he is not here today to appreciate the fruit of his labour.

    Mrs Benadeth Ezuo, my beloved mother, whose living sight has always inspired me to aspire for greatness in life. She always wishes me well as well as prays for me.

    Mrs Onyinyechi Jacinta Okechukwu, the most beloved of all my siblings, who always encourage me in spite of all odds.

    Master Chinonso Ezuo (of blessed memory), my little brother who stood for me and embraced the death that could have crushed me. I am raising a foundation for him.

    Pastor Samuel Ofondu, a friend so beloved; he is one who understands me better than any other in this life. His encouragement spurred me to pick up my pen, when I had nearly dropped it. May God bless his soul.

    Sister Esther Ureh, a beloved daughter and friend in the Lord; she means so much to me.

    Mrs ChikaChima Ezuo, my beloved wife and closest friend.

    Publiseer Publishing, for creating a platform that enables people of low capital like me to publish their works. Your support has been awesome, I appreciate.

    To all oppressed and poor children of the world, my brothers and sisters in hope of a bright future. I am committed to you all.


    The piece of work you are about to read, is a systematic compilation of an inspired work of the Blessed Holy Spirit through the human instrument of His servant, Brother Chima Sabastine Ezuo.

    The writer of this piece was neither a famous poet nor a celebrated orator before this work was produced. Hence, whatever poetic expertise you might recognise in this piece is the handiwork of the divine inspiration through a yielded vessel.

    The entire poems in this piece were written at different times, under different moods and for different kinds of people. Needful to point out, the majority of the poems were written at nights. It took the writer about two years to compose and organise this work in readiness for publication.

    The two year-span employed to compose and organise this work was not due to inspirational leakage, but

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