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Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper
Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper
Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper
Ebook175 pages51 minutes

Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper

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About this ebook

A beginner's guide to wind power and an invitation to experiment with wind and its potential as an energy source.

Wind-powered generators are now used worldwide as a reliable source of "green" energy. How does wind create power? What is wind? What scientific characteristics make pinwheels, windmills and wind turbines spin? What makes them turn faster and more efficiently? Will we ever see a day when every home is powered by its own wind generator? This new book answers these critical questions and many more in clear, non-technical language.

Wind Power provides 20 unique projects for youth that use, adapt and illustrate the power of the wind. Artist Clive Dobson provides a basic scientific understanding of wind power and the ways in which it can be harnessed for vital tasks that require energy.

The book encourages young readers to experiment with wind so they can experience the properties of moving air on various windmill shapes and discover through trial and error what makes them effective for toys, artwork, kinetic power and even for generating electricity.

This ideal beginner's guide to the power of the wind offers:

  • Real-life examples of wind power from history and current everyday uses
  • 20 projects for all ages and skill levels, from a simple two-blade pinwheel to a sophisticated six-sail windmill to a modern turbine with airfoil blades
  • Clear illustrations and photographs that complement the step-by-step construction instructions
  • Hands-on experience that provides a clear understanding of scientific principles
  • Inspiration for beginners to experiment with wind
  • Reflections on the modern use of wind power in building a sustainable future

The creative challenges in this compact book of projects will inspire future generations to become more self-sufficient.

PublisherFirefly Books
Release dateSep 2, 2015
Wind Power: 20 Projects to Make with Paper

Clive Dobson

by Clive Dobson

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    Book preview

    Wind Power - Clive Dobson

    Published by Firefly Books Ltd. 2010

    Copyright ©2010 Firefly Books Ltd.

    Text copyright ©2010 Clive Dobson

    Illustrations copyright ©2010 Clive Dobson

    Photographs copyright ©2010 Clive Dobson except as noted

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by 

    any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

    The publisher gratefully acknowledges the financial support for our publishing program by the 

    Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund as administered by the Department of Canadian Heritage.

    Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

    Dobson, Clive, 1949- 

           Wind power : 20 projects to make with paper / Clive Dobson. 

    Includes bibliographical references and index. 

    ISBN-13: 978-1-55407-749-6 (pbk.)     ISBN-10: 1-55407-749-4 (pbk.)   

    ISBN-13: 978-1-55407-659-8 (bound)     ISBN-10: 1-55407-659-5 (bound) 

           1. Wind power--Juvenile literature.  2. Paper work--Juvenile literature. I. Title. 

    TJ820.D62 2010      j621.31’2136      C2010-903669-7

    Publisher Cataloging-in-Publication Data (U.S.)

    Dobson, Clive.

        Wind power : 20 projects to make with paper / Clive Dobson. 

    [96] p. : ill. (some col.), col. photos. ;   cm. 

    Includes bibliographic references and index.

    Summary: Projects for youth that use, adapt and illustrate the power of the wind. Includes a basic scientific understanding 

    of wind power and the ways in which it can be harnessed for vital tasks that require energy.

    ISBN-13: 978-1-55407-749-6 (pbk.)     ISBN-10: 1-55407-749-4 (pbk.)   

    ISBN-13: 978-1-55407-659-8 (bound)     ISBN-10: 1-55407-659-5 (bound) 

    1. Wind power – Juvenile literature.  2. Science projects – Juvenile literature.  I. Title.           

    621.45 dc22      TJ820.D6376   2010

    Published in the United States by

    Firefly Books (U.S.) Inc.

    P.O. Box 1338, Ellicott Station,

    Buffalo, New York  14205

    Published in Canada by

    Firefly Books Ltd.

    50 Staples Ave,

    Richmond Hill, Ontario  L4B 0A7

    Cover design: McCorkindale Advertising & Design

    eBook Design: George Walker, Firefly Books Ltd.

    Photography editing by Jolie Dobson Photography




    The power of the Sun

    Prevailing winds

    Seeing wind

    Measuring wind

    The Beaufort Wind Force Scale

    A Short History of Wind Power

    From Egypt to Persia and the Mediterranean: sailing and the first windmills

    A good idea spreads northward

    500 years to perfect the windmill

    The Industrial Revolution

    Pumping water for livestock in America

    Generating electricity

    Experimenting with electricity

    Common sense and the Jacobs wind turbine

    The Gedser Mollen

    NASA and beyond

    Some Basic Principles

    Sailboats and windmills

    Windmills with sails

    Angle of attack


    Airfoils, lift and drag

    Bernoulli’s Principle

    Airfoils and wind turbines


    Betz’s Law

    Hurricane winds


    Pulse and vibration

    A question of size

    Hawts versus Vawts

    Pros and cons of horizontal axis wind turbines versus vertical axis wind turbines

    Experimenting With Wind






    Horizontal Axis Wind Turbines


    Construction tips

    2-Blade Pinwheel

    3-Blade Pinwheel

    4-Blade Pinwheel

    5-Blade Pinwheel

    6-Blade Pinwheel

    Experimental Windmills

    X Windmill A

    X Windmill B

    X Windmill C


    6-Blade Windmill

    12-Blade Windmill

    Square HAWT 1

    Square HAWT 2

    6-Blade Star

    Experimental HAWTs

    X HAWT A

    X HAWT B and X HAWT C

    Sunflower Turbine

    Modern Wind Turbines

    Modern Turbine

    Modern Turbine with Airfoil Blades

    Vertical Axis Wind Turbines

    2-Blade VAWT


    3-Blade VAWT

    X 3-Blade VAWT

    Easy 6-Blade VAWT

    6-Blade VAWT


    Squirrel Cage

    The Future of Wind Power


    Photo Credits

    Sources and Resources

    New and old: Giant wind turbines generating electrical power and a ranch water-pumping windmill at Rio Vista, California.


    As the true method of knowledge is experiment

    the true faculty of knowing must be the faculty 

    which experiences. — William Blake, 1788

    Although this quote from the poet William Blake is taken out of its original context, it is relevant to the intentions of this book. Through experimentation with pinwheels and other small turbines you design and make for yourself out of simple materials and using basic geometry, you can learn more about the power of wind. You can experience the properties of moving air on various forms and discover through trial and error what makes them effective — or not — for toys, artwork, kinetic power and even for generating electricity. The forms your projects can take are almost as infinite and limitless as the wind itself.

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