Mastering Apache Camel
About this ebook
- Integrate your applications with Apache Camel and enhance efficiency and scalability
- Master all the EIPs supported by Apache Camel as well as advanced features like error handling and testing
- Packed with practical examples and use cases that will help you excel in enterprise integration
This book is intended for all Camel users who want to get the best out of Camel, and who want to implement the most efficient integration logic using best practices.
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Mastering Apache Camel - Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Table of Contents
Mastering Apache Camel
About the Author
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1. Key Features
What is Apache Camel?
Components and bean support
Predicates and expressions
Data format and type conversion
Easy configuration and URI
Lightweight and different deployment topologies
Quick prototyping and testing support
Management and monitoring using JMX
Active community
2. Core Concepts
Camel context
Domain Specific Languages (DSL)
Component, endpoint, producer, and consumer
Data format
Type converter
3. Routing and Processors
What is a processor?
An example of Camel routes containing processors
Prefixer processor
Creating a route using Java DSL
Route using Camel Blueprint DSL
4. Beans
Creating CompositeRegistry
Service activator
Bean and method bindings
Annotations for expression languages
Example – creating an OSGi bundle with a bean
Creating the MyBean class
Writing a route definition using the Camel Blueprint DSL
Building and deploying
5. Enterprise Integration Patterns
EIP processors
Messaging systems EIPs
Message Channel
The implicit pipeline
The explicit pipeline
Message router
Message Translator
The transform notation
Using processor or bean
Message Endpoint
Messaging channels EIPs
Point To Point Channel
Publish Subscribe Channel
Dead Letter Channel
Guaranteed Delivery
Message Bus
Message Construction EIPs
The Event Message EIP
The Request Reply EIP
The Correlation Identifier EIP
The Return Address EIP
Message Routing
The Content Based Router EIP
The Message Filter EIP
The Dynamic Router EIP
Multicast and Recipient List EIPs
The Multicast EIP
The Recipient List EIP
The Splitter and Aggregator EIPs
The Splitter EIP
The Resequencer EIP
The Composed Message Processor EIP
The Scatter-Gather EIP
The Routing Slip EIP
The Throttler and Sampling EIPs
The Throttler EIP
The Sampling EIP
The Delayer EIP
The Load Balancer EIP
The Loop EIP
Message Transformation EIPs
The Content Enricher EIP
The Content Filter EIP
The Claim Check EIP
The Normalizer EIP
The Sort EIP
The Validate EIP
The Messaging Endpoints EIPs
The Messaging Mapper EIP
The Event Driven Consumer EIP
The Polling Consumer EIP
The Competing Consumer EIP
The Message Dispatcher EIP
The Selective Consumer EIP
The Durable Subscriber EIP
The Idempotent Consumer EIP
The Transactional Client EIP
The Message Gateway and Service Activator EIPs
System Management EIPs
The ControlBus EIP
The Detour EIP
The Wire Tap EIP
The Message History EIP
The Log EIP
6. Components and Endpoints
Bootstrapping a component
A custom component example
7. Error Handling
Types of errors
Recoverable errors
Irrecoverable errors
Camel error handlers
Non-transacted error handlers
Error handlers scopes
Error handler features
Exception policy
Handling and ignoring exceptions
A failover solution
Try, Catch, and Finally
8. Testing
Unit test approach with the Camel test kit
JUnit extensions
The mock component
Using MockComponent
A complete example
Additional annotations
Mocking OSGi services
Mastering Apache Camel
Mastering Apache Camel
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First published: June 2015
Production reference: 1250615
Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.
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ISBN 978-1-78217-315-1
Jean-Baptiste Onofré
Volker Kueffel
Carsten Ringe
Phil Wilkins
Commissioning Editor
Amarabha Banerjee
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Meeta Rajani
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Vijay Kushlani
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Melwyn D'sa
Cover Work
Melwyn D'sa
About the Author
Jean-Baptiste Onofré is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and he has been involved in Apache projects for about 10 years. He's the PMC chair of Apache Karaf and its subprojects, including Cellar, Cave, and EIK.
He's also a PMC member of Apache ACE, Apache ServiceMix, and Apache Syncope, and he is a committer for Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Archiva, Apache Aries, Apache Camel, and Apache jClouds.
He's currently working at Talend ( as a software architect and is a member of the Talend Apache team.
He has provided articles on Java technologies for GNU/Linux magazine France and has worked as an author and a reviewer on different books, such as Learning Karaf Cellar and Apache Karaf Cookbook, both by Packt Publishing.
He has also given talks on Apache projects, such as Karaf and Camel, at different conferences, especially ApacheCon NA and Europe, CamelOne, and so on.
I would like to thank the whole Camel and Karaf team, especially Guillaume Nodet, Achim Nierbeck, Jamie Goodyear, Ioannis Canellos, Claus Ibsen, and all the others. We are a great team, and you do a great job.
I would also like to thank my wife, Lucile, who accepted that I spent some nights on this book.
About the Reviewers
Volker Kueffel has been a software engineer and architect for almost two decades and has been developing software since he was a teenager. A physicist by trade, he has worked on large-scale data systems in various verticals of the software industry, spanning from online travel, mobile, and enterprise applications to online advertising. He introduced Apache Camel into one of his projects where it has successfully served as a major system component for several years. Volker is a native of Germany and currently lives with his family in San Francisco, California.
Carsten Ringe is a software developer by heart and has been working in different industries, from defense to agriculture and logistics, in the last 10 years. Over the last couple of years, he has spent his time with Apache Camel building a scalable integration platform for a large logistics enterprise.
Phil Wilkins has spent over 25 years in the software industry, working for both multinationals and software startups. He started out as a developer and has worked his way up through technical and development leadership roles, primarily in Java-based environments. He now works as an enterprise technical architect within the IT group for a global optical healthcare manufacturer and retailer using Oracle Middleware, Cloud and RedHat JBoss technologies.
Outside of his work commitments, he has contributed his technical capabilities to supporting others in a wide range of activities from the development of community websites, to providing input and support to people authoring books and developing software ideas and businesses, including reviewing a range of technical books for Packt and other publishers. He is also a blogger and a participant in the Oracle middleware community.
When not immersed in work and technology, he spends his time pursuing his passion for music and with his wife and two boys.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank my wife, Catherine, and our two sons, Christopher and Aaron, for their tolerance and for the innumerable hours that I've spent in front of a computer, contributing to activities for both, my employer and many other IT-related activities that I've supported over the years.
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Apache Camel has slowly emerged as the main framework for integration. It provides a very flexible and efficient way to integrate applications and systems all together.
Camel provides a complete set of features, based on simple but powerful concepts, allowing you to easily implement very rich integration logic.
Using this book, you will have a detailed understanding, with how to steps to implement integration logics.
What this book covers
Chapter 1, Key Features, introduces what Camel is and the provided key features.
Chapter 2, Core Concepts, introduces the basis of all the functionalities provided by Camel.
Chapter 3, Routing and Processors, introduces Camel routing and the usage of processors.
Chapter 4, Beans, explains how to use beans in Camel routes and the different registries in which the beans live.
Chapter 5, Enterprise Integration Patterns, introduces one of the most interesting features of Camel—the ready-to-use patterns, which serve as an answer to classic integration problems.
Chapter 6, Components and Endpoints, introduces Camel components and endpoints, both how to use them and implement your own.
Chapter 7, Error Handling, introduces how to deal with errors in Camel routes.
Chapter 8, Testing, introduces how to implement both unit tests and integration tests on your Camel routes.
What you need for this book
For this book, the software required will be as follows:
Operating systems (any system supporting Java):
Windows 7 or superior
Unix (Linux)
Java DK 1.7
Apache Karaf 3.0.3
Who this book is for
This book is for developers who want to implement integration logic using Apache Camel. They will get details about Camel, from basic usage, up to the custom development of their own components.
Thanks to the first few chapters, even beginners unfamiliar with Camel will receive a comprehensive look into Camel before jumping into the details.
In this book, you will find a number of text styles that distinguish between different kinds of information. Here are some examples of these styles and an explanation of their meaning.
Code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles are shown as follows: A message is described in the org.apache.camel.Message interface.
A block of code is set as follows:
public class MyProcessor implements Processor {
public void process(Exchange exchange) {
+ exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class));
Any command-line input or output is written as follows:
$ mvn clean install
Warnings or important notes appear in a box like this.
Tips and tricks appear like this.
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Chapter 1. Key Features
After a quick introduction about what Apache Camel is, this chapter will introduce the key features provided by Camel. It provides just an overview of these features; the details will come in dedicated chapters.
In an enterprise, you see a lot of different software and systems in the IT ecosystem. In order to consolidate the data and sync the systems, the enterprise would want to implement communication and integration of these systems. This communication or integration is not so easy, as we have to deal with the specifications on each system the protocol and the message's data format are different most of the time, so we have to transform and adapt to